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For Safe Reliable Transportation
Texans For Safe Reliable Transportation (TSRT) was created by
Joe Krier of San Antonio in late 2005. TSRT calls itself a coalition of individuals, employers,
associations, and public safety organizations dedicated to
improving transportation in Texas. At the time of its creation
TSRT had three board members. In addition to Krier the other two
board members were Lawrence Olsen the executive vice president
of the Texas Good Roads/Transportation Association in Austin,
and Donna N. Williams a vice president of Parsons Infrastructure
& Technology in Dallas.
Parsons is one of the world's largest engineering and
construction organizations specializing in infrastructure,
transportation, planning, environmental, industrial
manufacturing, and energy and chemicals for private
industries and government agencies.
Williams is the wife of Texas Railroad Commission member
website (www.bettertexasroads.com)
does not identify any officers, members, organizations, nor any
individuals associated with the group. The TSRT
website invites membership subject to board approval.
Releases were regularly issued by TSRT from July 2006 through
September 2006.
Guest editorials were also submitted
to various Texas newspapers with a by line of Donna Williams,
has placed numerous billboards throughout Texas promoting the
Trans Texas Corridor in 2006 and 2007.
Texans for Safe Reliable Transportation incorporated in December
2005 as a non-profit
organized under state and federal law as an IRS
501(c) 6 corporation that may accept personal or corporate
contributions. 501(c) 6 corporations are not required to
disclose contributors.
Texas Good Roads
Association Website |
Michael Williams
Website |
This Page Last
Thursday January 18, 2007 |