Bridgeport All packed and ready to
go. Note that Jake is fully equipped as a woodsman (hatchet on belt).
Yes, the Jeep is filled nearly to the top. That is it was until it wouldn't
start! What lousy timing.
A quick check revealed that the battery was fine, must be the starter. That
project will just have to wait until we return. (07.04.99)
Jake and David went up the mountain to explore an abandoned ski lift engine
station. Two Ford
tractor motors were still there with a couple jack shafts and pulleys.
Everything else was long
gone, including all but the stone portions of the building.
The fireworks from the dam were wonderful, the most fireworks anyone of us
had ever seen at
one time! There must have been as many as eight aerial displays, most going at
the same time.
The area around the dam looked like a scene from Close Encounters of the Third
Kind, cars, trucks,
and lots of lawn chairs. It was a grand time.
Unfortunately, my inexpensive digital camera doesn't have a flash, and
therefore I don't have any
'after dark' photos to share. Maybe next year.
When we returned to camp we built the fire and cooked hot dogs, toasted
jumbo marshmallows, and
made s'mores. It had cooled off into the 60's and the fire was much