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El Campo Leader-News
Front page headline of the El Campo Leader-News reads,
"Public asks: can you get there from here?:
Trans Texas corridor draws concerns." The article reports Texas Rep.
Glenn Hegar [R-Katy] as saying, "Did I vote for it (the corridor's enabling
legislation)? Yes. Did I know everything that was in it? No." Like many Texans
Hegar, "was not aware of the ramifications of the proposed corridor." David
addressed some 100 citizens of the community at the invitation of the El Campo
Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture and the City Development Corporation.

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El Campo Leader-News
The public was joined at the civic center by local and county
officials as well as their State Representative. Participants called upon Rep.
Hegar to explain his thoughts and position on the Corridor. In response he told
the group that the corridor may not be the statewide solution. Of those in
attendance, only one gentleman in spoke in favor of corridor project while
dozens more expressed their concern and displeasure. Several called on those in
the room to spread the word and call their friends and neighbors to action. One
citizen called on the Chamber leadership to provide the public with names and
mailing addresses of state officials. The closing quote in the article was from
Rep. Hegar speaking about the legislative session in January, "We can go in and
rip up this bill and throw it in the trash by repealing everything in it, or we
can try to fix it." (07.17.04)