No. The location of TTC-35 is not yet known. Like all transportation
projects, TTC-35 must go through a federally-required environmental study to
identify a route. Property cannot be purchased and construction cannot begin
unless TTC-35 has been environmentally approved by the Federal Highway
CorridorWatch: Maybe and No.
Cintra Zachry has
submitted a proposal to build more than 300 miles of TTC-35 facilities and
in doing so they calculated a cost associated with that work. Does anyone
really suspect that Cintra Zachry did that without looking at a map and
determining, even if in relatively general terms, the location of that road?
There are physical constraints created by topography and design criteria for
roads and rail that dictate the most suitable and economic routes. Those are
engineering and economic driven design decisions. Potential environmental
impact is also reduced to an economic decision; the cost of avoidance versus
the cost of mitigation. Unfortunately, every indication is that TxDOT will
not direct Cintra Zachry where to build it.