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Image courtesy of Adam Pollak
Just 21
to alert the entire 200 square miles of New Orleans!
New Orleans,
Louisiana . . . one of the country's most important seaports, with a
population of nearly 600,000 and an area of 200 square miles . . . can
be alerted to impending danger in seconds. A
remote-controlled system of just twenty-one Chrysler Air Raid Sirens
could do the basic job. Compare this number with the necessary
quantity of any other warning device and you will learn the importance
of selecting Chrysler . . . the siren sounding the "loudest warning ever
A primary reason
for the tremendous coverage of each Chrysler Siren is its 180 horsepower
Chrysler V-8 Industrial Engine. This mighty power plant develops a
terrific 400 mile per hour blast, sufficient to send 173 decibels of sound
four miles in every direction from the rotating siren.
communities, too, will find the Chrysler Siren ideal for their
protection . . . because, thanks to its own individual power plant, the
Chrysler Siren can also be operated manually, independent of any system,
from a fixed location or from a moving truck or boat.
Chrysler Siren
Engineers stand ready to assist any community in planning its
protection. Learn why no other warning device compares for power,
for mobility and -- because of its tremendous coverage -- for economy,
write: Dept. 42, Chrysler Siren Layout Service, Industrial Engine
Division, Chrysler Corporation, Trenton, Michigan.
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