Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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"This corridor is a top priority, not only
for TxDOT but for Gov. Perry as well," said Ned Holmes, a TTC member.
Despite Losing Leader, Trans Texas
Corridor Moving Ahead.
Richard Williamson, The Bond Buyer
DALLAS -- Texas will move ahead with plans for the Trans Texas
Corridor in early 2008, despite the loss of the project's
leading promoter and a partial moratorium on private development
of toll highways.
Transportation Commission chairman Ric Williamson, a close ally
of Gov. Rick Perry in promoting the TTC, died Saturday of a
heart attack. The formerly five-member commission, which
oversees the Texas Department of Transportation, is expected to
continue with one of the board members acting as chairman until
Perry names a replacement.
corridor is a top priority, not only for TxDOT but for Gov.
Perry as well," said Ned Holmes, a TTC member. "We've met with
leaders along the corridor in recent weeks explaining the work
we have under way to accelerate this long-overdue project. The
I-69 corridor has been a work in progress for the past 16 years,
and it is high time we pour some concrete. In fact we are ready
to proceed to the next step."
so-called corridor is actually a network of highways and rail
lines designed to relieve congestion on tax-funded interstate
highways while speeding commercial traffic to and from the
Mexican border. While one highway will parallel Interstate 35,
another, known as Interstate 69, will carry traffic across far
South Texas to Houston and northbound to eventually connect with
the existing I-69.
for the 650-mile Texas section of I-69 call for use of existing
highways before acquiring new right-of-way, according to a draft
environmental impact statement released in November.
Beginning Jan. 15, TxDOT will hold 11 town hall meetings
followed by 46 public hearings starting Feb. 4.
want to hear the public's ideas and we want to answer their
questions," said TTC member Ted Houghton. "It is their comments
that will help shape the final decisions."
month, TxDOT issued a formal request for proposals to two
private developer teams on how to finance, design, construct,
operate, and maintain I-69. The teams, which submitted initial
proposals last year, are ZAI ACS TTC-69 and Bluebonnet
Infrastructure. ZAI ACS TTC-69 is led by Zachry American
Infrastructure Inc. and ACS Infrastructure Development Inc.
Bluebonnet Infrastructure is led by Spanish developer Cintra,
which is also working on another section of the TTC between
Austin and San Antonio.
teams must submit their proposals by March 5.
Williamson was the leader in the fight to tap private funding to
build transit projects in Texas, as tax revenues and federal
dollars fell increasingly short of the state's needs.
search for a long-term private partner to finance and develop
I-69/TTC is separate from environmental study, which Perry
accelerated in 2002 with a streamlined review process.
was designated a high priority corridor 16 years ago but lacked
the billions of dollars in funding needed. Legislation passed in
2003 allowed TxDOT to pursue the project more vigorously.
December 2005, Perry announced an ambitious plan to partner with
the private sector to develop an interstate-quality highway
corridor from Northeast Texas, the Gulf Coast, and the Rio
Grande Valley. Perry proposed new rail freight capacity,
connections to ports, and links to industrial hubs from South
Texas and the Midwest.
the last session of the Texas Legislature, SB 792 placed a
two-year moratorium on privately funded toll roads, but made
exceptions for planning the I-69 project, among several others.
decision to develop existing highways first was a result of
public comments to date, said Amadeo Saenz, TxDOT executive
are doing what the public asked us to do and that is look at
existing highways first," Saenz said, pointing to public
comments urging a better, more direct connection between the
Port of Corpus Christi and the inland port of Laredo.
is a possibility that deserves additional study and public
input, so it is included in the refined study area," Saenz said.
Trans-Texas Corridor will connect the state's metro and urban
areas without cutting through the hearts of our cities," Saenz
said. "We will work with local officials to consider how
existing highways will be used to connect urban areas to the
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Thursday January 17, 2008 |