A (Partial) Victory in
the Battle Against Globalization: The NAFTA
Corridor Initiative Suffers a Setback
December 18, 2007
by Richard D. Vogel,
Monthly Review
Good News!
Opponents of the I-69 NAFTA corridor in
the Midwest and the South can take heart
from the partial victory of the corridor
opposition in Texas. There are valuable
lessons to be learned from this skirmish
between grassroots citizen groups and the
forces of globalization.
In the face of widespread public
opposition, the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT) announced on November
13 (www.KeepTexasMoving.com)
that it is revising its grandiose plans for
the construction of the I-69/TTC corridor
through East Texas, one of the primary
routes in the U.S. NAFTA corridor system
(the NAFTA corridors in Texas were dubbed
the Trans-Texas Corridor system, or TTC, by
The I-69/TTC corridor, like the I-35/TTC
corridor that is to run south to north
through the center of the state, was
originally proposed as a 1,200-foot-wide,
grade-level right of way with traffic lanes
for passenger vehicles sandwiched between
truck lanes, high-speed passenger and
freight rail lines, and a 200-foot-wide
multi-use utility zone. Constructed
according to the original specifications,
the corridors would have consumed 146 acres
of land per mile, irreversibly damaging the
environment and dividing or displacing
scores of families and communities along its
path. (For an in-depth analysis of the
impact of the corridors, see
"The NAFTA Corridors: Offshoring U.S.
Transportation Jobs to Mexico,"
Monthly Review 57.9, February 2006:
16-29. )
Though promoted by TxDOT as part of a
state initiative to deal with regional
traffic needs, I-69/TTC is really the Texas
link of a planned transnational corridor
that would run the length of Mexico, span
the American Midwest, and cross into eastern
Canada. The primary purpose of I-69, like
that of I-35 and the yet unnumbered
Ports-to-Plains corridor planned for West
Texas, is to transport cheap commodities
manufactured in the maquiladoras in Mexico
and in the Far East (and imported through
Mexico) to markets in the U.S. and Canada
and to facilitate the movement of cheap
labor from the South to the North (for
background on the labor issue see,
"Transient Servitude: The U.S. Guest Worker
Program for Exploiting Mexican and Central
American Workers," Monthly Review
58.8 January 2007: 1-22).

There are two distinct aspects of
globalization driving the TTC/NAFTA corridor
projects. The first is the transportation
demands of global production and supply
chains, and the second is the development
and operation of transportation corridors as
private enterprises under the auspices of
the state. The privatization of a
historically public service like highway
transportation relies on the confederation
of big capital and the states through which
the corridors pass. This is the side of
globalization that was challenged by
activists in Texas.
Privatization: The Confederation
of Big Capital and the State
This aspect of globalization involves the
expansion of the power of big capital
through the active sponsorship of the
state. That I-69/TTC was an integral part
of a globalization scheme from the very
beginning is verified by the related actions
taken by the State of Texas:
The State signed an exclusive
development agreement with an
international private-sector developer
of transport infrastructures (Cintra
Concesiones de Infraestructuras de
Transporte, S.A.) to build and operate
the TTC as a private toll transportation
system. According to the contract, the
company is entitled to the lion's share
of all toll and concession revenues
generated by the project and obligated
to pay only a nominal sum to the State.
The State exempted Cintra from most
state and local control and taxes,
depriving Texas and local authorities of
substantial current and future
revenues. At the same time, the State
assigned the un-funded liability of
providing transportation emergency
services to local authorities for the
sections of the corridors in their
The Texas Legislature facilitated
construction of the TTC system by
passing a "quick-take" eminent domain
law to expedite the expropriation of
private land.
Both elected officials and
bureaucrats of the State of Texas
actively promoted an amendment to the
state constitution to allow the use of
public money to finance the relocation
of existing rail lines to the corridors.
TxDOT restricted access to the
mandated environmental impact statement
that disclosed the negative social and
environmental consequences of the TTC
TxDOT officially committed
substantial financial and human
resources to promote the TTC project to
the citizens of Texas.
The TxDOT/Cintra contract was
underwritten by the State of Texas by
providing "bail-out" provisions by which
taxpayers would assume financial
liability for the project if the toll
roads failed to produce satisfactory
In sum, the TxDOT/Cintra deal was a
typical privatization scheme in which big
capital, underwritten by the state, was to
be the winner and the citizens of Texas were
slated to be the losers.
The contract, the full terms of which
have never been made public, has not been
The Opposition
The TTC plan drew opposition from a wide
range of individuals and grass-roots
organizations that included landowners and
local communities in the path of the
corridors, property-rights advocates,
environmental organizations, and
anti-globalization activists who saw the
project as an attack on working people and
their communities by international
profiteers aided and abetted by federal,
state, and local politicians.
Opposition actions ranged from rural
"surveyor watches" manned by networks of
ranchers and farmers, some of whom posted
warning signs on their property and
conducted armed patrols, environmental
impact education projects hosted by local
and state environmental groups, the
production and distribution of educational
videos, websites and weblogs dedicated to
the issue and aimed at fostering effective
political networks (see, for example,
www.corridorwatch.com), numerous
lawsuits against TxDOT and the State, and a
variety of independent political actions,
such as challenging TxDOT officials and
leafleting attendees and at public
meetings. In response to the outcry and
organizing, Texas lawmakers eventually
passed legislation aimed at restricting
TxDOT's ability to expand the privatization
of Texas highways.
Globalization Goes to "Plan B"
The struggle is far from over. Global
production and supply chains continue to
develop at an increasing rate and the drive
to expand and privatize transportation
systems is unabated. The head of the I-69
Alliance, the foremost corridor advocacy
organization in East Texas, summed up the
situation quite succinctly when he recently
forecasted "a tsunami of freight coming this
Chart 1 offers a preview of the tidal
wave of freight containers coming from the

Chart 1 shows the official number of
truck containers that crossed into Texas
through the lower Rio Grande Valley area
(Laredo, Hidalgo, and Brownsville) for the
years 2001 through 2005, and preliminary
figures indicate that the skyrocketing trend
continued through 2006 and into 2007. TxDOT
and U.S. DOT projections indicate that this
number will likely double within the next
ten years. The fact that the vast majority
of this truck traffic is presently routed up
I-35 explains the mounting pressure for a
more direct route to the Midwest and beyond.
Following the defeat of the original
I-69/TTC proposal, the forces of
globalization have introduced a backup plan
to accommodate the flood of freight from
Mexico. TxDOT's alternative scheme is to
build I-69/TTC in the footprint of existing
US 59 through East Texas, the most densely
populated area of the state, with a major
by-pass to be built around the western edge
of the sprawling Houston metropolitan area.
The social and environmental problems
created by routing massive transportation
corridors through cities and suburbs are
already well documented: extensive
displacement and disruption of communities,
local traffic gridlock, and dangerously high
concentrations of ground, air, water, and
sound pollution in areas of dense
population. A contemporary tour through San
Antonio, Houston, and Beaumont along I-10, a
major highway in the TTC system, offers
stark testimony to the blight caused by
massive transportation corridors in urban
In terms of human health and social
impact, the I-69/TTC backup plan is worse
than the original proposal.
I-69 is still slated to be a private toll
road, but that contentious aspect of the
plan is being kept in the background this
time around. The new official spin promises
faster construction, increased cost
effectiveness, and less impact on property
owners. The heart of the current proposal
is to create a high-speed, high-volume
transportation corridor by rebuilding the
existing roads with toll lanes in the center
of established right-of-ways and converting
existing lanes into frontage roads to
re-route local traffic. Expensive
crossovers, which will have to be funded by
local authorities, will be few and far
between. Under the revised I-69/TTC plan,
the partition of cities and suburbs will be
extensive, while the cleavage of small towns
in East Texas will be complete. The
resulting concentration of traffic will
aggravate existing pollution hotspots and
spawn new ones.
New Strategy/New Response
TxDOT has introduced a new
community-level strategy for promoting the
alternative I-69/TTC plan. While TxDOT
officials held public meetings across the
state to manufacture consensus for the
original TTC plan (it failed!), the main
thrust of political action to promote the
new I-69/TTC is preemptive.
TxDOT's new approach is to form local
organizing committees that will be required
to mobilize community support for the
project. Each committee, recruited by TxDOT
officials and steered by TxDOT staffers,
will have a maximum of 24 members including
local government leaders, port authority
heads, economic development advisors,
chamber of commerce members, and
representatives of local and metropolitan
planning organizations. Committee members
will have to sign confidentiality agreements
before they can participate. Under the new
TxDOT strategy, public meetings will be held
only after the organizing committees have
done their work.
The neocons have obviously learned from
their past mistakes -- the democratic
process that stalled the original TTC/NAFTA
corridor plan could be subverted this time
around. This second assault against the
people of Texas has already begun.
Organizing committees are currently being
formed and 10 town hall meetings in key
cities are scheduled for January 2008.
TxDOT will continue the campaign with 46
public meetings along the route of the
corridor in February.
Forewarned is forearmed. The fact that
the new strategy is already underway
suggests that the new response, utilizing
the successful tactics of the past and
embracing new ones discovered through
practice, should begin immediately.
Fortunately, most of the opposition
organizations and networks are still in
The coming contest promises to be tougher
than round one; success this time will
depend on a strategy that confronts the
issue of globalization head-on.
Confronting Globalization
Because of its geographical location,
Texas is the key state in the NAFTA corridor
initiative and the outcome of the struggle
over I-69 and the TTC system will shape the
future of globalization struggles across the
nation (the outcome of the I-69 struggle in
Texas could be repeated along the route in
Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky,
Indiana, and Michigan). The Texas
experience shows that ongoing opposition to
global transportation schemes is important
but the threat of social and environmental
damage caused by massive global production
and supply chains will persist as long as
governments, at all levels, continue to
sponsor the offshoring schemes of big
The launch of the second campaign for the
expansion and privatization of
transportation by the forces of
globalization in Texas makes it clear that
the populist challenge to big capital must
be expanded to target the central tenet of
global capitalism -- the tyranny of the free
market. The principle of sustainable
economic growth, not shortsighted profit
maximization schemes, must become the new
global standard of governance. Nothing
short of that revolutionary standard is
sufficient to meet the escalating threats of
globalization to the health and welfare of
the nation.
Richard D. Vogel is
a political reporter who monitors the
effects of globalization on working people
and their communities.