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Texas Lege whirlwind continues to
throw dust storm over future of TRs
Today is a very big day for tollroads in
(1) In the legislature (Lege in Texan) there
are efforts today to reconcile differences
between House and Senate versions of HB792,
which is being rushed to try to beat a
constitutional deadline of midnight tonight
(Friday) to provide the Governor with an
alternative to HB1892 - the concession
freeze/TxDOT-killer bill.
HB1892 was passed nearly unanimously by
legislators in both houses a couple of weeks
back. They seem to have since quietly
realized the idiocy of what they did in that
bill, and by reviving an earlier bill SB792
having been trying provide the Governor with
a substitute so he doesn't have to act on
the bill-they-now-regret.
Someone once said that laws are like
sausages. You don't want to see the
manufacturing process. What goes in and what
goes on is liable to make even people with a
strong stomach throw up.
At Texas Lege Sausage Treats Unlimited a
close watch of operations generates that bad
stomach feeling but they also have trouble
simply getting product out the door. At
least when they finally do put their bad
product on the street they immediately go to
work on a recall.
NTTA is this afternoon due to release
it's bid for SH121, the effort to top the
previously selected concessionaire Cintra/JP
Morgan. The proposal won't be available on
NTTA's website or by email attachments, only
by CD.
Each of these will be reported first in the
Texas press. Dallas Morning News and Austin
Statesman are good sources to google for
immediate news. Here we'll try to get into
what's happened in the course of next week.
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This Page Last
Monday August 27, 2007 |