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Sounds Off
- May 25, 2003 |

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This is the third
running of the siren. On this day the clutch is being tested. David is
operating the clutch lever which, in the photograph, is in the disengaged
position. David is wearing 30 dB hearing protection. (05.25.03)

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On this, the third run-up, BigRed
again blows dirty brown smoke from its six projector horns. Again David stopped
the revving at 3000 RPM and shut the siren down after only 60 seconds of running
time. The brown smoke was not from the engine and appears to be 30 years of
dirt and rust that collected in the compressor. Exhaust can be seen blowing out
of the top stacks while more exhaust leaks from the exhaust manifolds. David is
wearing 30 dB hearing protection. (05.25.03) |

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On this, the fourth
run-up BigRed belches a dirty brown fog from its six projector
horns as the engine hits full throttle, 4600 RPM. This run lasted for
only 60 seconds. The concrete steps are in the background, not in front
of the siren. (05.25.03) |

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David Stall poses with BigRed
after a third day of successful test runs. On this day the siren was operated
at full-throttle for the first time since arriving in Texas. WOW this baby is
LOUD! (05.25.03) |
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November 02, 2006
Copyright 2003 David K. Stall |