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by Paul Burka,
Texas Monthly
What follows is the
result of a
discussion I had
with a knowledgeable
person who was
involved in the
debate over
transportation and
toll roads and who
prefers not to be
further identified.
After the
discussion, I
received two written
communications on
the subject. I'm
going to present the
entire discussion as
an interview.
Hopefully, it will
shed light on these
two questions: (1)
What is to be made
of SB 372, the
transportation bill
that Governor Perry
has pledged to sign?
(2) Who were the
winners and losers?
Q. What
constituencies drove
the fashioning of SB
372 and how
effective were they?
A. One was a loose
collection of
anti-Trans Texas
Corridor, anti-toll
advocates who have
criticized the
Corridor since it
was first proposed.
Some of these
however, often
border on a "black
helicopter" message
and have little
legislative impact
other than to keep
the issue stirred
up. To the extent
that their message
is anti-toll rather
anti-concession, it
flies in the face of
general legislative
acceptance that toll
strategies will have
to be part of
solving the mobility
crisis in Texas. The
second important
group of players
were legislators,
led by senators John Carona and Robert
Nichols and
representative Lois
Kolkhorst. They
questioned the
long-term policy
implications of
especially those
that impinged on
long-term public
control, such as
(or "developer
rights" as these
provisions came to
be called), buyback
provisions, control
of toll rates, and
similar issues. A
third factor, which
became more and more
important as the
legislative session
went on, was strong
criticism from
independent business
leaders and groups
in Houston and
Dallas who
criticized the
financial terms of
agreements, which Carona referred to
as "like buying a TV
on a rent-to-own
basis." A final
factor was the set
of interests united
behind the local
toll road
especially the
Harris County Toll
Road Authority (HCTRA),
who were working to
preserve the ability
of these entities to
develop toll
projects independent
of TxDOT's push for
Advocates for the
local entities see
them as best
positioned to build
political support
for toll strategies
in the metropolitan
areas. HCTRA enjoys
strong political
support from
business leaders and
from engineering and
interests in Harris
Q. How did all
this get started?
A. It was triggered
primarily by the
TxDOT?s insistence
during 2006 that
HCTRA pay the TxDOT
$1.3 billion upfront
and some unspecified
share of future
revenues before it
could proceed with
three pending toll
projects. HCTRA and
its backers chose to
take this issue to
the Legislature
instead, championed
by in the Senate by
Tommy Williams and
in the House by
Wayne Smith.
Originally, the
primary intent of
both HB 1892
(Smith's bill that
was vetoed by the
governor) and
Williams' SB 792 was
to provide local
toll authorities
"primacy" in the
development of toll
projects within
their jurisdiction.
maneuvering, these
bills became the
vehicles for a
thorough review of
state transportation
Q. Governor
Perry's office has
said that the effort
to limit concessions
failed--that the
main initiative, to
impose a two-year
moratorium on
agreements, does not
achieve its goal,
and that TxDOT's
concessions policy
"dodged a bullet.?
Do you agree?
A. This argument is
mostly political
spin. While some
projects under
development will go
forward as
concessions, it is
almost certain that,
in the absence of a
moratorium, TxDOT
would have solicited
proposals for
concessions or would
have received
proposals for new
projects. Most
observers saw the
demands TxDOT made
of HCTRA in 2006 as
a prelude to a
solicitation for
agreements in Harris
County. The
moratorium in SB 792
stops this
possibility, as well
as other potential
solicitations in
other parts of the
state. Also, some of
the potential
projects that are
technically exempted
from the moratorium
almost certainly
have no chance of
proceeding as a
agreement, even
though they are
exempt from the
example, the
proposed TTC-69
south of Corpus
Christi. In Bexar
County, the
moratorium derails a
pending concession
agreement on US 281
and Loop 1604. And
finally, the
legislation takes
two projects that
would have been
developed as
concessions under
previous law--SH 121
and SH 161 in the
DFW area--and grants
the North Texas
Tollway Authority a
right of first
refusal on the
projects. In sum, it
cannot be reasonably
argued, as the
governor's office
attempted to do,
that the CDA
moratorium in SB 792
is without effect.
Q. How was the
issue of primacy
between the state
and the local toll
A. The locals won.
They have the right
of first refusal for
any project in their
region. Although
this might appear to
be a state versus
local issue, it is
more accurately seen
as an issue that
pits the concession
model for toll roads
against a more
traditional public
toll road authority
model. The
leadership of TxDOT
has been totally
committed to the
concession model.
While SB 792 gives
the local toll
authorities the
ability to do
agreements, they
have, to date, shown
little interest
(especially in
Harris County) in
Q. What did the
governor's office
get from the
compromises in SB
A. Two things. (1)
The bill limits the
primacy of local
toll authorities
initially to a
specified list of
projects. (2) Future
projects must go
through a "market
valuation" process.
The notion of a
market valuation of
a toll project is
that an effort will
be made to estimate
the amount of
surplus revenues
that can be
extracted from a
toll project at the
front end. Under the
pilot project set
out in SB 792, the
toll authority and TxDOT would agree on
a third party to
conduct a market
valuation. After the
valuation, the
authority, if it
chose to exercise
its right to develop
the project, would
be required to
commit to construct
additional projects
equal to the surplus
revenue or to
deposit an equal
amount into an
account to be used
by TxDOT to
construct additional
projects in the
region. TxDOT
believes that the
market valuation
study will show that
more revenue will be
available from the
concession model
than from the
traditional model of
collecting tolls
over the life of the
Q. Isn't this
the central issue in
the transportation
A. Let's restate it
this way: Is it
better to extract
surplus revenue over
the life of a
project or to
estimate this and
(if feasible)
extract it at the
front end?
TxDOT's policy has
assumed that it is
better to extract
the revenue at the
front end: Identify
the 20-25 most
gold-plated toll
projects in the
state; be as
aggressive as
possible in
maximizing the toll
rates; lock up the
revenue stream from
these projects for
as long a period as
possible; leverage
this revenue stream
to the maximum
extent practical;
and use that
super-long term
borrowing to fund
transportation needs
in the absence of a
fuel tax increase.
Those who disagree
with this approach
have argued that it
surrenders public
control over toll
rates and ties the
state's hands by
disincentives to
building free roads
that might reduce
revenue on toll
projects. Opponents
also argued that the
transactional costs
associated with this
approach divert an
excessive amount of
the long-term
revenue stream
associated with a
toll project, money
that could otherwise
be spent on
Advocates of
traditional public
characterized the
concession approach
as the "high cost"
way of building
projects, as opposed
to the traditional
?low cost? way.
Q. So, who were
the winners and
A. It is hard to see
SB 792 as anything
other than a setback
for the concession
One closing comment.
In the next to last
Q and A, it is clear
that the assumption
underlying TxDOT's
policy is that the
Legislature will not
raise the gasoline
tax. Mike Krusee
offered an amendment
this session to
index the tax to
inflation, and it
was soundly voted
down by the House.
Lawmakers, craven as
ever, want to
complain about
agreements, but they
refuse to take
actions that would
make them
unnecessary. A
popular governor
could provide the
leadership for
indexing the
gasoline tax and
issuing bonds based
on the increased
revenue stream,
selling it to the
public as a way to
avoid expensive toll
roads. Dream on.
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Monday June 18, 2007 |