Counties will have to pay to build
crossings over the corridor and residents will have to pay to cross.
No. Interchanges and overpasses will be constructed as part of the
TTC-35. Counties will not have to pay for these connections nor will
motorists be charged to cross TTC-35.
CorridorWatch: Maybe. TxDOT has never said that
all roads interrupted by the TTC will be provided with a crossing. In fact
TxDOT has the authority to decide which roads will and will not be provided
with a crossing. Who will pay for those crossings? The concessionaire is
building the TTC because they can collect a toll for it’s use. What return
on investment do they have on a non-toll 2-lane county road TTC crossing that TxDOT
has estimates to cost $2,661,750 to construct? If your county wants that
crossing it may have to pay to build it. Maybe your Regional Mobility
Authority (RMA), an entity comprised one or more counties will foot the
bill. With TxDOT aggressively pushing tolls across the state it’s not
difficult to imagine paying a toll to cross their quarter-mile wide
corridor. We seriously doubt the TxDOT employee who wrote this response has
the ability to guarantee Texans that they’ll never pay a toll to cross the