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Sunset Commission Staff Issues Explosive
TxDOT Report & Recommendations 

The Sunset review staff report released this morning paints a vivid picture of an agency that is in desperate need of supervision. The report cites distrust, frustration, and the loss of trust and confidence in an agency many described as "out of control." Their 157-page report is filled with strong language that signals that this sunset review will certainly not be a routine legislative formality.

If the staff recommendations are implemented the Legislature can regain control over transportation policy and restore some degree of transparency, accountability and responsiveness; qualities that are practically nonexistent at TxDOT today.

Here are the report's summary of the Top Three Key Issues and Recommendations: 

Issue 1

Until Trust in the Texas Department of Transportation Is Restored, the State Cannot Move Forward to Effectively Meet Its Growing Transportation Needs.

Key Recommendations

  • Abolish the Texas Transportation Commission and replace it with an appointed Commissioner of Transportation.

  • Establish a Transportation Legislative Oversight Committee to provide necessary oversight of the Department and the state's transportation system.

  • Require the Transportation Legislative Oversight Committee to review and comment on TxDOT's research program, including individual research projects and activities.

  • The Sunset Commission should recommend that the Legislature directly fund the Texas Transportation Institute to conduct transportation research previously contracted through TxDOT.

  • Continue TxDOT for four years.

Issue 2

The State's Complicated Transportation Planning and Project Development Process Frustrates Understanding of How Important Decisions Are Made.

Key Recommendations

  • Require TxDOT to redevelop and regularly update the long-range Statewide Transportation Plan describing total system needs, establishing overarching statewide transportation goals, and measuring progress toward those goals.

  • Establish a transparent, well-defined, and understandable system of project programming within TxDOT that integrates project milestones, forecasts, and priorities.

  • Require TxDOT districts to develop detailed work programs driven by milestones for major projects and other statewide goals for smaller projects.

  • Require TxDOT, with input from transportation partners and policymakers, to develop a system to measure and report on progress in meeting transportation goals and milestones.

  • Require TxDOT to establish, and provide funding and support for, transportation planning in rural areas of the state.

Issue 3

TxDOT Does Not Meet the High Expectations Placed on It to Ensure Consistent, Meaningful Public Involvement.

Key Recommendations

  • Require TxDOT to develop and implement a public involvement policy that guides and encourages more meaningful public involvement efforts agency-wide.

  • Require TxDOT to develop standard procedures for documenting complaints and for tracking and analyzing complaint data.

  • TxDOT should provide a formal process for staff with similar responsibilities to share best practices information.

  • TxDOT should provide central coordination of the Department's major marketing campaigns.

  • TxDOT should make its website easier to use.

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