On Saturday, June 10, 2006, the
Texas Democratic
Party adopted their 2006 Party Platform. Under the
heading of Rural Texas and Agriculture,
is a plank specific to the Trans-Texas
Corridor. It reads:
oppose the proposed Trans-Texas Corridor, a
proposal that is little more than an attempt
to transfer ownership of a strip down the
middle of the state to a foreign corporation
with close ties to the Governor, which could
have a potentially devastating effect on
rural areas, property owners and
"We also oppose the
use of eminent domain to deprive any
property owner of the possession, use, or
the ability to control the use of their
property, for the pure purpose of economic
development; without just compensation; in
the absence of an obvious and compelling
public need."
And, under the section of their platform, titled
The Environment,
is another reference calling for stronger
state environmental protection, regulation
and enforcement followed by a number of 'We
support' bullet points. One of those reads:
We support: ....
"real property
rights protections from Republican
proposals to take private land for
privately-funded sports stadiums, Perry’s
Trans-Texas Corridor, and permitting
policy that would allow uncontrolled
development along the corridor;"
[ Entire Texas Democratic
Party Platform ]