Toll Road Conversion Plans
Result in
Statewide Backlash

"in your lifetime most existing roads will have tolls"
— Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson
(October 11,
Communities across Texas are discovering that roads they
drive every day or roads that they have been waiting to be completed will now
become toll roads! Hundreds and hundreds of angry Texans are protesting plans
from the State's Capital in Austin to Tomball.
"It's either toll roads,
slow roads or no roads"
— Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson
The Texas Legislature has directed the Transportation
Commission to push for more toll roads to generate revenue for transportation
As soon as next year existing free state highways in Texas can be
converted into toll roads. The plans for toll roads has exploded since
Bill 3588 was signed by Governor Perry a year ago. From the Governor to the
Commission to the Department of Transportation the agenda is to generate
revenue. Tolling existing highways and those under construction will quickly
generate the cash needed to support other project such as the grandiose
Trans-Texas Corridor. [TxDOT's
Toll Road Finance 101 ]
Perry and his friends
a great deal of time researching ideas
to create
more revenue"
— Transportation Commissioner Ric Williamson
(March 25,
2003) [citation]
It's already happening in Houston, Corpus Christi, San
Antonio, Fort Bend County,
Waco and Austin, to name a few. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
"An authority may impose a toll for transit over an existing free road, street, or public highway transferred to the authority under this chapter." [Sec. 370.176(a)]
"Highway tolls are yet
another form of regressive taxation, designed to push the burden of
public costs downward onto the average taxpayer/driver, while the lion's
share of the benefits go to the industries demanding state-subsidized
mobility and infrastructure."
— Michael King, Capitol Chronicle: Blame It on the
Kids, Austin Chronicle
(February 1,
2002) [link]
"We are seeking expert and public opinion on how much tolls should be. If
tolls are set too high, few drivers will use new toll roads. Based on
national averages, Central Texans should expect to pay about 15 cents per
mile. But exact amounts have yet to be determined."
— Central Texas Regional
Mobility Authority
(At on October 26,
15-Cents / Mile, National Average?
Illinois Says the
National Average is 9-Cents!
Toll Agency |
(Dollars/Mile) |
Chicago Skyway (IL) |
$ 0.26 |
Transportation Corridor Agencies (CA)
$ 0.22 |
E-470 Public Highway Authority (CO) |
$ 0.18 |
Richmond Metropolitan Authority (VA)
$ 0.17 |
TxDOT TTC-35 - Estimate,
Sept, 2006 (TX) |
$ 0.15 |
Central Texas Regional
Mobility Authority - Estimate (TX) |
$ 0.15 |
Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (FL)
$ 0.13 |
North Texas Tollway Authority (TX) |
$ 0.11 |
Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority (FL)
$ 0.10 |
National Average
$ 0.09 |
Florida Turnpike Enterprise - Cash (FL)
$ 0.08 |
Florida Turnpike Enterprise - Sunpass (FL)
$ 0.06 |
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PN)
$ 0.06 |
South Jersey Transportation Authority (NJ)
$ 0.06 |
Illinois Tollway Existing System -
Cash (IL) |
$ 0.06 |
New Jersey Turnpike (NJ) |
$ 0.05 |
Ohio Turnpike Commission (OH) |
$ 0.04 |
New York State Thruway Authority (NY)
$ 0.03 |
Illinois Tollway Existing System –
$ 0.03 |
Indiana DOT – Toll Road District
(IN) |
$ 0.03 |
Auto Toll Rates Effective January 1, 2005
Source: Illinois State Toll Highway Authority |
The chart above indicates that the
Chicago Skyway is one of the most expensive toll roads in the country.
On October 27, 2004, the City of Chicago approved a 99-year
to a Spanish-Australian consortium who will pay $1.82
billion within 90-days. The joint venture of
Cintra Concesiones de
Infraestructuras de Transporte SA of Madrid, Spain, and Macquarie
Investment Holdings of Sydney, a wholly owned subsidiary of Macquarie Bank
Limited (Australia's largest investment bank) expect to realize at least a
10-percent return on their investment. To achieve their profit goals the
concession agreement allows Cintra-Macquarie to double tolls over the next
10 years starting with a 20% increase January 2005. |
Who is anyone kidding? A Toll is a Tax, especially
if it is more than the cost of providing the service you are
charged for using. Some will tell you that it's a use fee or that
only those who benefit from the road will be paying. Not true.
There will be costs well beyond the toll. A toll road will alter
traffic patterns. It may cost some their business and negatively
impact local economies. It will add to everyone's cost of goods
whenever it is used in commerce. It may move trucks into
neighborhoods where they can avoid paying tolls. It will create a
growing Class System, separating those who can pay from those who
It's All About Revenue (Profit)

TxDOT knows its all about the revenue. The Director of their
Finance Division together with the Director of Finance and
Administration of the Texas Turnpike Authority Division tell
District Engineers and others how to pump up the profits. Remember
the free alternative routes we were promised? Check the program
slide below, "Limiting the Alternatives (Supply)." The alternatives
they're talking about include your free alternative.
Toll Road Finance 101 ]
Toll roads represent double taxation. Motorists already pay for highways at
the gasoline pump, vehicle registration counter, and at auto supply retailers.
They should not have to pay for highways again when they exercise their right to
travel on them. [proposition
15, house briefing paper]
Get The Big Picture
You may object to new toll projects in your community or region of
the state, but don't address it as a local issue because it's not.
This is a statewide push from the top and your local officials
have a transportation funding gun pressed against their head. If
they say no, they can count on getting the short end of the state
funding stick forever. As a result, your local officials can't and
won't be effective advocates for their citizens.
If you want to change the course of toll projects in your
backyard, you need to address the statewide toll frenzy. Only the
Legislature can control the Transportation Commission. It's the
broad and awesome power that the Legislature gave them, even if in
error, that has created the Governor's monster. Only they can fix
what they broke.
Just because the state hasn't come up with a good idea for
transportation funding, doesn't make this bad idea okay!
"I am opposed to converting existing public highways into toll
Taxpayers have already paid for those highways and
should not have to pay to drive on roads they have already paid
— Senator Jeff Wentworth
(November 7,
When did Texas citizens lose control of their government? Why is
the Governor, the Legislature, and the Transportation Commission
dictating what communities want and need? His is it that elected
officials feel they have an obligation to enforce the State's plan
over, above, and without regard for the wishes and desires of the
Why would an elected official tell his or her constituents
that there is no other choice?
That's what many have said. Who's in charge? Isn't this still a
nation of the people, by the people, for the people? Don't you
wonder what "people" they're listening to?
There are always other choices. Some are better and worse than
others. This solution is wrong. Let's work together to find the
right solution. When we don't participate, the government is given
effective permission to tell us how to conduct every aspect of our
lives. That's not the State nor the United States I want to live
in. How about you?
Please Get Involved! Visit these websites:
More Information:
California Experience

"When the state first
embraced toll roads, think tanks, politicians and government
officials couldn't find enough superlatives to describe them."
But this public-private toll plan turned into disaster.

Proposition 15
"Borrowing money by issuing bonds would make highways more expensive in the
long run because of debt service, underwriting, and issuance costs."
"Bonding would not generate new money for highways; it merely would reallocate it
and tie it up for the future." [more]
"Toll roads represent double taxation. Motorists already pay for highways at
the gasoline pump, vehicle registration counter, and at auto supply retailers.
They should not have to pay for highways again when they exercise their right to
travel on them." [more]
"If tolls alone are insufficient to undertake and sustain
a project, it should not be built as a toll road. Tolls are supposed to be high
enough only to pay for the toll roads and their financing. The proposed
amendment's second piece of enabling legislation,
SB 342
by Shapiro/Alexander,
would allow excess toll revenue to be transferred to the new mobility fund.
would create an incentive to turn toll projects into "cash cows." Users of toll
roads should not be expected to subsidize other highways."
"Proposition 15 would undermine legislative oversight by appropriating
automatically to the mobility fund any revenue dedicated to the fund.
revenue could be used as provided by the amendment and the enabling law "without
further appropriation" by the Legislature. This rare bypassing of legislative
control of a treasury-based fund effectively would delegate spending authority
to TTC. The Legislature would have to enact statutes to direct, preempt, or
change any TTC spending decisions because the amendment would preclude lawmakers
from doing so through the appropriations process."
"The Legislature should postpone this idea until it is
prepared to pay for it." [more]
"Even if Texas'
toll roads increased in number, they never would provide enough revenue to
reduce significantly the huge number of other transportation projects Texas
needs to build.
SB 342, one piece of enabling
legislation that would take effect if the voters approve Proposition 15, would
turn the original toll equity concept on its head - rather than the state
subsidizing toll roads, toll roads would be asked to subsidize the state highway
program. In fairness, toll revenue at least should be dedicated to more toll
roads." [more]
