Environmental Defense Questions
Perryman Report: Moving Into Prosperity
On December 12, 2006,
Environmental Defense offered their ccomments
on the Moving Into Prosperity Report. In a three-page
memorandum they
discussed numerous concerns with the Report and gave reasons why
the Report should be subject to extensive peer-review before it
is used for decision-making purposes.
Report’s Economic Analysis Methodology Fails To Provide A
Useful Benchmark for Determining Whether the TTC Project
Should Be Undertaken.
Report relies upon input-output modeling to quantify the indirect
effects of the TTC on the economy. One problem with applying this
type of economic analysis to a single alternative is that the public
has no means of evaluating how an investment in the TTC project
compares to other potential transportation investments.
It is important to note
that construction spending by itself does not necessarily bring any
net income benefit over the alternative of spending the same money
on other transportation investments. If the state or private
developer were to invest several billion dollars in public transit,
the input-output model would also show positive indirect effects on
the economy. To determine whether the TTC project should be
undertaken at all, a benefit-cost analysis of multiple viable
project alternatives should have been conducted – not an economic
impact analysis of a single alternative.