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Tropical Storm Fay
- September 7, 2002 |

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Rain Creek Farm Timothy
silhouetted against the morning light across the pasture outside the living room
window. Timothy is actually outside perched atop the air conditioner.
(09.06.02) |

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Southeast Texas Radar Radar
image from 5am Saturday morning. The red bloom at the left end of this
storm line is directly over Colorado County (Columbus). Shortly after seeing
this image and hearing the first report of a tree across a street in Columbus
David went to work as the City's emergency management coordinator. (09.07.02) |

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Columbus Not much damage,
but high winds knocked out electrical service all over the city. About 80%
of the city was in the dark. Here an electrical crew just cut off the
downed wires and restored the rest of the circuit. City Hall, EMS
Building, Fire Station, one water plant, one sewer plant and half a dozen
liftstations were all without power for a couple hours. (09.07.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm This kind
of storm system generates long narrow bands of severe weather. Once we
returned home it was time to feed the donkeys. Another one of the storm
bands could be seen passing us to the north. (09.07.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm This storm
band never got to Rain Creek Farm. There was enough time between these
bands for David to mow the front yard and around the farmhouse. (09.07.02) |

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South-Central Texas Radar
Our turn came at 2:45p. Rain Creek Farm is under the red cell in the lower
half just to the right of center (Fayette County). More hard rain, not
much wind. This added to the inch of rain received while we were in
Columbus earlier in the morning. (09.07.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm The sun
shines brightly between the bands of storm clouds. (09.07.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm Scout and
the other kittens moved to the back porch to keep out of the rain. (09.07.02) |

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Fayetteville The view in
Fayetteville after dinner. (09.07.02) |

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Fayetteville We took this
photograph in front of one of our neighbor's pasture gates on our way back from
Ellinger. You can see the rain falling from the clouds. (09.07.02) |
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