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Trans-Texas Corridor in the News: December 12-13,
2004 |

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Austin American-Statesman
Erik Slotboom participated in David & Linda's Toll & Corridor
Summit last month in Austin. As a result his traffic study was seen by the
Austin American-Statesman transportation reporter. A month later his finding
were on the front page of the Austin newspaper. (12.12.04)

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Austin American-Statesman
The story that started on the front page of Sunday's
newspaper continued in Section A for another half-page with these graphics. (12.12.04)

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Austin American-Statesman
Monday the Austin newspaper owned up to dropping the
ball on covering the sweeping changes to state law. The headline and last
paragraph tell the story. Finally we have politicians held responsible for their
actions and the media's attention to cover both what had already happened and
what they're going to do about it. (12.13.04)
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November 02, 2006
Copyright 2004 David K. Stall |