Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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. . . tempers are flaring, and
billions of dollars are at stake.
Texas 121 project, in the
booming-growth area from north of Grapevine to U.S. 75 in Collin County, is
expected to offer especially lucrative toll revenues for the winning bidder
Price Waterhouse Coopers
representatives estimated that Cintra and its investors would take home $700
million in profits from the Texas 121 project
At odds over
For Worth Star-Telegram
The fight over a contract to build a 24-mile toll project on
Texas 121 in Denton and Collin counties has developed with the
intensity of bare-knuckles boxing. There won't be blood on the
floor when this fight is over (fortunately), but tempers are
flaring, and billions of dollars are at stake.
With the 40-member Regional Transportation Council scheduled to
pick a winner on Monday, no clear favorite has yet emerged
between the two bidders.
North Texas Tollway Authority offers $2.5 billion upfront
and $833 million worth of annual lease payments for the contract
to build the road and collect the tolls for 50 years. The
Spanish company Cintra, in partnership with JPMorgan Investment
Management, is offering $2.15 billion upfront and $717 million
over the life of the contract.
The two sides are fighting so hard because the Texas 121
project, in the booming-growth area from north of Grapevine to
U.S. 75 in Collin County, is expected to offer especially
lucrative toll revenues for the winning bidder.
seemed to have the deal locked up until state legislators
stepped in with a law. A law painfully crafted in the just-ended
legislative session says that local public entities like
must be given a shot on toll road projects, tilting the odds in
their favor if private offers aren't clearly superior.
That's the
way it should be. NTTA is saddled with the responsibility of
helping the North Texas region build its transportation network.
If plum projects like Texas 121 are snatched away by private
bidders and NTTA is left only with the pits, the agency can
hardly be expected to succeed.
So far, Cintra has not landed a knockout punch.
At an RTC
meeting on Thursday,
Department of Transportation officials said they favored the
Cintra bid, basing their reasoning primarily on contract issues
that already have been worked out with Cintra and not
The RTC's financial adviser,
Waterhouse Coopers,
came down marginally in favor of Cintra's bid, but with
numbers that NTTA and some RTC members reasonably questioned.
Discounting for various elements of risk over time, the
number-crunchers valued NTTA's bid at $3.2 billion to $3.4
billion. They put a value of $3.8 billion on Cintra's bid,
noting that its downside risks are limited by the
already-negotiated contract. But that analysis boosted the
Cintra bid's value by $200 million because of federal taxes. How
is that a benefit to the state or the region?
Waterhouse Coopers
also gave
Cintra credit for $700 million worth of "interoperability
payments," a complicated system of fees that amount to revenue
sharing between the state's major tollway systems. The
sharing results when a driver from one area uses an electronic
toll payment system (TollTag in North Texas) to drive on a
tollway in another part of the state.
officials said the analysis was based on a flawed understanding
of how the system works and how much financial benefit it
Under RTC members' questioning, Price Waterhouse Coopers
representatives estimated that Cintra and its investors would
take home $700 million in profits from the Texas 121 project.
That's money that would stay in North Texas and be invested in
other roads if NTTA wins the bid.
And North Texas drivers? Congestion has grown enough that
earlier objections to toll roads have faded to something more
akin to "Just give me a way to get from here to there."
That's the RTC's job. Come Monday, after being presented with a
final round of informational briefs from the bidders, the
consultants and the RTC staff, the council members must decide
this contest. It's not an easy decision, but it is time to make
it and get the road built.
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This Page Last
Monday August 27, 2007 |