In June, 2004,
Cameron County filed a
petition for the authorization to form an RMA. The petition identified the West
Loop as the initial project for development by the RMA. The project would be a
7-and-a-quarter mile long facility, four-lane facility, located in the city of
Brownsville, on the current right of way on the UP Railroad. The project would
extend from the intersection of 77 and US 83 south to Palm Boulevard.
On August 31,
2004, TxDOT conducted a public hearing to receive public
comments on the proposed RMA formation.
TxDOT reported that during the
public hearing, as well as after the hearing, they received several statements,
both written and oral, relating to the creation of the RMA. TxDOT described
those comment in general as broad support for the formation of the RMA
with was some general
discussion about representation within the RMA, what the initial project might
be, whether it's the West Loop or the second causeway bridge; there was some
discussion about toll roads in general in the area. TxDOT received
resolutions of support from the Cameron County Commissioners Court, the
Brownsville and the Harlingen-San Benito Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
The initial board was composed of seven members, six
appointed by the Cameron County Commissioners Court, and the chair appointed by the governor.