TxDOT Myth Number
Large tracts of land will be taken only
to wait decades for the corridor to be built.
If property is not immediately necessary for the transportation project,
the department will strongly consider purchasing options and offer
lease-backs to allow the property owner to continue occupying the land.
CorridorWatch: Yes. Unless TxDOT builds all
elements of the TTC immediately there will absolutely be large tracts of
land waiting decades for some speculative transportation use. Before TxDOT
can "strongly consider" leasing-back land and becoming a government
landlord, the property will have been taken away from the private owner.
Those tracts taken for state land speculation may be 600 feet wide and
hundreds of miles long, totaling thousands of acres. If this is a valid and
acceptable concept then why not abolish all private land ownership and let
the state lease our property back to us until they decide it is necessary
for some other government project?