Manker Flats Jake was first up early
(6am) in the morning. We could hear him chopping wood. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats By the time we got up
Jake had a new fire going. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats Linda and Jake discuss
the fire and breakfast. It was still pretty early, about 7am. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats Jake selects another
hot dog and Dr. Pepper as breakfast. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats The speck in the
foreground is Jake returning from his morning hike up the side of the
mountain. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats Here he comes! He toted
a duffel bag up into the high woods to collect huge pine
cones for Linda. While on the side of the mountain he spotted a deer and other
This is a pretty neat spot to explore since we could (and did) follow him all
the way up and down the abandoned ski slope with our binoculars. (07.05.99)
In the meantime, David is packing up the tent and campsite.
Manker Flats Linda is very pleased
with the pinecone treasures that Jake has found for her. These
monster cones will become the newest decorations for our Lodge. (07.05.99)
Manker Flats With the camp all
packed up and everyone ready to head down the mountain, we
pause for one more photograph. A $1 garage sale tabletop tripod earns its
keep. We are
standing under a big pine tree where the tent had been pitched. This is the
same campsite that Jake wants to bring his friend Russ back to in two weeks. (07.05.99)