Newsman anchors
coverage in Texas
Williams says state prime seat to immigration debate
June 21, 2007
TOM MAURSTAD Media Critic, Dallas Morning News
NBC News anchor and managing editor Brian
Williams – or "the James Bond of newsmen," as Jon
Stewart introduced him on Tuesday night's edition of
The Daily Show – was on the phone ostensibly
to talk about his swing through Texas and his
network's coverage of America's immigration debate.
But what he really wanted to talk about was his
favorite show on television.
Anyone who followed his Sopranos blog on might naturally think that would refer to
HBO's just-deceased series (by the way, count Mr.
Williams among those who thought the final scene was
brilliant). But no, he wanted to talk about
Friday Night Lights, the critically acclaimed
but popularly neglected show set in small-town
Texas. True, it does happen to be an NBC program,
but his enthusiasm is no case of home-team
boosterism – his love of good television is pure and
"I just can't believe how good the show is," he
says. "I mean, the dialogue is so true to life,
especially when it's parents talking about their
kids. I think they recorded some of the
conversations my wife and I have had."
We spend the next several minutes talking about
all the superlative elements mixed into the show –
the music, the cinematography – and the big, complex
themes it takes on with such style and
sophistication – race, class, sex. But he finally
forces himself to talk about what he is in the
business of talking about, which is to say the news,
specifically the news that's bringing him to Texas.
He broadcast from El Paso on Wednesday night, while
tonight he will be anchoring NBC Nightly News
from North Texas, the exact location yet to be
The news that's bringing him here is the ongoing,
unfolding immigration story.
"We can go to Iraq at will and walk down the
streets and tell the stories. We can do the same in
New Orleans. But this is a chance to dig into a
story that really is at the center of American life.
"And coming to Texas, standing on the border in
El Paso or reporting on the trans-Texas corridor
from Dallas, that's a way of saying, 'This is
important and please listen up.' "NBC Nightly News
Tonight at 5:30 on NBC (Channel 5). 30 mins.