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Senators Introduce Legislation That Would Ban Tolls on
Existing Interstates
A pair of US Senators move to block the Texas
Department of Transportation from adding tolls to
existing interstate freeways.
US Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and John
Cornyn (R-Texas) yesterday introduced legislation that
would ban the imposition of tolls on existing free
interstate highways. S. 2019 would "prohibit the
imposition and collection of tolls on certain highways
constructed using federal funds," by prohibiting the
U.S. Secretary of Transportation from approving tolls on
existing federally-funded freeways.
"My bill will protect drivers from paying tolls on roads
that were already paid for by taxpayers," Hutchison
said. "I will work with members of the Texas
Congressional delegation and the state legislature to
ensure that Texans are never asked to pay a toll of an
existing interstate highway."
week, news reports highlighted a
Texas Department of Transportation
proposal to buy back interstates
from the federal government so that
the freeways could be sold to
foreign investors and converted into
toll roads. Hutchison has a history of opposing
such measures. In 2005, she joined colleagues Richard
Shelby (R-Alabama), Benjamin Nelson (D-Nebraska), Mark
Pryor (D-Arkansas) and former Senator Conrad Burns
(R-Montana) in a bipartisan effort to repeal the
Interstate System Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Pilot Program which allows the Federal Highway
Administration to add tolls to three existing
interstates, bridges or tunnels. Although the Senate
agreed to the amendment, it was later stripped in
conference before it could become law.
"The politics of tax-and-spend has, unfortunately, crept
back into Washington, and threatens to undo all of the
good work of the past several years," Cornyn said in a
statement Tuesday.
The Texas senators' bill was referred to the Committee
on Environment and Public Works chaired by Senator
Barbara Boxer (D-California).
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This Page Last
Friday October 19, 2007 |