On Saturday, June 11, 2006, the
Libertarian Party of Texas adopted their 2006 Party Platform. Under the
heading of Toll Roads,
is a plank specific to the Trans-Texas
Corridor. It reads:
oppose the
Trans Texas Corridor Act, a
costly boondoggle intended to benefit land
developers through the abuse of eminent
domain and the power of highway monopoly.
Further, we support legislation that would
forbid tolls on any highway right of way
which was obtained with tax dollars or
through the use of eminent domain or
And, under the section of their platform, titled
Eminent Domain, is a call for a strong
state prohibition against the use of eminent
domain for private economic development. It
"Libertarians would close the exceptions
and loopholes in the state prohibition
against the use of eminent domain for
private economic development. Under no
circumstances should government have the
power to force the transfer of land from
private entity to another against the
will of the owner. Additionally, we
believe that property owners displaced
through eminent domain should be
compensated 125% of the fair value of
their property to compensate for their
moving expenses and inconvenience."
[ Entire
Party Platform ]