Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.

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  River of Trade Corridor Coalition

River of Trade Corridor Coalition (ROTCC)

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Consensus Statement

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Objectives

River of Trade Corridor Coalition - Position Statement

Texas Transportation Commission Reaction to ROTCC (11/18/04) Statement in Response to November 18, 2004 Commission Meeting

ROTCC Position Statement

As a member of the River of Trade Corridor Coalition, and on behalf of my organization, I want to register my direct and strong opposition to the development of any alternative highway or transportation system that would divert vehicular traffic from and thereby threaten the traditional and historic NAFTA trade route through Texas. Such a diversion would directly threaten tens of thousands of small, medium-sized and large businesses and the hundreds of thousands of Texas jobs that they have created to service this well-established International and domestic trade corridor.

The predominant, traditional and historic NAFTA trade route extends north along IH-35 from Laredo to San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Hillsboro and northeast through southern Dallas County along IH-20, then north along IH-635 to the intersection with Interstate 30 and then northeast along Interstate 30 to Texarkana and the same in reverse.

I stand firmly opposed to an alternative route based upon the following reasons:

  • Every City and County along the traditional NAFTA trade corridor in Texas has invested millions (multiple billions collectively) of dollars in bonds and other Financings and direct expenditures to support commerce generated by this historic trade corridor. Streets, hospitals, and schools have been built based upon the projected tax revenues generated by traffic, trade and commerce along the corridor.

  • Tens of thousands of corporations and small businesses have been developed along the historic NAFTA trade route. The livelihood of these businesses and their hundreds of thousands of employees depends upon the traffic traveling this traditional corridor.

  • Businesses operating along this traditional NAFTA trade route and their employees have made billions of dollars of private Investments along this route. These businesses and their employees are the life-blood of every community located along this route and within the State of Texas.

  • Development of an alternative transportation corridor will negatively impact thousands of acres of productive, taxable land and thousands of area residents. On the other hand, improving the existing NAFTA trade corridor will utilize existing state and local assets and disrupt few if any residents or businesses.

  • Many of us have spent years and Incalculable time and effort to develop the NAFTA River of Trade from Laredo to Texarkana via San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas as a premier economic engine, one of the most successful economic engines in the state and country. Redirecting the very traffic and trade commerce that we have worked so hard to create without close collaboration with local governments and taxing authorities who are charged by federal and state law and local charters with providing services such as education, etc... is not only inappropriate but unconscionable.

  • Other factors which also bear serious consideration include: the impact on land values along the existing NAFTA corridor, the loss of sales tax revenues, the diversion of assets and resources which could be used to maintain and improve the existing NAFTA corridor, and the impact that urban sprawl will have upon the areas where the new Trans-Texas Corridor will be located.

Based upon these and many other factors, I strongly oppose the pursuit of any alternative highway / transportation route, including the one under consideration by TxDOT that would divert traffic and commerce and thereby adversely impact the traditional and historic NAFTA Trade Corridor as above defined. I heartily endorse the improvement of the existing NAFTA Trade Corridor and the improvement of the interstate highway system already in existence today. I respectfully request that the State of Texas cease any further expenditure of State resources on development of the TTC-35 until such time as it can be authoritatively and independently demonstrated that said new corridor will not have an adverse impact on the economies, commerce and economic health and vitality of the cities and counties now located along the traditional and historic NAFTA Trade Corridor.

I appreciate your time and your consideration of these factors as you plan future transportation systems for the State of Texas.

Note: The first sentence of this Position Statement has been edited by As shown above it accurately reflects the content of a form letter circulated by the River of Trade Corridor Coalition to its members. The Position Statement may have been modified from this original form by individual member organizations to more accurately reflect their specific concerns and/or issues. does not represent that any organization has adopted the Position Statement exactly as it appears here above. Please contact individual ROTCC members to obtain their Resolution or statement of position.


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