Member Newsletter June 19, 2007

Governor Perry Vetoes Several Bills to Protect His Trans Texas Corridor

Citizens of Texas are the Big Losers as Governor Perry Acts to Protect His Own Special Interests


HB1892 may have been the first, but it wasn't the last bill Perry has vetoed in his effort to save the Trans Texas Corridor.


House Bill 2006

There isn't anything more important in a free society than the right of its citizens to own and hold land as private property. When government erodes that right it attacks a fundamental freedom of its citizens. 


With HB2006 the Texas Legislature sought to protect the state's citizens from potential abuse of eminent domain (the government's power to forcibly take private land) by ensuring limited use and just compensation.


Governor Perry objects to pesky proceedings that might slow down his massive highway construction projects like the TTC and compensate land owners for their losses and damages. Once again citizens are short changed by the very government that should be protecting them.


HB2006 is described by the Texas Public Policy Foundation as, "one of the most significant landowner rights initiatives in more than a decade." TPPF's Bill Peacock said, "Unfortunately, this veto exposes property owners from Freeport to El Paso to the very real threat of eminent domain."


Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association President Jon Means says, "Governor Perry has sent the message loud and clear that he does not support private property rights."


The Texas Farm Bureau who supported Perry's re-election so that they could maintain their "seat at the table" have found themselves pushed aside. TFB President Kenneth Dierschke complained that taking private property has become too easy and says, "Obviously, there are many powerful interests that prefer it stay that way."


By vetoing HB2006 the Governor makes sure TxDOT can run roughshod over landowners who have the misfortune of being in the path of the TTC.


Senate Bill 718

This bill didn't create much of a control over the TTC, but any limitation on the TTC certainly draws the ire of Governor Perry.


By vetoing SB718 he has released TxDOT from making any effort to consider upgrading the state's existing highway system before they establish a completely new TTC route across the state.


Most laughable is the Governor's assertion that SB718 would conflict with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations by presupposing a route for the TTC. Apparently he doesn't know that in virtually every NEPA environmental review for a highway upgrading an existing facility is one of the alternatives considered. Of course that's not the case with any of the TTC segments studied to date. Why? Because TxDOT has presupposed a new route will be required. Now that is in conflict with NEPA regulations Governor. (We'll be seeing you in court about that too!)


House Bill 3647

HB3647 would have required the Attorney General to conduct a study to determine if the authority of the state may be restricted, nullified, superseded, preempted or otherwise affected by, among other things, any compact or agreement between the state and a foreign governmental entity or international body.


Specifically the AG was directed to consider the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), World Trade Organization (WTO), General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), United Nations (UN), and North American SuperCorridor Coalition (NASCO).


Kind of makes you wonder what Governor Perry didn't want the AG to report to the Legislature, doesn't it?  

Dear Member,

It sure didn't take TxDOT long to shake off the legislative session and resume their headlong rush to use every available loophole, exception, and remaining authority to build toll roads and grant toll road concessions just as fast as possible. Rather than acknowledging the concerns of the people and their legislature, TxDOT is now moving even more quickly. The Commission and TxDOT are taking full advantage of the legislature's failure to restrain their action. Our fear is that they will attempt to do the same with the Trans Texas Corridor. And, of course they will.
While CorridorWatch is not anti-toll, we are certainly distressed about the way TxDOT is single-mindedly focused on using Texas highways to generate revenue. We are concerned about a process where the state forces its will on every level of government with utter disregard for local and regional needs or concerns. We also question the wisdom of private control, dangerous financial schemes, and multi-generational agreements that could spell future disaster for Texas and all Texans.
Emboldened by the arrogance of their leadership, Commission members and TxDOT executives openly mocked members of the Legislature during their meeting last week. Their unabashed comments foretold of the vetoes that would soon follow.
Before the meeting ended the Commission authorized TxDOT to move forward on eighty toll road projects across the state.
Last weekend Governor Perry vetoed 49 more bills.
Property protections were dashed with the veto of an eminent domain bill TxDOT didn't like. Another bill that would have required TxDOT to consider using existing highway routes for future TTC routes was struck down. A bill that called on the Attorney General to study the impact of international agreements on Texas was ridiculed by the Commission and also vetoed by the Governor.
A few more vetoes smack of retaliation dealt to those who opposed the Governor's view of the TTC, HPV, TYC or education during the session.
It is truly incredible to see a Governor who's actions are completely disconnected from the people he is sworn to represent. His actions are at odds with his own political party party platform and leadership, they are in conflict with overwhelming public opinion, they offend a wide variety of large organizations that previously supported his election, they fly in the face of the virtually unanimous will of the Legislature. Who can help but wonder who Governor Perry represents and who's interests is he protecting?
Now the stage is set for the Commission to demonstrate just how far they will go to protect their Spanish partner. Despite incredible pressure North Texas has rejected the Governor's pre-selected private business benefactor. Will the Commission continue their now routine pattern of putting what Perry wants first and the people want last? Sadly, we believe that our Governor serves the money brokers, not the people. He has demonstrated that his loyalty is not with the people of Texas, but resides exclusively with those who can provide the kind of money that can further personal and political ambition.
Make no mistake, CorridorWatch will continue the fight challenging the wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor. That does not mean we won't lose battles along the way, but in the end we will have an undeniable impact on this flawed project and the bad public policy that has made it possible.
And on a personal note, our heart goes out to our members and their families who have suffered losses in the floods and severe storms that have sweep across Texas in the last several days.  We wish them the best for a speedy and complete recovery.
TTC On The National Stage
The Trans Texas Corridor will gain national attention tonight with a Special Report segment appearing on NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams (5:30 pm CDT, Tuesday, June 19, 2007).
We haven't seen what NBC will present, but it's hard to imagine that they could find too much positive to report on this massive land grabbing highway monopoly.
Like any other story, this segment is subject to preemption by the unpredictable news events of the day. But, absent another breaking story, you should be able to tune in tonight and watch what millions of other Americans may see as their first exposure to the Trans Texas Corridor. 


Free No-TTC Sticker OfferFREE STICKERS wants you to have two FREE Window Stickers for Your Car or Truck. 

These large 3-1/2 inch round weatherprooof vinyl "No TTC" stickers were designed for maximum visibility and produced for use as a bumper or window stickers to instantly show your opposition to the TTC Plan. These durable vinyl stickers can be placed on any smooth surface.

Mail a self-address first-class stamped envelope to:
Free Sticker Offer
Fayetteville, TX 78940-5468

Each envelope will be filled with two stickers and returned by U.S. Mail. If you would like more stickers please send us more stamped envelopes. We will mail them as quickly as possible, but please allow 2 weeks for delivery.


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