In The
November 1, 2004
founder David Stall appeared as a guest on Bob Dacy's Simple Truth,
a one-hour Austin Community Television (cable access) program in Austin,
Texas. Austin has been a hotbed of controversy since plans were
announced and adopted (over significant public objections) to create
more than a half-dozen toll road projects in and around Austin. David
discussed how toll roads and toll conversion are the ‘tip of the
25, 2004
founders David and Linda Stall took the opportunity to meet with media
during the TTC-35 public meeting held in Austin. As a result, Austin’s
NBC affiliate KXAN Channel 36 News aired significant portions an
on-camera interview with David Stall discussing some of his concerns
about the Trans-Texas Corridor. This appeared on their 10 o’clock news
program. You can see the 2 minute and 48 second video clip with RealOne
Player at:
July 17, 2004
Front page headline of the
El Campo Leader-News reads, "Public
asks: can you get there from here?: Trans Texas corridor draws concerns." The
article reports
Representative Glenn Hegar
[R-Katy] as saying, "Did I vote for it (the
corridor's enabling legislation)? Yes. Did I know everything that was in
it? No." Like many Texans Hegar, "was not aware of the ramifications of
the proposed corridor." co-founder David
Stall addressed some 100 citizens of the community of El Campo at the
invitation of the El Campo Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture and the
City Development Corporation. The public was joined at the civic center
by local and county officials as well as their
State Representative Glenn Hegar. Participants called upon
Rep. Hegar to explain his thoughts and position on the Corridor. In
response he told the group that the corridor may not be the statewide
solution. Of those in attendance, only one gentleman in spoke in favor
of corridor project while dozens more expressed their concern and
displeasure. Several called on those in the room to spread the word and
call their friends and neighbors to action. One citizen called on the
Chamber leadership to provide the public with names and mailing address
of state officials.
The closing quote in the article was from Rep. Hegar speaking about the
legislative session in January, "We can go in and rip up this bill and
throw it in the trash by repealing everything in it, or we can try to
fix it."
July 6, 2004
The July 4th story in the Sunday edition of the San
Antonio Express News, "Critics
unified on toll roads," has been picked up by Associated
Press leading to the headline that reads, "Statewide toll roads
plan draws criticism," in today's issue of newspapers across
the state including the Fort Worth Star Telegram and Houston Chronicle. The article starts,
"Two Republican activists joined by a rural Democratic legislator
are fueling opposition to a 50-year plan ushered by GOP Gov. Rick Perry
to build 4,000 miles of Texas toll roads and rail lines."
The article includes reference to, "Corridor
Watch, which opposes using transportation projects to
generate state funds, converting highways to toll roads or granting
vendors control of public land or infrastructure, which are elements of
the corridor strategy."
July 4, 2004
Front page headline of the Metro section in today's
San Antonio Express News reads, "Critics
unified on toll roads." The
article reports
Representative Robby Cook
[D-Eagle Lake] as wanting to slow down or
possibly cancel the Trans-Texas Corridor
plan. Cook is quoted as saying the state,
"is moving way too fast. I don't think the
general public is aware of all the
information they need to know and whether or
not this is good for all areas."
Fayette County Judge
Ed Janecka calls the plan a
"joke" while
Transportation Commission Chairman Ric
Williamson responds, "you
can't say the idea is a joke when you've got
three international companies proposing
multibillion-dollar investments in the first
piece." The article includes
references to David and Linda Stall of
and their efforts to win approval of the Republican Party for a plank in
the state party's platform calling for repeal of the law authorizing the
corridor. The article also states's
opposition to, "using transportation projects to generate state funds,
converting highways to toll roads or granting vendors control of public
land or infrastructure — elements of the corridor strategy." [link]
May 17, 2004
A headline in this month's The Sentinel (V.12,
No.1) reads, "Trans-Texas Corridor
and the New Eminent Domain." The two and one-half page
article describes the TTC and several of the concerns that it raises,
especially in regard to property rights . The article includes a
quote from Linda Stall of
and points readers to visit the
website. The Sentinel is the official publication of the
Trans Texas Heritage Association
(Alpine, Texas) and is mailed to it's members across Texas.
May 12, 2004
A headline in today's Corsican Daily Sun reads, "Residents
express dismay over transportation issue: Proposed corridor met with
It was reported that, "A large contingent of local residents turned out
Tuesday and expressed their opposition to a proposed transportation
corridor that they said might split Navarro County."
The plan hit a sour note in this area of Texas. The Daily Sun
reported, "No local residents voicing support of the proposed project
could be found in attendance." Navarro County
Historical Commission chairman Bill Young, "expressed a
concern over the impact on local archaeological sites and said that
TxDOT doesn't have a good history on preservation efforts when they
involve a project." State Rep. Byron Cook
(R-Corsicana) said, "he's unsure about the project." [link]
April 15, 2004
A headline in today's The Victoria Advocate reads, "Some
voice ire at Trans-Texas Corridor proposal."
It was reported that, "some area
residents voiced concerns over property rights and a lack of necessity
for the road." An El Campo landowner is quoted
as saying, "I just don't understand
how our Legislature is letting this erosion of our property rights take
place." The article included quotes from by Linda and
David Stall of
about the Trans Texas Corridor." [link]
A letter to the editor of The Victoria Advocate
from David Stall of
appears in today's issue. The letter is in response to a guest editorial
of TxDOT Executive Director Michael Behrens that appears in The Victoria Advocate
on April 3, 2004. [link]
April 8, 2004
A story in today's Tyler Morning Telegraph headlined, "TxDOT provides
public a chance to give its input." Two hours into a three
hour environmental study meeting in Tyler only 32 people had attended
out of the 614,000 in the affected in the TTC-35 district. The story
questions TxDOT's public outreach efforts and includes information about
concerns and gives our link information. [link]
April 7, 2004
A top story in today's Tyler Morning Telegraph
is headlined, "TxDOT project scrutinized."
Another lengthy article, and perhaps the best effort so far towards
explaining many of the negative impacts that will come with the
Corridor. The story includes information about
and 'state officials' label our critical view as a
scare tactic based on misinformation.
[our rebuttal]
March 31, 2004
Front page story on today's The Victoria Advocate reads, "Victoria
water group opposes plans for Trans-Texas Corridor."
A lengthy article provided coverage of a presentation made by Linda and
David Stall of
about the Trans Texas Corridor. "Members
of the Water Research Group said the prospect was chilling." Remarking
about the presentation, Billy Hill of Victoria said, "I got the holy
hell scared out of me. If Rick Perry endorsed this, God have mercy on
his soul." [link]
Front page story on today's Colorado County
Citizen reads, "State hears corridor
opposition; TxDot officials field a tough crowd."
"The lack of concrete answers irritated the
standing room only crowd more than once and tempers flared."
"Rep. Robby Cook also
attended the meeting and said he voted for the legislature that allowed TxDOT to secure private bonds to fund highway projects. However, he said
the Legislature was not aware of the corridor project at that time."
March 30, 2004
Front page headline of today's The Fayette County Record reads, "Anger
At TxDOT And Transportation Commission Exhibited At Corridor Meeting."
Lead story and front page photograph of the full house in LaGrange.
"Most of those in the crowd seemed dissatisfied with what they heard and
berated [TxDOT Executive Director] Behrens several times for not
answering the questions. Several members of the crowd became noisy,
demanding to ask their questions." Behrens confirmed that counties and
school districts will lose property taxes on land that the State takes
for the corridor, "there is no plan in place to subsidize counties for
loss of property taxes." "Somebody else in the audience asked why TxDOT
and the Transportation Commission is holding these meetings after the
decision to go ahead with the corridor has already been made.
[Transportation Commissioner] Johnson answered that question saying, 'It's
purely conceptual. If you don't believe that, you might as well go home.'"
Reference was made to
and a lengthy excerpt from David Stall's prepared remarks were quoted in
the article. [prepared
March 25, 2004
Today's issue of the Victoria Advocate
(Victoria County)
hit the stands carrying a front page story, "Fayette farmers
say no to transportation proposal." Rancher Jason Cook of La Grange speaking about TxDOT
officials said, "Big Bird may as well have been here. He knows as much
about it as they do." According to the Advocate, "Some at the
second meeting, though, said they were still left with more questions
than answers." When
Commissioner John Johnson said, "one
thing that we are trying to emphasize is this is purely conceptual,"
the crowd moaned. After hearing the response he said, "If you don't believe that, you might as
well go on."
Front page headline of today's The Weimar Mercury
(Colorado County) reads, "Trans Texas Corridor Opposition
The story reported that the TxDOT
officials were, "peppered with often hostile questions during the
meeting which lasted two and a half hours." In response to questions
about the corridor,
Transportation Commissioner John Johnson
was quoted, "This is purely a concept. If you don't believe that you
might as well go home." Attendee, Dick Macaulay told Johnson, "Go
back to Austin and tell Gov. Perry he made a mistake." Another,
Charlene Muras was quoted, "We don't want it, we don't need it."
March 24, 2004
Radio station KULM-FM (Colorado County) news reported
on the March 23rd Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange. Listeners
were directed to
on the Internet for additional information.
A letter to the editor of The Navasota Examiner
from Tonya Britton of Navasota appears in today's issue. The letter
warns the public of the impact that the Trans-Texas Corridor will have,
especially to rural Texas. [letter]
March 20, 2004
Today Sunday's issue of the Brenham Banner-Press
(Washington County)
hit the stands carrying a front page story, "Second meeting scheduled on
'superhighways'." The story tells how Fayette County
residents didn't get their questioned answered at the Public Hearing
last month. As a result County Judge Ed Janecka
requested TxDOT to schedule another hearing.
founder Linda Stall is quoted as saying, "It's extremely
important that the public be well-informed." Expressing concern
about the Corridor plan she continues, "Citizens and officials
need to express their concerns and be sure that they have their input
now, at the beginning of the project."
March 17, 2004
Interview sound clips with
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka aired
on the Texas State Network News. The story proclaims "Not
everyone is onboard," with the Trans Texas Corridor and Governor
Rick Perry's plan is running into a roadblock in rural Texas. TSN reported that Judge Janecka hopes
to jump start objections to the Trans Texas Corridor in LaGrange on
March 23, 2004 when TxDOT will hold another meeting in his county. TSN is a radio network that
airs on 124 affiliate radio stations and reaches nearly 3 million
Today's issue of the Colorado County Citizen
carries a front page headline, "Stalls call attention to corridor
problems." The article points to many of the issues being raised
in objection to the Trans Texas Corridor and includes quotes from
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka and
founder Linda Stall. Judge Janecka is quoted as saying, "If this is
the governor's plan, I'd like to have the governor come down and explain
it to us." He continues, "I want the public to be informed and I
don't think this was served by the kind of meetings that were presented
last month." The article included information about
and our website.
March 16, 2004
Today's Fort Worth Star-Telegram carries a
story titled, "U.S. agency to speed up
corridor plan." The Trans Texas Corridor
(IH-35) will be designated an 'experimental project' by the Federal
Highway Administration today allowing, at least this portion of the
Corridor, to be built without the usual environmental or bidding
restrictions. The Star-Telegram story includes quotes from's Linda
Stall and a direct reference to
Proposed Trans Texas Corridor routes roughly
paralleling IH-35 from east of San Antonio to south of Hillsboro are
known but are being kept secret by TxDOT until
later this year or next year. The Transportation Commission
expects to award the contract in 2005 and see construction begin
quickly. Transportation Commission Chairman Ric Williamson is reported
in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram to say that this portion of the Corridor
can be completed 10 to 12 years sooner than originally projected because
of the new 'experimental project' designation.
March 12, 2004
The Fayette County Record prints a front page
titled, "TxDOT Schedules Second Meeting In County." Fayette
County Judge Ed Janecka is quoted, "I have invited the Governor, as
well as the three [five] members of the Texas Transportation
Commission. I encourage everyone to attend and I also invite citizens
from neighboring counties." The Trans Texas Corridor hearing will be
held March 23rd in LaGrange.
Today's Banner Press publicizes the March 23rd
Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange. Front page article
titled, "TxDOT schedules another 'corridor meeting for L.G."
March 11, 2004
The Schulenburg Sticker features a front page
headline story
titled, "Additional meeting called for on Trans-Texas
Corridor project." The story ends with a reference to
Today's Weimar Mercury publicizes the March 23rd
Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange. Front page article
titled, "Trans-Texas Corridor Public Meeting March 23."
March 8, 2004
is the subject of an article that ran in today's transportation column of the
Star-Telegram newspaper (Ft.Worth). The piece is titled, "Corridor
foes use Internet as soapbox." The brief mention includes,
of course, a reference to the website.
March 7, 2004
is the subject of an article that ran in today's Sunday edition of the
Austin American-Statesman newspaper. The piece is titled, "Transportation
corridor plans stir Centeral Texans' rural revolt." The story
appears on the front page of the Metro & State section
and references Linda Stall's effort and website The
lengthy article reads, "Pipe dream or clear and present danger, or
something in between, the corridor plan has certainly progressed well
beyond being simply a Perry campaign proposal." TxDOT Turnpike
Division Director Phillip Russell was interviewed for the article and is
heavily quoted. [our
reply to TxDOT comments]
March 4, 2004
Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka takes
to the radio waves to personally announce the March 23, 2004 TxDOT Trans
Texas Corridor meeting. The Judge's announcement prerecorded on March 3,
2004, was aired on KNRG 92.3 FM in LaGrange, KBUK 104.9 FM in LaGrange,
KVLG 1570 AM in LaGrange, and KULM 98.3 FM in Columbus.
The February 25th Fayette County Trans Texas Corridor
meeting continues to generate more local press. An article accompanied
by a photograph appears in today's Banner Press, "Turnout
for Trans Texas Corridor hearing surprises TxDOT officials."
is cited as a source for additional information.
March 2, 2004
- received
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in LaGrange (Fayette
County). The Fayette County Record front page headline (with
front page photograph) reads, "TxDOT
Presents Corridor Plan To Overflow Crowd."
Excerpts: "Officials vague about location of corridor, most in
crowd opposed to idea." "A standing-room-only crowd of about 80 Fayette
County residents flooded the local TxDOT offices in LaGrange to hear a
presentation on the Trans-Texas Corridor." "... county resident Lane
Gosnay said a lot of people don't understand the impact of the corridor.
Who will answer our questions? she asked. And what are the water lines
for? So you can suck our water out and send it somewhere else? It's also
an easy way for a terrorist to knock out a bunch in one fell swoop."
received newspaper exposure in an editorial appearing in The Fayette
County Record. "If you don't know what the Trans-Texas Corridor is, then
you better educate yourself." "The implications are enormous"
February 27, 2004
An interview with Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka about the Fayette County TxDOT TCC
public hearing aired twice on radio station KBUK FM 104.9, LaGrange,
Texas. The Judge spoke about the Trans Texas Corridor hearing in LaGrange as
well as his request for another hearing in Fayette County.
February 26, 2004
Linda Stall was interviewed about the Fayette County TxDOT TCC public
hearing by news director Frank Wagner for radio station 1280 KWHI, Brenham, Texas. Our
Corridor concerns (and organization information) is to be aired on the
news in Brenham.
- received
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). The Weimar Mercury
reads, Corridor Plan Draws Concerns.
Excerpts: "No one among about 30 people at the meeting expressed
support." "...individuals raised questions about the project's
impact on landowners." "It's going to kill little towns," said
a Justice of the Peace Frances Truchard.
February 25, 2004
- received
exposure following the TxDOT TCC public hearing in Columbus (Colorado
County). Front page headline of the Colorado County Citizen
reads, Trans-TX Corridor hearing hears opposition.
Excerpts: "...the 25 in attendance in Columbus were not convinced
that Gov. Perry and TxDOT's vision for the future of Texas will benefit
them." "Before [the] close of the meeting, Linda Stall gave
information out about an independent study group organized to keep Texas
residents informed about the corridor project. She said the group could
be accessed online at:"
Favorable editorial appeared in the Colorado County Citizen
under the byline of Managing Editor Tana Ross. "For those of us who
attended last Thursday evening's Trans-Texas Corridor hearing in
Columbus, we'd just like to leap over the entire project. In fact we
think TxDOT could also leap over this one, especially since they leapt
onto it so fast after the 2000 Census and after dumping the NAFTA
superhighway project ... ummm, could there be some connections. If Gov.
Perry thinks by courting the urban bunch with a promise of less
congestion will do him any good, come next election, I'm sure Carol
Keeton Strayhorn will give him 174 billion reasons why it won't work for
the people of Texas."
February 18, 2004
- A letter to the editor from Linda Stall
appeared in the Colorado County Citizen under the title,
Is TxDOT sailing us down the road? [The
complete text will be posted soon!]
Visit the Corridor Watch

Thank you for your time and interest.
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Wednesday January 17, 2007 |