Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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Several Texas towns unite
to fight Trans-Texas Corridor
In an unprecedented move, the four cities of
Bartlett, Holland, Little River-Academy, and Rogers recently
formed the Eastern Central Texas Sub-Regional Planning
Commission to fight the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC).
"This is one issue all four cities are united behind to save
our rural way of life," stated newly elected President Mae
Smith, mayor of Holland. Other members of the board include
Arthur White, mayor of Bartlett; Ronnie White, mayor of Academy;
the Rev. Billy Crow, mayor of Rogers; and Ralph Snyder, a
business owner from Holland.
"The purpose of this commission is to give us a voice in this
process. It's our land that the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT) and our governor want to take and we are
not going to let them pave us over and ignore the concerns of
our communities," stated Snyder.
The Trans-Texas Corridor will confiscate between 5,000 and 7,500
acres in Bell County alone, while destroying another 50,000
acres of farmland between San Antonio and the Texas-Oklahoma
border. The Texas Legislature created the TTC in 2003, and ever
since landowners have been fighting to protect their rights.
The commission was formed using the Texas Local Government Code,
Chapter 391, which allows cities and counties to form regional
planning commissions to work together to develop plans for their
local region and to force the state agencies to coordinate with
their activities.
Under Chapter 391.009(c), TxDOT is required to coordinate with
commissions to ensure effective and orderly implementation of
state programs at the regional level.
"TxDOT must coordinate with us before they can implement their
plans in our region," said Ronnie White, vice president of the
newly formed commission. "The TTC is driven by greed and has
no respect for our rural way of life," White continued.
Under state law, TxDOT will be required to work with the Eastern
Central Texas Sub-Regional Planning Commission and coordinate
their plans with the local group before any land is taken or any
construction begins.
"If not, they are in violation of the state statute and we are
prepared to take them to court if necessary," explained Smith.
The individual cities have also requested that the Environmental
Protection Agency reject the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement submitted by TxDOT, because the agency did not
coordinate with local government as required under the federal
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This Page Last
Tuesday September 11, 2007 |