Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.

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  River of Trade Corridor Coalition

Texas Transportation Commission Reaction to ROTCC (11/18/04) Statement in Response to November 18, 2004 Commission Meeting

River of Trade Corridor Coalition (ROTCC)

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Consensus Statement

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Objectives

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Position Statement

Texas Transportation Commission Meeting
November 18, 2004

Transcript Excerpt #2 [full text]

MR. WILLIAMSON: Next slide. Steve Simmons, please.

Are you familiar with an organization known as the River of Trade Coalition?

MR. SIMMONS: I've seen some correspondence utilizing that term, yes, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Who is that, or to paraphrase that famous line in the Butch Cassidy film, who are those guys?

MR. SIMMONS: Well, I believe it's headed up by the City of Dallas at the time with some help from, I believe, David Dean or Dean International.


MR. SIMMONS: I believe that is correct.

MR. WILLIAMSON: That's the fellow that spearheads the TEX-21 organization?

MR. SIMMONS: Yes, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Did he use to be associated with the Historically Underutilized I-35 NAFTA Trade Route Coalition, or whatever they were called?

MR. SIMMONS: I believe so, yes, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Whatever happened to that group?

MR. SIMMONS: I think they're still in existence.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Does he still represent them?

MR. SIMMONS: I do not think so; I don't believe that he does.

MR. WILLIAMSON: And what seems to be their point?

MR. SIMMONS: Well, the issue at hand is they're concerned that the industry and businesses along the existing I-35 corridor will be impacted severely with a new alignment away from I-35.

MR. WILLIAMSON: That's reason enough to not choose a developer and move along, is that their argument?

MR. SIMMONS: I think that they believe that the first option should be to consider expanding I-35 and that the corridor should come second.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Now, is Dean the same guy that also promotes that railroad, the T-Bone, the high speed rail?

MR. SIMMONS: The high speed rail, yes, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: How many different hats does he wear in distributing the public's money?

MR. SIMMONS: I'm not aware of everything that Dean International is involved in.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Do we participate financially in TEX-21?

MR. SIMMONS: No, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: We just go to all their meetings?

MR. SIMMONS: We are resources for them to provide information about issues that are pertinent to the department and transportation in particular.

MR. WILLIAMSON: I've seen some awful -- I don't want to say inflammatory but certainly misleading statements originating from those folks, and I'm a little bit concerned.

Is there anyone else besides the City of Dallas?

MR. SIMMONS: Well, they're attempting to bring the issue up to all the cities and counties along the I-35 corridor, so I'm sure that there will be others that will be coming along.

MR. WILLIAMSON: But no other members that we know of besides the City of Dallas?

MR. SIMMONS: Not that I'm aware of, no, sir.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Well, I know that you're the person in the department that arranges for things such as TEX-21 and our participation and such. I've got to tell you, and I only speak for myself in this matter, the other commissioners can certainly overrule me, but I'm a little bit hesitant to spend any more time with those guys if they're headed up by the same guy that's in the business of organizing cities to stand firmly opposed to the alternative route, because every city along the traditional -- which has now become traditional historic NAFTA trade corridor has invested millions in their own commerce.

And I don't see anything in here about trucks running over people on I-35, I don't see anything in here about developing a rail system to divert traffic off our highways; they just seem to be concerned about, I guess, their gas stations.

Why don't you check with me before we agree to participate in any more of their stuff. It looks like we might operate at cross purposes.

MR. SIMMONS: Yes, sir. I understand your intentions.

MR. WILLIAMSON: Thank you, sir.


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