What's New Archive
May 31, 2004
May 28, 2004
May 27, 2004
May 24, 2004
Fayette County Commissioner's Court officially adopts
a Resolution in opposition to the Trans-Texas Corridor.
A story in the Tyler Daily Telegraph shares
concern about public participation in the Trans-Texas Corridor project.
founder Linda Stall participates in the TTC-35 Tier-I meeting in
May 23, 2004
Transportation Commission
Chairman Ric Williamson authors a guest opinion/editorial
in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. In this very lengthy piece he
touches on the Trans-Texas Corridor. The first of four primary funding
options he lists, is comprehensive development agreements. He
also goes on to describe that, "funding options include leasing
right-of-way." [link]
May 22, 2004
May 17, 2004
A headline in this month's The Sentinel reads, "Trans-Texas
Corridor and the New Eminent Domain." The two and
one-half page article describes the TTC and several of the new property
rights concerns that it raises. The article includes a
quote from Linda Stall of CorridorWatch.org
and points readers to the CorridorWatch.org
website. [more]
May 12, 2004
A headline in today's Corsican Daily Sun reads, "Residents
express dismay over transportation issue: Proposed corridor met with
It was reported that, "No local residents voicing support of the
proposed project could be found in attendance." [more]
May 7, 2004
May 6, 2004
May 4, 2004
April 29, 2004
April 27, 2004
An article, "Taking Its Toll: Is the state's
massive new transportation plan a path to the future or a road to
nowhere?" appears on page 76 of the May 2004 issue of Texas
Monthly. The article questions several aspects of the Trans
Texas Corridor, but merely scratches the surface. Hopefully it will spur
readers to do a little research of their own. (Welcome to
The draft agenda for the April 29, 2004, Texas
Transportation Commission suggests that the Commission may issue a
Minute Order authorizing the Executive Director or his designee to enter
into necessary agreements to acquire the Camino Colombia toll road.
has reviewed TxDOT's sign-in sheets from the March 23, 2004 public
hearing in LaGrange, Texas. Sixty-three pages list 703 participants.
Since we were there and know that many participants refused or just
didn't sign-in, we're still estimating 750 to 800 in attendance.
As of today CorridorWatch.org
has members in fifty Texas counties!
April 25, 2004
April 23, 2004
April 22, 2004
April 16, 2004
April 15, 2004
Story in today's The Victoria Advocate reads, "Some
voice ire at Trans-Texas Corridor proposal."
In the article it was reported that, "some
area residents voiced concerns over property rights and a lack of
necessity for the road." The article included
quotes from by Linda and
David Stall of CorridorWatch.org
about the Trans Texas Corridor. [more]
A letter to the editor of The Victoria Advocate
from David Stall of CorridorWatch.org
appears in today's issue. The letter is in response to a guest editorial
of TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens that appears in The Victoria Advocate
on April 3, 2004. [link]
leadership attends the TTC/I-69 Tier I scoping study public meeting in
Rosenberg, Texas.
April 13, 2004
April 12, 2004
April 8, 2004
A story in today's Tyler Morning Telegraph
is headlined, "TxDOT provides public a chance to give its
input." The article discusses that very few (less than 50)
people participated in the Tyler environmental meeting for a
district 614,000 population. [more]
membership growth continues with the addition of many new members and the
addition of two more counties. We now have members in forty
Texas counties!
April 7, 2004
Transportation Commissioner Robert Nichols
says CorridorWatch.org is using
scare tactics. We respond. [more]
A top story in today's Tyler Morning Telegraph
is headlined, "TxDOT project scrutinized." The story includes information about CorridorWatch.org
and 'state officials' label our critical view as a
scare tactic based on misinformation.
TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens submits a
letter to the The Colorado County Citizen editor. In his letter Behrens
continues addressing questions raised about the Trans-Texas
Corridor at the March 23rd meeting in LaGrange.
responds to TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens' April 7, 2004,
letter to the The Colorado County Citizen editor.
April 6, 2004
Initial Trans-Texas Corridor segments have been given
the temporary designation TTC-35 and TTC-69.
The TTC-35 environmental process is underway. The
schedule published by TxDOT shows that a Comprehensive Development
Agreement (contract for design, construction, & operation) to be awarded
sometime between Fall 2004 to Winter 2005. [link]
Counties in the TTC-35 Tier I Study Area include
Gonzales, Bastrop, Fayette, Lee, Milam, Falls
Limestone, Navarro, Hill and many more. [link]
membership growth continues with more new members and another
new county. We now have members in thirty-eight
Texas counties!
April 5, 2004
April 1, 2004
Front page headline of today's The Banner Press reads, "TxDOT
defends corridor plan to packed house in LaGrange." The lead front page
story includes information about CorridorWatch.org.
TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens' submits a
letter to the The Banner Press editor. In his letter Behrens
acknowledged the community concern about the Trans-Texas Corridor and
that he will be addressing questions raise in this and additional
letters to be published over the next few weeks.
responds to TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens' April 1, 2004,
letter to the The Banner Press editor.
membership growth continues with the addition of Runnels
County, our thirty-fifth
Texas county!
March 31, 2004
Front page story on today's The Victoria Advocate reads, "Victoria
water group opposes plans for Trans-Texas Corridor."
A lengthy article provided coverage of a presentation made by Linda and
David Stall of CorridorWatch.org
about the Trans Texas Corridor. [more]
Front page story on today's Colorado County
Citizen reads, "State hears corridor
opposition; TxDot officials field a tough crowd."
"The lack of concrete answers irritated the
standing room only crowd more than once and tempers flared."
March 30, 2004
Front page headline of today's The Fayette County Record reads, "Anger
At TxDOT And Transportation Commission Exhibited At Corridor Meeting."
Lead story and front page photograph of the full house in LaGrange.
"Most of those in the crowd seemed dissatisfied with what they heard and
berated [TxDOT Executive Director] Behrens several times for not
answering the questions." [more]
membership growth continues with the addition of a member in Maverick
County, our thirty-fourth
Texas county!
March 29, 2004
March 27, 2004
March 26, 2004
membership growth continues to accelerate with members in thirty-three
Texas counties!
A search engine is added to the CorridorWatch.org
website. This feature will help visitors quickly locate information. See
home page.
March 25, 2004
The March 23rd Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange
and CorridorWatch.org receive newspaper exposure
on today's front page of the Victoria Advocate
(Victoria County). The story is titled, "Fayette farmers say
no to transportation proposal," [more]
The LaGrange hearing is the topic of a front page
headline story in today's The Weimar Mercury
(Colorado County) reads, "Trans Texas Corridor Opposition
Strong." [more]
March 24, 2004
March 23, 2004
An estimated 800 crowded the Community Center in
LaGrange to ask questions and voice concerns about the Trans Texas
New information added about failed Laredo Toll Road.
March 20, 2004
and the March 23rd meeting in LaGrange receives more newspaper exposure.
Sunday's issue of the Brenham Banner-Press
(Washington County)
hit the stands carrying a front page story, "Second meeting scheduled on
'superhighways'." [more]
membership growth accelerates with members now in thirty
Texas counties!

March 19, 2004
March 17, 2004
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka appears
on the Texas State Network News (radio network) calling attention
to the Trans Texas Corridor opposition. [more]
Sierra Club expresses concern over special
'experimental project' status granted the Trans Texas Corridor.
receives more newspaper exposure. Front page headline of the Colorado County Citizen
reads, "Stalls call attention to corridor problems."
membership extends into three more counties! Add Bandera, Bailey and
Tarrant Counties.
March 16, 2004
Transportation Commission
Chairman Ric Williamson held an 11am Austin press conference today
with Federal Highway Administrator Mary
Peters to announce 'experimental project' designation for a
portion of the Trans Texas Corridor. Under this streamlined
process public hearings will not have to be completed before work on the
Corridor can begin. [more]
responds to the Federal Highway Administration's Trans Texas Corridor
(IH-35) 'experimental project' designation with comments from Linda
Stall appearing in today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram and The
Miami Herald.
Linda Stall made a
presentation to the LaGrange Lions Club and encouraged attendance at TxDOT's
March 23rd TTC Public Hearing in LaGrange.
membership extends into Brazos County, our twenty-second county!
March 15, 2004
A portion of the Trans Texas Corridor (IH-35) will be
designated an 'experimental project' by the Federal Highway
Administration. In an effort to speed the Trans
Texas Corridor construction Federal environmental restrictions will be
loosened. This action will be announced in Austin March 16 by
Federal Highway Administrator Mary Peters. During a state Senate
committee hearing today, Peters said, "With the Trans Texas Corridor
plan, Texas offers a bold concept for surface transportation that can
provide a model for other states to follow."
March 13, 2004
has been busy doing lots of research... Look at this quote from
Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson,
"The truth is this is a 50-year
plan with an emphasis on the first ten years to get moving and to focus
on the primary corridors as quickly as possible to relieve
congestion and move hazardous material out of our current urbanized
(June 27,
2002) [more]
membership now extends into Wharton County, it's our twentieth county!
March 12, 2004
CorridorWatch.org receives
additional radio exposure in advance of the TxDOT public hearing in
LaGrange. AM Radio 1280 KWHI in Brenham interviewed Linda Stall for the
second time. Her
comments about the Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange and
CorridorWatch.org will air on the local news
Monday, March 15.
The Fayette County Record prints a front page
titled, "TxDOT Schedules Second Meeting In County." [more]
Today's Banner Press publicizes the March 23rd
Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange.

The Official CorridorWatch.org
Mission Statement and position is posted.
Fayette County Groundwater Conservation District
adds a CorridorWatch.org link to
their website.
After only two weeks, CorridorWatch.org
membership extends into twenty Texas counties!
March 11, 2004
membership extends into nineteen Texas counties!
The Schulenburg Sticker features a front page
headline story
titled, "Additional meeting called for on Trans-Texas
Corridor project." The story ends with a reference to
Today's Weimar Mercury publicizes the March 23rd
Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange. Front page article
titled, "Trans-Texas Corridor Public Meeting March 23."
March 10, 2004
March 9, 2004
membership now extends into sixteen Texas counties!
Only sixteen days after going on the Internet, CorridorWatch.org
is indexed by Google™, our favorite search engine.
At 10:19 a.m. TxDOT added the LaGrange Public Hearing
to the list of hearings on their TTC website.
March 8, 2004
is the subject of an article that ran in today's transportation column of the
Star-Telegram newspaper (Ft.Worth). The piece is titled, "Corridor
foes use Internet as soapbox." [more]
membership now extends into fifteen Texas counties!
March 7, 2004
The CorridorWatch.org
cause is featured in today's Sunday edition of the Austin
American-Statesman newspaper (Metro & State section, front
page). In the article titled, "Transportation corridor plans stir
Centeral Texans' rural revolt," CorridorWatch.org
founder Linda Stall is credited with having, "... turned into
something of a nightmare for the state Transportation Department." [more]
[our reply to
TxDOT comments]
is Two Weeks Old Today! We are off to a good start. The next two weeks
will be very important in establishing our effort as a serious statewide
concern. We have a plan and we're on schedule. Stay Tuned!
membership extends into fourteen Texas counties!
March 6, 2004

An overview page providing a description of the Trans
Texas Corridor was added for those unfamiliar with the project.
[link] March 5, 2004
- CorridorWatch.org
membership extends into eleven Texas counties!
March 4, 2004
Brewster and Jeff Davis Counties
express concern about the Corridor.
We have been asked many times if
this has been proposed or done in another state. The short answer is no.
However, some of the same bond, financial and toll schemes have been
attempted in other state. One of the most recent examples is in
California, where it was a resounding failure.
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka takes
to the radio waves to personally announce the March 23, 2004 TxDOT Trans
Texas Corridor Public Hearing.
membership continues a steady climb. We now extend into nine counties!
March 3, 2004
TxDOT has agreed to honor
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka's
request for another Public Hearing. The meeting will be held on Tuesday
March 23, 2004, at 7:00 pm, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 190 S Brown
Street, LaGrange (Fayette County). CorridorWatch.org confirmed today
(with TxDOT) that TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens, P.E., will
be in attendance. [more]
San Antonio news radio WOAI 1200
AM airs a news piece about the Trans Texas Corridor including comments
from CorridorWatch.org spokeswoman
Linda Stall. The brief segment addresses cost, length and rural impact.
March 2, 2004
Linda Stall gives an interview to
San Antonio New Reporter Bud Little of AM radio WOAI 1200.
Linda Stall makes a speaking
appearance at the Weimar Lions Club to share information about the Trans
Texas Corridor and CorridorWatch.org.
David Stall makes a speaking appearance at the Columbus Rotary Club to
share information about the Trans Texas Corridor and CorridorWatch.org
March 1, 2004
membership takes-off as we extend into seven counties!
Fayette County TTC meeting
generates lots of press. A front page headline article proclaims, "TxDOT
Presents Corridor Plan To Overflow Crowd."
February 29, 2004
is One Week Old Today! If you thought that we did a lot in our first
week, wait until you see what we have in-store for next week.
issues it's second press release.
February 28, 2004
February 27, 2004
creates five Newsletters to keep the public, members and others well
CorridorWatch.org receives
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). Radio KBUK FM 104.9 in LaGrange interviewed Fayette County
Judge Ed Janecka for his
comments about the Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange as well as
his request for another hearing in Fayette County.
February 26, 2004
A CorridorWatch.org volunteer
will attend TxDOT's Wharton County TTC Public
Hearing in Wharton. This is the last hearing in the Yoakum District
(same district as Colorado and Fayette counties). The volunteer has offered to read the homepage of
CorridorWatch.org as his public comment and hand out copies to the
issues it's first press release.
CorridorWatch.org receives
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). Radio 1280 KWHI in Brenham interviewed Linda Stall for her
comments about the Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange and
CorridorWatch.org for the local news.
CorridorWatch.org receives
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). The Weimar Mercury
reads, "Corridor Plan Draws Concerns."
February 25, 2004
TxDOT's Fayette County TTC Public
Hearing held in LaGrange was attended by more than 70 people, one of the
largest turn outs for any TTC hearing in the state! The room wasn't even
big enough to get everyone inside. Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka
called for another meeting in his county in a facility large enough to
accommodate everyone who would like to attend. Judge Janecka
also insisted that Governor Perry and Transportation Commission Chairman
Ric Williamson come explain the Trans Texas Corridor to the people of
his county. Those in attendance were disappointed that the TxDOT
officials present could not, or would not, answer any questions about
the Corridor. The TxDOT District Engineer agreed to have another
Fayette County meeting on a date coordinated with the Judge in March.
CorridorWatch.org receives
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). Front page headline of the Colorado County Citizen
reads, "Trans-TX Corridor hearing hears opposition."
TxDOT's Colorado County hearing
and Corridor project draws negative editorial in Colorado County Citizen.
Linda Stall made a
presentation to the LaGrange Rotary Club and encouraged attendance at TxDOT's Fayette County TTC Public Hearing in LaGrange.
CorridorWatch.org News Clippings
page added to CorridorWatch.org.
Text of Ric Williamson's March 25,
2003 presentation to the House Transportation Committee is added to
CorridorWatch.org. [text]
February 24, 2004
CorridorWatch.org receives radio
exposure in advance of the TxDOT TCC public hearing in LaGrange.
Linda Stall made a brief
appearance at the LaGrange Lions Club to encourage attendance at TxDOT's
Fayette County TTC Public Hearing in LaGrange on February 25, 2004.
David Stall made a brief
appearance at the Columbus Rotary Club to encourage attendance at TxDOT's
Fayette County TTC Public Hearing in LaGrange on February 25, 2004.
February 22, 2004
February 21, 2004
February 19, 2004

Thank you for your time and interest.
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Wednesday January 17, 2007 |