TxDOT's 'outreach' plan reaches deep into
taxpayers' pockets
Jaime Castillo
San Antonio Express-News
Even if it's just for a moment, let us give
credit where credit is due.
The Texas Department
of Transportation has realized — finally — that
it has an image problem when it comes to
convincing Texans of the need for a vast network
of toll roads and the Trans-Texas Corridor.
The realization, however, comes with a price
tag of $7 million to $9 million that, rather
than going to build highways, will fuel an
advertising campaign centered around a memo
titled, "Keep Texas Moving: Tolling and
Trans-Texas Corridor Outreach."
This is where I get off the track. Outreach?
The nerve of state highway officials to use
such a term after years of helping fan the
flames of skepticism among Texans for a tolled
highway system.
The time for outreach would have been, say,
two years ago, if not more.
Take, for example, the Trans-Texas Corridor,
the 50-year plan favored by Gov. Rick Perry to
build a superhighway of toll roads and rail and
utility lines.
For more than a year and a half,
Cintra, a
Spain-based company, and its minority partner,
Zachry Construction Corp. of San Antonio, fought
tooth and nail in court to keep certain things —
like how it would be financed — out of the
public eye.
During that time, Texans also were expected
to swallow other problematic revelations
concerning the deal.
Those included the news that Dan Shelley,
Perry's onetime liaison to the Legislature, left
the governor's office to become a lobbyist for
Cintra, where he had worked as a consultant
prior to joining Perry's staff in the first
Then, 40 days before the Nov. 7, 2006,
general election — a campaign which saw Perry
vilified for his support of toll roads — TxDOT
suddenly released the details of the
Cintra/Zachry pact as if to say all's well that
ends well.
To put the whole situation into perspective,
TxDOT now wants to spend millions of dollars of
public money to make you feel better about the
public information it fought to keep you away
from two years ago.
But TxDOT is hardly the king of hypocrisy in
this situation.
Consider state Rep. Warren Chisum, chairman
of the budget-writing House Appropriations
Not that I disagree with Chisum's summation
of the need for a public relations blitz.
"I wonder what for?" he was quoted in
Tuesday's Express-News as saying. "So people
wouldn't hate 'em so bad?"
But Chisum went on to say that the money
would be better spent fixing roads.
What a great idea! Surely Chisum used similar
logic when he helped write the state's latest
two-year budget.
Continuing what has become a biennial shell
game, Chisum participated in crafting a budget
that diverts one-tenth, or $1.6 billion, from
the state highway fund to pay for things that
have nothing to do with building and maintaining
Sadly it's nothing new.
From fiscal year 1986 to 2005, nearly $8.7
billion of the fund was spent on non-highway
items, including state historical and arts
commissions and law enforcement functions with
the Department of Public Safety.
In other words, Chisum, a Pampa Republican
who was first elected in 1989, has been there
nearly every step of the way as the Legislature
as a whole became all too accustomed to robbing
money from the state highway fund.
The state has grown by leaps and bounds,
while the gas tax — the main source of revenue
for highway building — has remained stagnant
since 1991.
But thanks to the decisions of top elected
officials, it's doubtful whether all the
advertising pros in the world can put this
Humpty Dumpty together again.