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P R E S S R E L E A S E #001 - February 26, 2004 Citizens Pack Trans Texas Corridor Hearing In LaGrange TxDOT District Engineer Lonnie Gregorcyk was visibly surprised by the
large attendance at Trans Texas Corridor hearing held in LaGrange
Wednesday night. Despite being Ash Wednesday, more than 70 people showed
up and overflowed the capacity of the meeting room. Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka and the Mayors of LaGrange and
Fayetteville were among those who came to hear about the state's plan to
build a quarter-mile wide highway, rail and utility corridor parallel to
Interstate Highway 10. According to one TxDOT official this may have been the largest
attendance at any of the Corridor hearings held. Those in attendance were disappointed that the TxDOT officials could
not, or would not, answer any questions about the Corridor. The District Engineer read a prepared speech and showed a video tape
featuring Governor Rick Perry and Transportation Commission Chairman Ric
Williamson. Most of those who came to hear the presentation were alerted to the
hearing by Fayetteville resident Linda Stall who had also worked to
generate interest in last weeks hearing in Columbus. Following the
Colorado County hearing Linda formed a grassroots organization to
challenge the wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor. Fayette County Judge Ed Janecka told the District Engineer that it is
apparent that there is a lot of interest in the county and that he would
like to see another meeting in Fayette County held in facility large
enough to accommodate everyone who would like to attend. Judge Janecka
also insisted that Governor Perry and Chairman Ric Williamson come to
LaGrange and explain the Trans Texas Corridor to the people of his
county. Gregorcyk agreed to host another Fayette County meeting in March on a
date to be coordinated with the Judge. Additional information is available on the Internet at
CorridorWatch.org. # # #
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This page was last updated: Thursday November 02, 2006
© 2004 Linda Stall