Report calls for
ousting transportation commission
June 02, 2008
Pat Driscoll, San Antonio
Looks like the biggest victory yet for
toll-road critics looms just around the corner.
A Sunset Advisory Commission report set to be
released tomorrow will call for abolishing the
five-member Texas Transportation Commission,
according to copies of a draft obtained today by
Express-News reporter Peggy Fikac.
The commission board should be replaced with
one paid commissioner serving a two-year term,
the report says. Also, a legislative committee
should be formed to oversee the Texas Department
of Transportation.
It states:
The Sunset review of the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT) occurred against a
backdrop of distrust and frustration with
the Department and the demand for more
transparency, accountability, and
responsiveness. Many expressed concerns that
TxDOT was 'out of control,' advancing its
own agenda against objections of both the
Legislature and the public.
"Yippeeeeeeee! Finally a voice of reason!"
toll critic Terri Hall cried on her blog.
Hall has good reason to celebrate.
Critics long trying to waylay toll plans made
their strongest inroads last year during the
legislative session. Sure, Gov. Rick Perry made
a silent sprint around them, but their heat was
felt by lawmakers and they actually nipped a few
things such as length of privatization contracts
and size of non-compete zones.
A commissioner answering to state lawmakers
instead of the governor would put TxDOT closer
to the public pulse. Not a defeat of toll plans,
but a decisive battle won.