Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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In David Foster Wallace’s 1996 novel,
Infinite Jest, which is set in the near future, the United
States no longer officially exists.
The Organization of North American Nations, an entity controlled
mostly by former U.S. big-business interests and including the
former states of Canada and Mexico, has optioned out corporate
naming rights to elements of human life as fundamental as time
(instead of, say, A.D. 2025, the book begins in the “Year of
Glad,” as in Glad the trash bag manufacturer). As broadcaster
Lou Dobbs might have it, Wallace wasn’t writing a satire. He had
the foresight of a prophet.
Dobbs has led numerous recent segments on his CNN show about
what he calls moves by the administration of George W. Bush and
counterparts in Canada and Mexico to lead the three countries
clandestinely into a future “North American Union,” a superstate
into which American sovereignty, Dobbs suggests, will be
shoehorned and hence obliterated. As evidence, Dobbs often
refers to the construction of something called the “NAFTA
Owner-operator Maalik Ali, of Demopolis, Ala., says he’s heard
it mentioned on XM radio and speculates that it’d be “a big
hook-up, up north to Canada and across the country through Texas
to Mexico.” He says Dobbs might be referring to I-69, which
extends today from Port Huron, Mich., all the way to
Indianapolis, Ind. Plans are in various stages from southern
Indiana to Texas to extend that interstate all the way to
Laredo. “That’ll be a gigantic highway,” Ali says, “when they
get done with it.”
But he adds that he thinks the term also might work as a
reference to I-5, which runs from the United States’ southern
border outside San Diego through California, Oregon and
As he suggests, “NAFTA Superhighway” is more idea than road. But
the history of the phrase’s use — from its genesis as a
marketing term, its spread throughout American society as a
catchall for shipping’s efficient future and finally its nadir
as a symbol of the end of the country as we know it — neatly
follows the increasing intensity of public/private partnership
in highway planning and building in North America over the last
two decades.
Back in 1991, with the passage of the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), certain transportation
corridors were designated “high-priority corridors” by the
federal government. Part of the rationale behind the designation
was anticipated congestion along the soon-to-be-complete
interstate highway system. After NAFTA went into effect in 1994,
allowing for the tariff-free flow of goods between the three
North American nations, multistate (and, in many cases,
multinational) advocacy groups, sensing opportunity, were
founded around many of the corridors, aligning private interests
and state governments for both lobbying and research purposes.
Here you’ll find the origin of the “NAFTA Superhighway” phrase.
Tiffany Melvin, executive director of North America’s
Supercorridor Coalition, or NASCO, which was founded to promote
development along the I-35 high-priority corridor and its
connections in Canada and Mexico, says the phrase found its way
into the public around the time of the organization’s founding
in 1994. At that time, she says, the prefix “super” didn’t
always necessarily mean “big.”
“There weren’t supersized fries and supersized drinks then,” she
says. “By ‘supercorridor coalition’ we meant more than a
corridor coalition, more than a highway coalition. We promote
economic development, technology innovation and integration,
environmental initiatives, educational consortiums, inland ports
— we are not just about highways.”
NASCO pushes I-35 for development as a multimodal corridor with
rail-highway interconnectivity and, utilizing high technology,
new border procedures for trade processing and heightened
security. Its overall drive is to position North America to
compete in the global marketplace well into the future.
NASCO founders deliberately shied away from using “NAFTA” in the
name because of the agreement’s political volatility. But, says
Melvin, “a lot of people began referring to I-35 as the ‘NAFTA
Superhighway’ because it does in fact carry an enormous amount
of NAFTA trade on it, particularly in Texas.” Certain of their
members, in addition to unaffiliated parties began using the
term in their press materials and associated websites.
By 1999, it had been in circulation for more than five years,
and the ISTEA had been reauthorized and partly revamped in the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which,
among other things, granted states more latitude in determining
what they did with their federal highway funds. A reference to a
“Partial NAFTA Truckway” appeared that year in the “I-35 Trade
Corridor Study,” which projected development and demand on I-35
into the year 2025. The truckway item proposed dedicated haul
lanes within the existing I-35 right-of-way to ease projected
congestion between Laredo and Dallas-Ft. Worth, which was
already thick with commuter traffic.
But by 2003, TxDOT had conjured and proposed what it called the
“Trans-Texas Corridor” project. Governor Rick Perry has
described the TTC as a “vision,” a statewide system of
multimodal corridors designed to alleviate congestion over the
long term.
Their thinking continues to be Texas-sized. TxDOT Turnpike
Authority public affairs officer Gabriela Garcia says
environmental studies are well under way for two possible
projects, TTC-35 and I-69/TTC. Even the beginning of
construction is far in the future, but what TTC-35 might look
like is less than hazy in the minds of planners: an alternate
highway roughly running parallel to I-35 but in its own
At full build-out, according to the plan, it might have four
dedicated lanes for trucks and six for cars, in addition to
further utilization of the corridor for pipelines, electricity
and rail, including high-speed passenger trains. Where it
connects with existing four-lanes, those roads would be expanded
to six lanes. Combined with relatively new intermodal facilities
in San Antonio and Dallas-Ft. Worth, it could serve as the
beginning of what comes to the minds of many truckers when they
hear “NAFTA Superhighway”: a high-speed alternate to slower
local highways and other interstate-like roads, without the
thick commuter traffic.
SAFETEA-LU (passed in 2005), the most current reauthorization of
ISTEA, put more onus on states to determine funding sources for
major corridor projects. It nearly doubled the number of
high-priority-designated corridors and further enabled
public/private partnerships to increase funding capacity, with
private investment, for new projects nationwide.
The current master development plan for the TTC, says Garcia, is
being provided on a $3.5 million contract by Cintra-Zachry, a
partnership of Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de
Transporte and San Antonio-based Zachry Construction. Cintra is
the Spanish company that in early 2006 partnered with
Australia-based Macquarie Infrastructure Group to become the
lessee of the Indiana Toll Road southeast of Chicago, igniting a
firestorm of criticism from the Owner-Operator Independent
Drivers Association, among others. Other groups, including the
Indiana Motor Truck Association, backed the move for the funding
it would provide the state for new-road and rehabilitation
projects elsewhere. One was the proposed I-69 extension from
Indianapolis to Evansville, which would be a toll road as well.
ISTEA made it possible for the first time for private entities
to own toll facilities along interstate highways, and since then
tolling has been utilized nationwide in a much more prominent
way. After SAFETEA-LU further relaxed restrictions on federal
funding for toll roads (in part by launching a grant program for
various pilot projects), the Federal Highway Administration even
launched a website dedicated to information about tolling best
practices, regulations and opportunities
On Halloween last year, the American Trucking Associations came
out against the private operation of existing toll facilities.
ATA President and CEO Bill Graves told members, “ATA is prepared
to lead a national coalition of highway users in opposition to
these financing schemes that offer a short-term windfall but a
long-term recipe for disaster.” As far as new toll roads are
concerned, ATA supports a toll-free highway system.
Like the
Indiana Cintra operation, TTC-35 and I-69/TTC are being
proposed as tollways that will pay for their own upkeep and at
the same time bring in revenue for the cash-strapped TxDOT.
But contrary to what many of the project’s local critics have
been saying, says Garcia, if TTC-35 made it through the
environmental studies and was approved for construction, it
would go out for bidding like any other highway.
Backers of the Texas project stress its local nature — “It is
solely a state project,” says NASCO’s Tiffany Melvin. “We’ve
supported the creation of the new infrastructure because the
congestion problems are so crucial in Texas.” But she likewise
stresses that NASCO is still primarily committed in America to
increasing efficiency all along the existing I-35 (and I-29 and
I-94 along the northern segments of the corridor). Melvin points
out that there is no plan to extend the future TTC-35 into
Longtime Houston area-based owner-operator Danny Cochran, who’s
leased to Waggoners Trucking and hauls cars mostly between his
hometown and the Spartanburg, S.C., BMW facility, says he’s seen
a lot of change in Texas. “It’s not like it used to be, when you
could get a place to park traveling that area down by Laredo,”
he says.
The I-69/TTC study area runs along Highway 59 right through his
neighborhood between Nacogdoches and Livingston, but he says the
roughest traffic is along I-35.
“About 45 percent of all Texans live within 50 miles of I-35,”
says Garcia. “That’s quite a bit of the population. Anybody who
drives I-35 will tell you it’s congested any time of the day.”
Businesses situated along the frontage road make widening the
interstate in many places cost-prohibitive for the DOT and
financially burdensome for communities along the route. A relief
route like TTC-35, backers say, is the answer.
Garcia stresses that approval to even begin the project could be
as much as a decade away. “Each of the environmental studies,
tier one and tier two, takes two to five years, depending on the
study,” she says. “Nothing is done overnight, no decisions are
made behind closed doors — we’ve had three or four rounds of
public meetings.”
“NAFTA Superhighway” was a buzz-phrase in some congressional
races last year and not just in Texas, where Governor Rick Perry
won after being beat over the head with the TTC issue in a
three-way race (he garnered only 39 percent of the vote). In
Kansas perennial 2nd district congressional challenger Nancy
Bolda beat incumbent Jim Ryun after invoking the TTC as a
precursor to a 10-lane NAFTA superhighway to blaze across Kansas
in the near future.
But the future is hard to predict. It’s at least clear that the
issues surrounding the TTC cannot be reduced to only local
concerns. Whether or not something called the NAFTA Superhighway
exists today or even in 30 years, the future will see only more
need for efficient shipping lanes for international trade.
Laredo is the United States’ busiest southern border crossing in
trade terms. Truck trade at the Laredo border has more than
doubled since NAFTA went into effect in 1994. In 2005, according
to the federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 1,455,607
trucks crossed at Laredo, more than twice the number coming
through the next closest southern port of entry at El Paso. The
total value of NAFTA trade through Laredo stood at $93.7
Meanwhile, the port at Los Angeles/ Long Beach is bearing the
brunt of the marked increase of Asian exports to the United
States and vice versa in recent years thanks to China’s economic
boom, and it suffers from extreme congestion.
NASCO and other corridor groups see the development of
multimodal corridors extending from Laredo on both sides of the
border as connections for United States/Canada- or Asia-bound
goods landing at (or departing from) Mexican deep-water ports
before making their way north by truck or rail (or east by
Federal Highway Administration Public Affairs Officer Doug
Hecox, speaking of forward-looking highway projects like the
TTC, says, “We might not be around to see these. They’re ‘next
generation’ in the most liberal sense. It’s nice that somebody’s
looking at all the possibilities, and we’re very supportive of
the process.”
Does this constitute a secret cabal attempting to destroy the
American state?
Trucker Richard Skoglund doesn’t think so. Both the TTC project
and the specter of the NAFTA Superhighway bring to his mind
simply “something that is going to be very expensive to drive
on.” The Arizona-based driver for North Carolina’s Davis
Trucking says truckers won’t choose to pay for any toll-laden
Skoglund predicts a “big ghost road” in the Year of Glad. “The
future of tollways is here already,” he says, referencing the
partial beltway outside Denver, though the E-470, completed in
2003 and circling metro Denver’s eastern side, is a product of
pre-ISTEA practices. A trip along the entirety of its 56 miles
for a tractor-trailer costs a whopping $47. “You’re barely
making that much in the truck,” says Skoglund. “Nobody I know
takes it.”
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Tuesday April 24, 2007 |