Highways' future up on cinderblocks
April 15,
Toward meeting its gargantuan
highway needs, Texas is going
nowhere fast.
The Texas House of
Representatives last week
resoundingly approved a two-year
moratorium on toll-road projects,
with the exception of key North
Texas toll roads.
The moratorium is necessary to
get a handle on the costs of these
projects, particularly the
Trans-Texas Corridor. A state
auditor’s report recently questioned
hidden and inflated costs in the
state’s 50-year contract with
Spanish firm
A host of questions have been
raised about the deal brokered by
the Texas Department of
Transportation. Inquiring minds have
had to go to court. Even Lt. Gov.
David Dewhurst has cited his own
inability to see the details about
this monster endeavor.
Gov. Rick Perry and his
appointees in TxDOT are stuck in a
“something for nothing” mode on
funding highways. We sell the rights
to major infrastructure and pay for
it with tolls.
To hear Perry and TxDOT
Commissioner Ric Williamson say it,
brawny, booming, prosperous Texas
has no other way to pay for it.
State Sen. Kip Averitt, R-Waco,
proposed an alternative in the last
legislative session: Raise the motor
fuels tax by a nickel a gallon.
A gasoline tax does what the toll
road does. It taxes users to pay for
roads. (By law, a portion of the
gasoline tax also goes to schools.)
No one wants to pay more for
gasoline, more than Texans are
paying for their highways through
the gasoline tax. So do motorists
from other states. So do Mexican
The Trib recently reported
comments of truckers who say they
studiously avoid toll roads like the
Trans-Texas Corridor if free
alternatives exist. So don’t expect
the TTC to get their money or
relieve their congestion.
Should Texas have toll roads?
Absolutely. It needs a mix of
funding options for its highway
needs, including bonds. But with
this Legislature and this governor,
we are trying to get comfortable on
a one-legged stool.
State Sen. John Carona, R-Dallas,
a foe of too-heavy reliance on toll
roads, has an alternative: indexing
the gasoline tax. The state has
options — to index it to inflation,
or to the rising cost of highway
construction, which is considerably
Carona wants to cap annual
gas-tax increases at around 4.5
percent a year.
The Legislature is right to put a
moratorium on toll roads. But it is
wrong to not have an alternative to
getting the state moving again.