Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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Daily Light Managing Editor
Gov. Rick Perry’s massive transportation
project, the Trans-Texas Corridor, has
encountered yet another speed bump.
On Monday, state Sen. Robert Nichols filed
legislation that would immediately halt any
further public-private partnerships or
comprehensive development agreements from
taking place, according to a press release
from San Antonio Toll Party, an activist
group in opposition of such measures.
Twenty-four other senators, including Sen.
Kip Averitt, R-McGregor, have signed on as
co-authors of the bill, which would provide
the two-thirds vote necessary to put the
bill’s provisions into immediate effect as
well as indicate the votes necessary to
override any gubernatorial veto.
The legislation, Senate Bill 1267, joins
numerous other pieces of legislation filed
this session relating to the Trans-Texas
Corridor, tolling of public roadways and
other transportation-related issues.
Nichols also filed SB1268, which would
prevent any non-toll lane from becoming a
toll lane, on Monday.
Complaints against the Trans-Texas Corridor
have ranged from loss of farm and ranch land
that has been in families for generations to
loss of livelihood, as well as economic
devastation for rural Texas. Many people
have expressed fears their communities will
be bypassed and or cut off by the
transportation project that could - if built
out completely - include 8,000 miles of
roadway criss-crossing the state.
Perry’s plan would encompass not only lanes
for passenger vehicles, but would also
bundle lanes for large rigs, freight rail,
passenger rail and other utility easements
into a bundle that would be 1,200 feet wide.
Opponents to the project say thousands of
acres would be taken from property owners in
eminent domain proceedings.
Nichols’ legislation comes on the heels of a
very well-attended public hearing by the
state Senate Committee on Transportation and
Homeland Security on Thursday and
anti-corridor rally held on the steps of the
state Capitol on Friday.
According to San Antonio Toll Party, Nichols
is a former transportation commissioner and
is a senator from the San Antonio area. His
bill would enact a two-year moratorium on
comprehensive development agreements and
create a study group to investigate the
impact of those agreements on the public and
its roadways, the group said.
“It’s noteworthy that every San Antonio
senator signed on to the bill,” the release
reads. “This, too, is significant since it
demonstrates the massive grassroots effort
to gain the Legislature’s ear in the effort
to beat back Perry's toll proliferation and
the privatization of our public highways.”
State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, filed
an identical, companion bill in the House on
Monday. She was joined by nine other
representatives as immediate co-authors. Kolkhorst was one of three state
representatives, including Garnet Coleman,
D-Houston, and Nathan Macias, R-Bulverde,
who spoke at the rally.
“This session will see more aggressive
efforts to take the Trans-Texas Corridor out
of the code,” she had told the crowd, noting
the legislation being presented has
bipartisan support. “This is just one of
many things to take away our freedom.”
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Thursday March 08, 2007 |