Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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Taking the Rurals for a Ride
May 23, 2007
by Paul Burka
The battle over the
transportation bill
is hot hot hot. For
the last two years,
the opposition to
the Trans Texas
Corridor has been
led by rural Texas
-- in particular, by
Lois Kolkhorst, who
has championed a
two-year moratorium
on comprehensive
agreements, the
financing tool used
by Tx-DOT to
privatize roads. But
Houston and
Dallas-Fort Worth
planners and
business interests
oppose the
moratorium because
they want their
local toll agencies
to be able to
continue to build
projects. Neither
the rurals nor the
urbans had the
strength alone to
tackle Tx-DOT, so
they formed an
uneasy alliance, but
their interests
different. To get a
moratorium past the
House, Kolkhorst had
to agree to accept
amendments allowing
specific projects in
the two big metro
areas to go forward.
This concession,
however, left the
rural areas
vulnerable to
To refresh your
memory on what
happened next, the
governor vetoed
Wayne Smith's bill
that contained the
moratorium, the
carve-outs, and
other provisions.
These were loaded
onto a bill by Tommy
Williams. The idea
was to get the bill
throught the House
without amendments
and send it to the
governor. But
Kolkhorst believed
that the language of
the moratorium in
Carona's bill
created a loophole
that could allow
Trans-Texas Corridor
35, the reliever
route for Interstate
35 that is the
primary target of
the rurals' ire, to
go forward. Although
agreements (CDAs)
were subject to the
agreements" were
not. Kolkhorst
believed that Tx-DOT
could proceed on
TTC-35 by using
facility agreements,
which are mini-CDAs,
and so she amended
Carona's bill to
make facility
agreements subject
to the moratorium.
The governor's
office wants the
amendment stripped
from the bill.
So here's where we
are. HB 1892, the
original bill, has
been vetoed. SB 792,
Williams' bill, is
in conference
committee. The
governor's office,
through former
senator Ken
Armbrister, is
trying to round up
enough votes in the
Senate (11) to block
an override of the
veto. If he is
successful, then the
governor holds all
the cards. He can
veto 792 as well,
with the calendar
preventing an
override, and we
will be right back
to current law, with
no moratorium and no
provisions enhancing
the power of local
toll authorities and
no restrictions on
Tx-DOT. Big money is
at stake for Tx-DOT
and for the metro
areas, billions of
dollars in
concession payments
and toll revenue.
All the pressure has
come down on
Kolkhorst to drop
her amendment or
take some
language. She has
said no. Her former
allies, the urbans,
appear to be ready
to throw the rurals
under the bus so
that they can get
their money.
If the Senate and
the House vote to
override the veto of
1892, the rurals and
the urbans both win.
The Perry camp is
saying that they
have the votes to
block an override in
the Senate, but
that's what they
would say even if
they didn't have the
votes, to try to get
Kolkhorst to give
up. This is a great
fight: big money,
treachery, a
solitary figure
trying to stop the
The political
implications are
huge. The
constituency is very
large and very
vocal. If this
session ends without
a moratorium, Rick
Perry could turn
half a million or so
Republicans into
Democrats, at least
for the next
election cycle.
Note to readers:
Some commenters have
suggested that the
Kolkhorst amendment
is not necessary to
assure that the
moratorium on TTC-35
stays in effect.
Update: Whether the
urbans threw
Kolkhorst under the
bus or whether she
allowed herself to
be pushed under it
is largely a matter
of semantics but the
tire treads are
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Tuesday May 29, 2007 |