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Texas' First Postmodern Lobbyist
Future historians may single out the
ongoing criminal probe of Tom DeLay’s Texans for a Republican
Majority (TRMPAC) as the catalyst that pushed the modern Texas
lobby into postmodernism. Heretofore the time-honored way to
join Texas’ lobby elite was to amass political connections by
pressing a shoulder to the Capitol’s massive revolving door.
Up-and-coming lobbyists were dogged by just one question: Do I
have enough stroke? Within that system it was unthinkable that a
lobbyist could have too much heft. The TRMPAC probe imperils
this naďve age of innocence by raising the postmodern
possibility that lobbyists can amass excessive clout and
connections. Taken to the extreme, a lobbyist and government
become indivisible. By these measures, Mike Toomey appears to be
Austin’s first postmodern lobbyist.
After Governor Rick Perry—who was
Toomey’s roommate when both men served in the Texas House—picked
Toomey to be his chief of staff two years ago, the Observer
noted that GOP leaders were eliminating the middlemen between
special interests and government by letting corporate lobbyists
run the government [“The Lobby Reinvents Government,” December
6, 2002]. At that time Toomey had 42 clients (including Philip
Morris, Enron, the American Insurance Association, Aetna, CIGNA,
USA Managed Care, Merck, and Texans for Lawsuit Reform) paying
him up to $1.9 million.
Although the details have never
been made public, Toomey apparently did not leave this gravy
train completely behind. In the last weeks of 2002, fellow
revolving-door lobbyist Bill Messer formed a new firm, the Texas
Lobby Group, which scooped up Toomey lobby partner Ellen
Williams along with many of Toomey’s old clients. It was an open
secret that the governor’s new chief of staff had consecrated
this new firm. The lobby business of firm President Bill Messer
almost doubled from 24 clients who paid him up to $1.2 million
in 2001 to 45 clients who paid him up to $2.1 million in 2003.
An unnamed lobbyist told the Dallas Morning News in 2002 that
this new firm allowed Toomey to “park his clients while he is on
the governor’s payroll.”
Sure enough. Toomey did not skip
a beat when he resigned from the governor’s office this
September—amid rumors that he might surface in the next wave of
TRMPAC indictments. On October 1 he filed corporate records with
the Secretary of State that identified himself as the registered
agent of the Texas Lobby Group (which now also would do business
as the Texas Lobby Alliance). Meanwhile, Toomey began reporting
lobby clients. Half of these initial clients had retained Toomey
in 2002 and had been represented in the interim by partners
Messer and Williams. Reached for comment on this story, Toomey
confined himself to a brief statement. Noting that his state
lobby registration data “is up to date and accurate,” Toomey
added, “That’s all I’d like to say.”
While Toomey kicked up a storm of
conflicting interests by barreling from lobbying to government
and back again like a Tasmanian devil, this alone does not put
him in a class of his own. Two factors separate Toomey from the
rest. First, as a top lobbyist in 2002 he orchestrated legally
questionable plans to spend millions of dollars in corporate
money to elect a Republican Texas House majority. Second, as the
governor’s right hand immediately thereafter, he leveraged these
chits to promote aggressively the agenda of corporations that
were his once and future employers. Some lawmakers privately say
that Toomey aggressively worked them over during the 2003
session to promote a gubernatorial agenda that often eerily
mirrored the agenda of Toomey’s old clients. If Toomey’s old
clients had placed a Manchurian candidate in the Governor’s
Mansion, it is hard to imagine how his or her policies would
have differed from those of Governor Perry. Toomey’s top client
this year—repeat customer Texans for Lawsuit Reform (TLR)—exemplifies
both of Toomey’s distinguishing characteristics. TLR, which saw
its agenda championed by Governor Perry, also had a heavy hand
in the GOP House takeover.
Observer readers know, a Travis County grand jury is
investigating allegations that the Texas Association of Business
(TAB) and Tom DeLay’s Texans for a Republican Majority PAC (TRMPAC)
illegally spent $2.5 million in corporate funds to elect a
Republican House Majority in 2002. Among other witnesses, the
grand jury already has subpoenaed the testimony of Toomey
partner Ellen Williams, as well as Matt Welch, director of TLR’s
PAC (which bankrolled essentially the same slate of GOP House
candidates in 2002). The grand jury appears to be weighing
evidence to determine if any of this coordination amounted to a
criminal conspiracy to break Texas’ prohibition on corporate
electioneering. If such a conspiratorial web is uncovered, it is
hard to imagine how Toomey could be far from its epicenter.
Indicted TRMPAC Director John
Colyandro has said that he repeatedly met with Toomey and the
head of the TAB to discuss 2002 political races (the calendar
that Toomey kept on the governor’s staff reveals that these men
continued conferring regularly thereafter). A TAB board member,
Toomey supervised that group’s controversial political ad blitz,
the Austin American-Statesman reported, even soliciting
some of the $1.9 million in corporate funds that paid for it
from such Toomey clients as AT&T, Aetna, and Cigna. Defending
such coordination, TAB attorney Andy Taylor said that the
political expenditures of TAB and TRMPAC were “legally
independent.” Begging to differ, Travis County District Attorney
Ronnie Earle told the Statesman that “coordination is
just a fancy word for conspiracy.”
Legal or not, the $2.5 million in
corporate money that the TAB and TRMPAC poured into the 2002
race greatly advanced the GOP’s goal of controlling the Texas
House. The choicest fruit of this takeover was the redrawing of
Texas’ congressional districts to Tom DeLay’s satisfaction. As
the Observer reported, however, the 2003 Legislature also
repeatedly came to the aid of top Toomey clients. Members of the
American Insurance Association, which Toomey represented in
2002, benefited from new caps on medical malpractice liabilities
(a key objective of TLR) and the defeat of proposals to mandate
rate cuts on homeowners insurance. The legislature also
strangled a proposal that would have unplugged Toomey client
AT&T (a corporate donor to TRMPAC and TAB) from Texas’
high-speed Internet market. Tobacco lobby insiders report that
Toomey is being hired again to lobby for Philip Morris, which
benefited from the extinguishing of proposed cigarette tax hikes
in 2003. Toomey clients Associated Builders and Contractors and
American Home Shield, a home-warranty company, benefit from the
new Texas Residential Construction Commission, an
industry-dominated agency to oversee disputes between homeowners
and builders.
A key piece of unfinished
Perry-Toomey business is to convince the legislature to generate
educational revenue by legalizing slot machines at race tracks
and Indian reservations. Seeking to harvest this plum—should it
come to fruition—is the Austin Jockey Club (AJC), which has
applied to gubernatorial appointees on the Texas Racing
Commission to build a horse track outside of Austin. In June,
AJC recruited two new partners with close ties to Governor
One is Austin realtor Tim Timmerman,
who now owns 10 percent of AJC. The Dallas Morning News
reported that Timmerman told Perry in 1993 about land that
strategically stood between municipal sewage lines and the
hilltop that Michael Dell was buying up for Travis County’s
largest homestead. Perry brought the tract for $122,000, making
a $343,000 profit when Dell bought it just two years later.
Through power-of-attorney, Mike Toomey was the man who actually
signed the papers to buy that land in 1993.
AJC’s next-largest new owner is
Holt Hickman, the owner of Fort Worth’s Stockyards and Billy
Bob’s Texas—the world’s largest honky tonk. Hickman bought that
Western club from eponymous founder Billy Bob Barnett. Both men
have long wanted to break into the gambling industry. In late
2002, as Toomey joined Governor Perry’s staff, Barnett
registered a new company in Nevada: Big City, LLC., Back in
Billy Bob’s Texas, Big City is one of the first lobby clients
Toomey signed this year. Toomey is just one of eight Texas
lobbyists that will bill Big City up to $1 million this year.
This is far more than Big City needs to promote its plans to
stage huge concerts on public beaches in Galveston.
Significantly, Big City lobbyists report that they have been
hired to lobby on “gambling” issues. At press time it was
unclear if Toomey, Billy Bob, and Big City were working behind
the scenes to promotes the AJC—or if they have other gambling
In late 2002, Mike Toomey went
directly from being a major corporate lobbyist to being the
governor’s chief of staff. Two years later, he has come full
circle in starting to sign up some of the same clients again.
The sole restriction that Governor Perry’s ethics policy imposes
during this spectacular round trip is that Toomey cannot
directly lobby the governor’s office for the 12 months following
his departure. During that time, Toomey can lobby any other
state agency or official and his business partners can continue
to lobby the governor’s office on behalf of clients that they
co-represent with Toomey. Such weak ethics policies underscore
the importance of the TRMPAC probe, which represents a rare
check on the power of the corporate lobby.
By participating in political
strategy meetings with groups and individuals that stand accused
of breaking Texas’ restrictions on corporate electioneering,
Mike Toomey introduced the Texas lobby to the postmodern notion
that lobbyists can have excessive clout and connections. Whether
or not Texas’ first postmodern lobbyist is also its last depends
on two pending events. One is the outcome of the TRMPAC probe
itself. If it fails to prove that electioneering by corporations
and their agents is a crime with serious consequences, the
corporate lobby will take over the Capitol with utter impunity.
Even if the TRMPAC probe imposes some constraints on the
corporate lobby, however, the impact could be fleeting. The
Statesman reported after Thanksgiving that Andy Taylor plans to
lobby lawmakers next year to eliminate Texas’ prohibition on
corporate electioneering altogether. If the TRMPAC probe
collapses Taylor will find it much easier to introduce Texas to
a new era of unbridled—and decriminalized—corporate power.
Andrew Wheat is research
director of Austin-based Texans for Public Justice. Jake
Bernstein provided additional reporting for this column.
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Saturday February 03, 2007 |