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Rain Creek Farm
Yesterday David made arrangements to purchase four Guineas that the seller would
capture before his arrival at 8am this morning.
Before work today he visited the nearby farm which was in the same area as the original site of
our Scheel farmhouse. Here
are the Guinea fowl upon David's return to Rain Creek Farm. These are about one-half
grown. (07.23.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm
Guineas are the farm yard watch dog, sounding the
alarm whenever anything unusual occurs. They will consume large amounts of
insects and seldom bother the garden or flowers. Guinea Hens are known around
the world by many names: In France as Pintade, in Italy as Faraona, in England
as Guinea Fowl, in Spain and Portugal as Pintade, and in Germany as Perlhuhn. (07.23.02) |

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Rain Creek Farm
Here they are in a pen that David and Linda erected
last night behind the barn. Once started, they fend for themselves, living
on insects, seeds, and grasses. They control deer ticks, wood ticks,
grasshoppers, box elder bugs, flies, crickets, and all other insects. Their
call will discourage rodents. They will kill snakes, and will alert you to
anything unusual. Particularly, it is their appetite for grasshoppers that
brings them to Rain Creek Farm. (07.23.02) |