Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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I-69 &
Trans-Texas Corridor
Christa Lollis, KTRE Channel 9
(Lufkin, Nacodoches)
LUFKIN ― A continuous 10-lane
interstate complete with restaurants, and rail lines could soon
run throughout Texas. It could even run right through Lufkin and
Nacogdoches, and that's not sitting too well with some people.
"The main reason is who is this
highway for? Who is it really going to benefit," Hank Gilbert
wonders. Those are questions Gilbert wants answered. He and his
organization are against construction of the interstate but
TxDOT says it's nothing they aren't used to. One representative,
Steve Simmons said, "We're not seeing anything different that
we're hearing at the I69/TTC debate as what was discussed during
the building of the interstate highway system. It's a new
concept. It affects people. It affects their communities. It
affects the state of Texas."
TxDOT reps answered questions and
told the audience why I-69 and the Trans-Texas corridor are a
good thing, and important to the growth of the state. "1000 new
people move to Texas everyday. We basically add the population
the size of San Antonio every 5 years," Simmons explained.
Opponents of the plan came armed with stats of their own. "The
federal housing and our developments says just the opposite,
that Texas has been basically zero growth for the last 5 years.
We've had a large migration from the rural to urban areas but
not a whole lot of growth," Gilbert argued.
The growth argument wasn't the
only negative East Texans saw in TXDOT's plans. "I am very
concerned about foreign entities in this plan," one East Texan
said. Another asked, "To the extent that you could use the
existing footprint would that part be tolled also?" This wasn't
the first, and it won't be the last of town hall meetings
throughout the state but TxDOT hopes that when they leave each
city, there will be a few more supporters than when they arrived
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This Page Last
Tuesday January 29, 2008 |