session on Tuesday will launch corridor
Feb. 8, 2008
Houston Chronicle
A public hearing Tuesday night in
southwest Houston will kick off three
weeks of formal hearings on the state's
controversial I-69/Trans-Texas Corridor
The hearings are required by
federal law to gather comment on the
project's Draft Environmental Impact
All the hearings will follow the same
timetable and format: An open house at 5
p.m., with detailed maps and Texas
Department of Transportation personnel
to answer questions, then a presentation
about the DEIS at 6:30 p.m., followed by
recorded comments.
The Houston hearing will be held in
Arabia Shrine Center, 2900 N. Braeswood.
Also, a hearing has been added to a
list published previously. Because some
attendees could not get into a Jan. 22
Town Hall meeting in Hempstead, another
has been scheduled for March 3.
Unlike the crowded town hall meetings
that TxDOT held on the controversial
project, the hearings are governed by
federal rules that bar TxDOT personnel
from answering questions or responding
to comments, except during the open