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Driving Ambition
Sal Costello is determined to defeat toll
Ben Wear, Austin American-Statesman
Political activists in Austin tend to come in
three flavors, roughly speaking.
The zanies, prone to incoherent orations at
public meetings, mostly give public officials time for a
bathroom break or quick check of their e-mail. The gadflies can
be entertaining or even edifying, a source of new information
and fresh perspectives, but they typically have little or no
influence on policy. The players, meanwhile, usually have
expertise, experience, organizational and political skills and
some money behind them, and actually influence events.
Then there's Sal Costello.
Costello, who runs an advertising business and,
since the spring, a mostly electronic guerrilla war against toll
roads out of his Circle C Ranch home's front room, defies those
neat categories. He has the unpredictability of a zany, the
research zeal and sometimes casual regard for facts of the
gadflies, and at least some of the strategic knowhow of those
What he also has, though his growing list of
enemies would deny it, is a head-shaking list of policy skins on
his belt. Costello's efforts against tolls, along with those of
elected officials such as state Rep. Terry Keel, R-Austin, and
other neighborhood opponents, have eliminated one key toll road
from a multiroad plan approved by local transportation leaders
last year, delayed tolls on another, put yet another one
semi-permanently on the shelf, helped put in jeopardy the
political careers of Austin's mayor and two City Council
members, and perhaps guaranteed that toll roads will be a
central issue in most local and state elections for the next two
or three years.
As recently as April, Costello was unknown around
here except to his family and friends and those who live in
Circle C Ranch, where last year he engineered a mini-coup d'etat
of the neighborhood association. Austinites in general may still
be unaware of Costello, a New York native who with his wife,
Stephanie, moved from Greensboro, N.C. to Austin in 1999.
But elected officials and the entire Texas
transportation world certainly know who he is, or at least who
they think he is. For certain, they know what he has done since
transportation officials unveiled a massive Central Texas toll
road plan April 12, and how he has gone about doing it. And they
don't like it.
Costello may have set a new speed record, in
fact, for going from ignored to bete noire for the Central Texas
"I have absolutely no respect for the way Sal
does business," says Tim Taylor, a real estate lawyer and former
president of the Real Estate Council of Austin. "It's personal.
It's nasty."
Taylor and others have formed a political action
committee to help defend Austin Mayor Will Wynn against the
recall petition campaign Costello launched last summer targeting
the mayor and Austin City Council Members Brewster McCracken and
Danny Thomas for their support of toll roads.
Costello, however, is fighting a multifront war,
using a variety of tactics to -- he hopes -- end the political
careers of all the local elected officials who joined a 16-7
vote in July that cleared a critical procedural hurdle for the
seven-tollway plan.
Costello, for instance, posted on his anti-toll
Web site the unflattering jail booking photo from the drunken
driving arrest earlier this year of Travis County Judge Sam
Biscoe, a Democrat who was among those 16 yes-voters on the
Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization board. He has
accused a long list of toll-friendly Central Texans of lying and
of having various conflicts of interest, implying or stating
flat-out that their enthusiasm for toll roads is tied directly
to their bank accounts.
And he has peppered Travis County Commissioner
Karen Sonleitner's inbox with often insulting e-mails, including
one that speculated the Democrat and former television reporter
would be unable to return to broadcasting after he gets her
defeated because she is "not presentable anymore."
Costello, Sonleitner says, "runs an electronic
slambook. If he thinks he is swaying people, he is not."
Costello, 40, would beg to disagree, except it is
impossible to imagine him begging. He pretty much says what's on
his mind.
"There's a reason I do what I do: It works," says
Costello, a registered Democrat when he lived in North Carolina.
"So far, everything I've done works. I kind of go with what
feels right. Sometimes I know something's harsh, but I feel it's
appropriate and that it will work to what I'm trying to get at."
What Costello is trying to get at, who he is and
how he could afford for months to devote so many of his waking
hours to toll road muckraking has been a matter of considerable
speculation among his targets. Costello, who says he and his
team of petitioners (some of them paid for the task) had
gathered the signatures, addresses and phone numbers of 21,000
recall proponents by mid-November, is just compiling a political
list, some charge. He wants to run for local office, they say,
or put up a slate of anti-business candidates in the May Austin
City Council election.
He must be a trust fund baby, they say. Retired
oil business lobbyist Ken Rigsbee, whom Costello and lawyer Bill
Gammon helped force off the neighborhood association board, even
speculated in a letter to Circle C residents early this year
that Costello might be a Mafia scion sent south for his own
protection. Somehow, that accusation didn't end up sparking a
Costello, when he's not standing at a microphone
in a public meeting staring down his betters with startling
confidence and venom, can be surprisingly mild and charming. In
an interview at his Spanish-style home on a cul-de-sac, he
laughs all this off, including that charge related to his
Italian name.
"I think he was trying to be funny," says
Costello, whose homemaker mom Anna and mill-working father Ron
still live in his boyhood home in a small upstate New York town.
"It's ignorance and bad humor."
No, he's not trying to compile a political list
with the recall, Costello says. Rather, he's trying to get about
40,000 legitimate signatures and put on the May ballot, along
with three other council seats, the future of Wynn, Thomas and
McCracken (who now opposes the toll plan but couldn't be pulled
off the petitions mid-stream. In a weird twist, that means
Costello would oppose his recall). Costello says he has no
designs on holding political office, and no slate of council
candidates in his hip pocket. All he wants to do, Costello says,
is eradicate that toll plan by retiring the people who voted for
it and replacing them with people who'll rescind that vote. And
his family, which includes a toddler daughter with brilliant
blue eyes, is not living off some stash of cash from rich
"I wish I had a trust fund, trust me," Costello
says. "The last five months have put some squeeze on us
He says he was never an activist before. A search
of the Greensboro News/Record, in the town where the Costellos
lived from 1993 until the Austin move, turned up just three
references to him. In only one, a letter to the editor where he
complained about noisy helicopters conducting a military
training exercise over their house at night, was there evidence
of the testy Costello that Austin has come to know.
So, why has he turned into the Patrick Henry of
toll roads? Basically, Costello says, it just really made him
mad when he found out that someone wanted to put tolls on a road
built with gasoline tax dollars, not borrowed money. Then he
found out that most Austin highways would have tolls, albeit
with free frontage roads alongside. And then he found out that
other roads built with tax dollars also would have toll charges.
And, aside from Keel and Travis County
Commissioner Gerald Daugherty holding a press conference in
early May condemning the toll road plan, Costello said he didn't
see anyone mounting an effective counteroffensive as the plan
moved toward a July vote. Costello, with his marketing
expertise, figured he might as well step up. Of course, had
Costello never moved here, toll roads no doubt still would have
rankled a good portion of the populace, especially those in
Southwest Austin. Through his efforts, however, Costello helped
coalesce and amplify that discontent.
He formed People for Efficient Transportation,
raised at least $14,000 to run some ads -- which included some
shaky facts and questionable extrapolations of facts-- and
created a Web site. Costello, who legally can keep the
identities of his donors a secret, declines to say who gave him
what. After the July vote threw him into a brief tailspin, he
decided that a recall was the only way to keep the issue alive.
"It's really a step-by-step thing," Costello
says. "It's not something that happens overnight, or something I
was looking for."
Still, most people, confronted by a civic
decision they don't like just grumble at the newspaper or
television, complain to their friends and move on. Costello
instead created a commotion. He says his single-mindedness goes
back to a "life-changing event" when he was 23. On the way home
from a night shift in a New York cable mill, Costello fell
asleep at the wheel. As he puts it, the road curved and the car
didn't, and it ended up suspended 10 feet in the air, wrapped
around a telephone pole like a horseshoe. Costello, with a
crushed pelvis and head injuries, almost died.
"That gave me a different perspective on life,"
he says. "From then on, everything I did I did with gusto, with
He went back to college, eventually getting a
design and advertising degree at the Kansas City Art Institute.
He formed Costello and Company in North Carolina, then moved
operations here. Having jettisoned his employees, he now works
out of his home office and uses contract workers.
Costello, schooled in communications but still
relatively new to the political sphere, has made some noticeable
strategic missteps along the way. In July, he inaccurately
charged that Stacy Rhone, sister of state Rep. Dawnna Dukes,
D-Austin, had been hired by a toll advocacy group as a ploy to
influence Dukes' vote on the toll plan. After a letter from
Dukes' lawyer threatening legal action, Costello pulled the item
off his Web site.
And Costello, after first including only Wynn and
McCracken in his recall campaign, decided to add Thomas to the
recall after an American-Statesman column questioned why he was
picking some targets and overlooking Thomas, who had likewise
voted for the toll plan. Adding Thomas had the probable effect
of alienating Central Austin liberals and black voters -- Thomas
is the only African American on the council -- who otherwise
might have signed the petitions. Including Thomas seemed
politically naive to political consultants asked about it then
and later.
"I think it was naive not having Danny Thomas at
the front end," Costello counters. "It was only fair to have him
on there."
Costello, asked about tactics such as the
personal attacks on people's ethics or a county commissioner's
looks, first tries to defend them as a way to get in opponents'
heads and distract them. Then he admits that sometimes lesser
angels take over the keyboard.
"Sometimes it just feels good," Costello says.
"Sometimes it's meant as, hey, I'm (hacked) off because of what
they've been doing to me for five months. This should not be my
job; this is their job. And if they're ignoring me, ignoring the
mass of people, who are they listening to?
"I get a little frustrated," says Costello, who
says one of his clients in the road-building industry has
refused to pay him and that he has drawn down a large chunk of
his savings. "Why the hell am I doing this? Why aren't I
spending more time with my baby?"
Don Martin, a developer and public affairs
consultant, represented Citizens for
Mobility, the private entity formed to support the toll road
"It's a whole lot easier to attract attention if
you don't have to deal with the facts or solve the problem,"
Martin says. Costello, who actually supports building toll roads
as new loops or cross-town routes such as Texas 130 and Texas 45
North, has a solution: raise the gasoline tax instead, something
the Legislature and Gov. Rick Perry say they won't do.
"I know that Sal thinks he's made a major change
in all this. He's a legend in his own mind," Martin says,
referring to a recent behind-the-scenes deal to refrain from
charging tolls on a short stretch of MoPac Boulevard (Loop 1)
near William Cannon Drive that was in the toll plan approved in
July. Tolls on two other roads, Ed Bluestein Boulevard and Texas
71, will be delayed by two years under the same agreement,
likely to be ratified by the CAMPO board in January. And tolls
on Loop 360, which would need a second CAMPO vote to occur,
won't happen for many years, if ever.
Daugherty, though he agrees with Costello on the
toll road plan and voted against it on CAMPO, refused to get
involved with the recall. He has mixed feelings about the
Costello approach to advocacy.
"I applaud Sal for his tenacity at keeping this
situation elevated to the point where it needed to stay
elevated," Daugherty says. "I do not agree with the personal
manner that Sal has gone through."
Wynn, for his part, has only brief remarks about
his nemesis.
"Any citizen has the right to do any of this,"
says Wynn. "Hearing some of the things he says is ridiculous.
And it's certainly not having an effect on me and my positions."
Costello and Gammon, a plaintiff's attorney and
Circle C Ranch resident, don't buy that. Absent the recall and
the tens of thousands of e-mails to elected officials generated
by Costello and his Web site, they doubt the plan would have
"If it were not for Sal Costello making a stink,
people would still have their eyes on their day-to-day commute
and not know that toll roads were in TxDOT's future plans and
the extent of it," says Gammon, who has been advising Costello
on transportation law. "I think everyone on the government side,
from Gov. Perry on down, is just astonished that this much of a
firestorm has been raised by just one man."
Local political pros say Costello, whatever you
think about his maneuvers, has certainly been effective. But
they also say that with the hated MoPac section out of the plan,
tolls delayed for two years on the two other roads, and Central
Texas officials from dogcatcher to Gov. Rick Perry sensitized to
the political peril of supporting toll roads, Costello is in
danger of writing political checks he can't cash. He should
declare victory and withdraw from the field, they say.
"I don't see that as a win yet," Costello says.
"William Cannon/MoPac is a little baby-step of a win. But the
two-year postponement is kind of like the difference between me
taking your wallet right now, or me telling you, 'I'm not going
to take your wallet now, but two years from now I'm going to
come take your wallet.' "
If he keeps at this much longer, Costello's
wallet might end up a lot lighter. But he'll still fight you for
bwear@statesman.com; 512.445.3698
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