Challenging the Wisdom of the Trans Texas Corridor.
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scales back
rail hopes
Tony Hartzel, The
Dallas Morning News
Dec. 27--At first glance,
the $6 billion Trans-Texas
Corridor proposal unveiled
this month appears to be
little more than a
Texas-size toll road.
Aside from a small rail
relocation project around
Austin, the plan for a
privately operated toll road
from the Red River to San
Antonio made virtually no
mention of potential rail
and utility lines that have
been prominent in
discussions about the
Plans for high-speed or
intercity rail, which set
off furious opposition from
Texas landowners and some
business heavyweights a
decade ago, will not be part
of the winning bidder's
plans anytime soon.
"We don't see at this time
any high-speed trains
happening," said Jose M.
Lopez, director of U.S. and
Latin American operations
for Cintra, the Spanish
company hired to build the
first leg of the corridor
plan by 2013.
Rail lines may be part of a
long-term master plan, which
mentions rail projects after
2025. "Highways are much
easier to plan and can come
to fruition faster than
railroads," Mr. Lopez said.
Still, Gov. Rick Perry's
ambitious Trans-Texas
Corridor plan features
echoes of the high-speed
rail battle from the 1990s.
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Tuesday April 24, 2007 |