Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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In February, the state auditor's
office chided TxDOT for hiding lobbying expenses behind
other, legitimate expenses.
Texas Department of Transportation Uses Gas Tax Money to
Lobby for Toll Roads
Activists urge investigation of Texas Department of
Transportation lobbying on behalf of toll roads.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has been
spending millions on a public relations project designed
to lobby the public and the legislature on the benefits
of toll roads. The San Antonio Express News reported
Monday that an internal TxDOT memo entitled "Keep Texas
Moving: Tolling and Trans-Texas Corridor Outreach"
suggested the agency would spend $7-9 million promoting
the tolling concept. In February, the state auditor's
office chided TxDOT for hiding lobbying expenses behind
other, legitimate expenses.
"A total
of $4.5 million associated with the
21 invoices described above was
charged to the incorrect activity,"
the audit report stated. "For example, $52,000 of a $628,000
invoice that was charged to engineering was actually for
public relations expenses."
The multi-million dollar public relations campaign began
in June with paid advertisements and a slick website
called Keep Texas Moving, which promotes the 4000-mile
Trans-Texas Corridor proposal. Expected to be up to 1200
feet wide, the toll road will cost between $145 and $183
billion to construct and require acquisition of 9000
square miles of land. Terri Hall, founder of Texans
Uniting for Reform and Freedom, opposes the Trans-Texas
Corridor and today sent a letter to Travis County
District Attorney Ronnie Earle urging him to open an
"It's not only an inappropriate and wasteful use of our
gas tax dollars by an agency perpetually claiming it's
out of money for roads, but it's illegal for a
public agency to take a policy position and use the
public's tax money to sell them something using an
under-handed PR campaign," Hall wrote.
Dont like toll roads? TxDOT is talking to you (San
Antonio Express News (TX), 8/24/2007)
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This Page Last
Friday October 19, 2007 |