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Interest to lease turnpike is broad
Gov. Rendell has revived the idea.
Thirty-four firms from the U.S. and abroad
have offered qualifications.
Oct. 2, 2007
By Paul Nussbaum, Inquirer Staff
The latest suitors of the Pennsylvania
Turnpike came calling in Harrisburg
yesterday, with a distinctly
international accent.
Thirty-four financial, engineering
and management companies submitted 14
proposals to the Pennsylvania Department
of Transportation, offering their
qualifications for operating the
Gov. Rendell set yesterday as a
deadline for companies to submit their
"expressions of qualifications" to lease
and operate the road, as he looks for
billions of dollars to pay for highway
and bridge projects and mass transit.
Rendell initially proposed leasing
the turnpike last year, but the
legislature balked at the idea. Instead,
lawmakers passed - and Rendell signed -
a law to place tolls on Interstate 80,
increase tolls on the turnpike, and use
4.4 percent of state sales tax proceeds
to raise about $965 million more per
year for transportation projects.
But that law, Act 44, has run into
heavy criticism from northern
Pennsylvania politicians and businesses,
who say tolls on I-80 could hurt
businesses and residents along the I-80
corridor. Two area congressmen are
seeking to pass federal legislation to
prevent the tolls on I-80, and some
state legislators from the region are
talking about trying to repeal Act 44.
So Rendell returned to the turnpike
as a possible source of money. If the
state leased the turnpike to a private
operator, it could collect $20 billion
or more, financial advisers hired by the
administration have estimated.
"Over the coming days, we will
evaluate the responses to determine the
entities that are qualified to bid on a
potential lease of the turnpike,"
Rendell said in a statement. "With this
level of interest, we owe it to
taxpayers to continue exploring the
opportunities that might be available
through this process."
Rendell's office yesterday released
the names of the 34 companies that have
submitted expressions of interest, but
did not specify which firms have teamed
The companies include the biggest
names in toll-road management, including
Macquarie, an Australian firm, and
Cintra, a Spanish company. Those two
firms have jointly leased the Chicago
Skyway and the Indiana Toll Road, the
first American toll roads to be leased
to private operators.
Other suitors include investment
firms and toll-road managers from
Canada, India, Australia and
Switzerland, as well as New York, New
Jersey and Virginia.
The Suitors
The list released from Gov. Rendell's
office of companies submitting
expressions of interest in operating the
Pennsylvania Turnpike:
Abertis Infraestructuras, Barcelona,
ACS Infrastructure Development Group,
Bangalore, India
AIG Financial Products Corp., Wilton,
Babcock & Brown, Sydney, Australia.
Borealis Infrastructure Management Inc.,
Toronto, Canada.
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board,
Cintra, Madrid.
Citi Infrastructure Investors, New York.
Colonial First State Global Asset
Management, Sydney.
Global Via Infrastructuras S.A., Madrid.
Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York.
HH Capital Advisors, North Hampton, N.H.
Industry Funds Management, Wollongong,
Isolux Corsán, Madrid.
JE Jacobs, Pasadena, Calif.
John Hancock Financial Services, Boston.
JP Morgan Investment Management Inc.,
New York.
Macquarie Infrastructure Partners Inc.,
Merrill Lynch, New York.
North American Strategic Infrastructure
Partners L.L.C., headquarters
OHL Concesiones SL, Madrid.
OHL Infrastructure Inc., Madrid.
OHL SA, Madrid.
Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board,
PA Turnpike Employees and Partners L.L.C.,
POPT L.L.C., headquarters unavailable.
RREEF (a Deutsche Bank subsidiary), New
Santander Capital Riesgo Global, Madrid.
The Herrick Company Inc., Cedar Knolls,
Transfield Services, North Sydney,
Transfield Services Infrastructure Fund,
North Sydney.
Transurban USA Inc., U.S. subsidiary of
Sydney-based firm.
UBS Investment Bank Infrastructure Fund,
Zurich, Switzerland.
VMS Inc., Richmond, Va.
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Tuesday October 02, 2007 |