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Williamson pointed to the
benefit of using the technology to raise money to supplement the TxDOT
budget and dismissed objections to photo ticketing as based in
nothing but ignorance.
Postpones Freeway Speed Cameras as New Laws Take Effect
New photo enforcement restrictions convince Texas Department
of Transportation to back off from freeway speed camera
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced yesterday
that it was backing down on its plan to install speed cameras on
state freeways in light of new laws restricting photo
enforcement that take effect today. In a letter to State
Representative Vicki Truitt (R-Southlake), Texas Transportation
Commission Chairman Ric Williamson agreed to delay his freeway
ticketing proposal for twenty-one months.
"I have decided my interest in the technology is best explored
through the hearing process conducted by the legislature,"
Williamson wrote. "Accordingly, I have asked staff to lay the
Request for Proposal on the shelf until June 2009."
Williamson had angered Truitt and at least twenty-six other
legislators who signed a letter complaining that TxDOT's
proposal to use photo radar was made public after the
legislature had adjourned having just enacted a law banning
municipalities from using speed cameras (read
original proposal). Williamson pointed to the benefit of
using the technology to raise money to supplement the TxDOT
budget and dismissed objections to photo ticketing as based in
nothing but ignorance.
"I watched carefully the hearings on red light cameras and speed
cameras conducted by the legislature this past session,"
Williamson wrote. "While listening to the give-and-take between
sides during the hearings, it occurred to me that positions were
fervently held, though without much valid research available to
support them."
Senate Transportation Committee Chairman John Carona (R-Dallas),
sponsor of one of the new camera limitation laws, accused
Williamson of having an "arrogant" attitude toward lawmakers in
a February hearing (view
hearing video). A number of studies by the Virginia
Department of Transportation and The Washington Post newspaper
had come to conclusions contrary to Williamson's interest (view
The legislature had set today as the date when new restrictions
on red light cameras would take effect. This caused around sixty
cities to scramble to sign new contracts or expand existing ones
before the deadline so that they could use contingent fee
contracts and avoid conducting studies of engineering
alternatives before installing the ticketing devices. Most
importantly, the state will now take half of the profit from
citations that can no longer be greater than $75.
Motorists will also be protected against late-payment fees for
lost mail as the city must now provide notice using certified
mail. Cities must also spring for postage and provide
pre-addressed envelopes for payment. Anyone contesting a
citation can now request a trial by a jury of his peers and
demand that the individual responsible for camera maintenance
testify in court about the upkeep and accuracy of the ticketing
machine. No city may use red light cameras after September 2009,
unless the legislature sees proof that the devices have had a
positive effect and enacts a new authorization law.
Soon after Governor Rick Perry (R) agreed to these restrictions,
a number of cities dropped their interest in automated
ticketing, including
Los Fresnos, Kerrville, Alamo Heights, and Schertz.
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This Page Last
Tuesday September 04, 2007 |