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Senators Eye Tx-DOT
Funding Cut-Off
14, 2007
by Paul Burka
This was another bad
day for Tx-DOT. A
meeting between
agency officials,
including Highway
Commission chairman
Ric Williamson and
new commissioner Ned
Holmes, and the
sponsors of
legislation to help
protect local toll
authorities from Tx-DOT
predation did not go
well and ended--how
shall I put
it?--abruptly. The
bill(s), HB 1744 by
Wayne Smith and SB
792 by Tommy
Williams, neither of
which have had a
hearing in either
house, would require
Tx-DOT, before
contracting for a
toll road in the
territory of a local
toll authority, to
obtain the consent
of the commissioners
court and of the
governing body of
the toll authority.
(Fat chance.) The
meeting was
particularly timely
because Tx-DOT
recently bullied the
North Texas Tollway
Authority into
turning over control
and revenue of the
lucrative Texas 121
project to the
agency, which plans
to privatize the
route. The bill also
requires Tx-DOT to
assist local toll
authorities by
facilitating access
to the state highway
system and by
allowing the use of
state-0wned right of
way. Finally, any
revenue sharing
agreement between Tx-DOT
and the toll
authority would
limit Tx-DOT's share
to 15% of toll
reaction to the bill
was quoted to me by
a participant
(several county
commissioners as
well as Tx-DOT and
legislative staffers
were in attendance)
as, "Maybe what we
need to do is pull
out of Harris County
altogether so that
Tx-DOT can refocus
its resources
elsewhere, where
they're needed."
Williams responded,
"Maybe we'll just
wind up in special
session" and used
the Z-word: "Zero."
As in funding. At
that point, he stood
up and left the
room. Williams says
it just happened to
be time for him to
go to the Senate
floor. Williamson
followed and was
heard to say, "I
didn't mean we'd
take the money out."
A Tx-DOT staffer
told a Williams
staffer, in what
seemed to be a
menacing tone, "We
know why you filed
this bill."
Is Williams just
posturing, trying to
send a message to Tx-DOT
to come to the
bargaining table?
Posturing comes as
naturally to
senators as
breathing, but in
this case, if
Williams is
posturing, it's with
a purpose. That
purpose is to bring
Tx-DOT under
legislative control.
Steve Ogden, the
chairman of Finance,
and John Carona, the
chairman of
Transportation have
the same purpose.
The governor,
Williamson, and Tx-DOT
don't seem to
realize just how
serious the Senate
is. Earlier in the
session, Steve Ogden
said in my presence
that he is
considering zeroing
Tx-DOT out. Williams
makes two. John
Carona, the chairman
of Transportation,
would do it in a
heartbeat. As is
often the case in
politics, the
problem is as much
personalities as
substance, and the
personality is
Williamson. He has
become a liability
to his own baby, the
Trans-Texas Corridor
project, and the
time has probably
come for him to step
aside and let Perry
appoint Holmes, who is, as
the saying went in
blessed days of
yore, "a uniter, not
a divider."
Here is the text of
the significant
language from the
bill. This excerpt
is from the House
version. The Senate
version is different
and deals more with
right-of-way issues.
(a) Before the
department may enter
into a contract for the
construction or
operation of a toll
project any part of which is
located in the
territory of a local
or regional toll authority, the
department must
obtain the consent
of: (1) the
commissioners court
of each county in
which the toll project or
proposed toll
project is located;
and (2) the governing
body of each local
or regional toll authority in which
the toll project or
proposed toll
project is located.
(b) A local or
regional toll
authority is the
entity primarily
responsible for the
construction and
operation of a toll project in the
territory of the
authority. To the
extent authorized or required by this
title, the
department shall
assist a local or regional toll
authority in
constructing and
operating toll
projects in the territory of
the authority,
including by
allowing connections with the
state highway system
and access to state right-of-way. This
subsection does not
limit the
department's authority to
participate in the
cost of acquisition,
construction, maintenance, or
operation of a toll
project of a local
or regional toll authority under
Section 222.103.
(c) A toll revenue
sharing agreement
between the
department and a local or
regional toll
authority in
connection with a
toll project constructed
or operated by the
authority that is on
or directly connected
to the state highway
system may not
authority to pay the
department more than
15 percent of the
net toll
revenue from the
toll project.
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This Page Last
Thursday March 15, 2007 |