relating to the authority of certain counties and other
entities |
with respect to certain transportation projects and to
comprehensive development agreements with regard to such
projects; |
authorizing the issuance of bonds; providing penalties. |
SECTION 1.01. Section 223.203, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (f-1) to read as follows: |
(f-1) A private entity responding to a
request for detailed |
proposals issued under Subsection (f) may submit
alternative |
proposals based on comprehensive development
agreements having |
different terms, with the alternative terms in
multiples of 10 |
years, ranging from 10 years from the later of the
date of final |
acceptance of the project or the start of revenue
operations by the |
private entity to 50 years from the later of the date
of final |
acceptance of the project or the start of revenue
operations by the |
private entity, not to exceed a total term of 52
years or any lesser |
term provided in a comprehensive development
agreement. |
SECTION 1.02. Subsection (h), Section 223.208,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(h) A [Except as provided by this
section, a] comprehensive |
development agreement with a private participant that
includes the |
collection by the private participant of tolls for the
use of a toll |
project may be for a term not longer than 50 years
from the later of |
the date of final acceptance of the project or the
start of revenue |
operations by the private participant, not to exceed
a total term of |
52 years.
The comprehensive development agreement must contain |
[may be for a term not longer than 70 years if the
agreement: |
[(1) contains] an explicit
mechanism for setting the |
price for the purchase by the department of the interest
of the |
private participant in the comprehensive development
agreement and |
related property, including any interest in a highway or
other |
facility designed, developed, financed, constructed,
operated, or |
maintained under the agreement[; and
[(2) outlines
the benefit the state will derive from |
having a term longer than 50 years]. |
SECTION 1.03. Subsection (f), Section 227.023,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(f) A contract with a private entity that
includes the |
collection by the private entity of a fee for the use of
a facility |
may not be for a term longer than 50 years from the
later of the date |
of final acceptance of the project or the start of
revenue |
operations by the private entity, not to exceed a
total term of 52 |
years. The contract must contain an explicit
mechanism for setting |
the price for the purchase by the department of the
interest of the |
private entity in the contract and related property,
including any |
interest in a highway or other facility designed,
developed, |
financed, constructed, operated, or maintained under
the contract. |
SECTION 1.04. Subsection (i), Section 370.302,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(i) An agreement with a private entity that
includes the |
collection by the private entity of tolls for the use of
a |
transportation project may not be for a term longer than
50 years |
from the later of the date of final acceptance of the
project or the |
start of revenue operations by the private entity,
not to exceed a |
total term of 52 years. The agreement must contain
an explicit |
mechanism for setting the price for the purchase by
the authority of |
the interest of the private entity in the contract
and related |
property, including any interest in a highway or
other facility |
designed, developed, financed, constructed, operated,
or |
maintained under the agreement. |
SECTION 1.05. The changes in law made by this
article apply |
only to a contract entered into on or after the
effective date of |
this Act. A contract entered into before the effective
date of this |
Act is governed by the law in effect when the contract
was entered |
into, and the former law is continued in effect for that
purpose. |
SECTION 2.01. Subsection (m), Section 223.203,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(m) The department may [shall] pay
an unsuccessful private |
entity that submits a responsive proposal in response to
a request |
for detailed proposals under Subsection (f) a stipulated
amount in |
exchange for the work product contained in that
proposal. A [The] |
stipulated amount must be stated in the request for
proposals and |
may not exceed the value of any work product contained
in the |
proposal that can, as determined by the department, be
used by the |
department in the performance of its functions. The use
by the |
department of any design element contained in an
unsuccessful |
proposal is at the sole risk and discretion of the
department and |
does not confer liability on the recipient of the
stipulated amount |
under this section. After payment of the stipulated
amount: |
(1) the department owns with the
unsuccessful proposer |
jointly the rights to, and may make use of any work
product |
contained in, the proposal, including the technologies,
techniques, methods, processes, ideas, and information
contained |
in the project design; and |
(2) the use by the unsuccessful proposer
of any |
portion of the work product contained in the proposal is
at the sole |
risk of the unsuccessful proposer and does not confer
liability on |
the department. |
SECTION 2.02. Subsection (m), Section 370.306,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(m) An authority may [shall] pay
an unsuccessful private |
entity that submits a response to a request for detailed
proposals |
under Subsection (f) a stipulated amount of the final
contract |
price for any costs incurred in preparing that proposal.
A [The] |
stipulated amount must be stated in the request for
proposals and |
may not exceed the value of any work product contained
in the |
proposal that can, as determined by the authority, be
used by the |
authority in the performance of its functions. The use
by the |
authority of any design element contained in an
unsuccessful |
proposal is at the sole risk and discretion of the
authority and |
does not confer liability on the recipient of the
stipulated amount |
under this subsection. After payment of the stipulated
amount: |
(1) the authority owns the exclusive
rights to, and |
may make use of any work product contained in, the
proposal, |
including the technologies, techniques, methods,
processes, and |
information contained in the project design; and |
(2) the work product contained in the
proposal becomes |
the property of the authority. |
SECTION 3.01. Subchapter E, Chapter 223,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Section 223.210 to read as
follows: |
(a) In this |
section: |
(1) "Toll project" means a toll project
described by |
Section 201.001(b), regardless of whether the toll
project: |
(A) is a part of the state
highway system; or |
(B) is subject to the
jurisdiction of the |
department. |
(2) "Toll project entity" means a
public entity |
authorized by law to acquire, design, construct,
finance, operate, |
or maintain a toll project, including: |
(A) the department; |
(B) a regional tollway authority; |
(C) a regional mobility
authority; or |
(D) a county. |
(b) A comprehensive development agreement
entered into with |
a private participant by a toll project entity on or
after May 1, |
2007, for the acquisition, design, construction,
financing, |
operation, or maintenance of a toll project may not
contain a |
provision permitting the private participant to
operate the toll |
project or collect revenue from the toll project,
regardless of |
whether the private participant operates the toll
project or |
collects the revenue itself or engages a
subcontractor or other |
entity to operate the toll project or collect the
revenue. |
(c) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with: |
(1) a project associated with the
highway designated |
as the Trinity Parkway in the City of Dallas; or |
(2) a project: |
(A) that includes one or more
managed lane |
facilities to be added to an existing
controlled-access highway; |
(B) the major portion of which is
located in a |
nonattainment or near-nonattainment air quality area
as designated |
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency;
and |
(C) for which the department has
issued a request |
for qualifications before May 1, 2007. |
(d) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with a project
associated with |
any portion of the Loop 9 project that is located in
a nonattainment |
air quality area as designated by the United States
Environmental |
Protection Agency that includes two adjacent counties
that each |
have a population of one million or more. |
(e) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with a project
associated with |
any portion of the State Highway 99 project. |
(f) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with a project: |
(1) on the ISTEA High Priority Corridor
identified in |
Sections 1105(c)(18) and (20) of the Intermodal
Surface |
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Pub. L. No.
102-240), as |
amended by Section 1211 of the Transportation Equity
Act for the |
21st Century (Pub. L. No. 105-178, as amended by
Title IX, Pub. L. |
No. 105-206), including land adjacent to the project
needed to |
widen the project for a transportation use, if the
project remains |
in a highway corridor designated by those laws; and |
(2) located south of Refugio County. |
(g) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with the State
Highway 161 |
project in Dallas County. |
(g-1) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with a project
other than a |
Trans-Texas Corridor project if: |
(1) the project is located in the
territory of a |
regional mobility authority that: |
(A) was created before January 1,
2005; and |
(B) is composed of a single
county having a |
population of less than 125,000; and |
(2) the commissioners court of the
county in which the |
project is located by official action approves the
exemption from |
Subsection (b). |
(h) Notwithstanding the TxDOT/NTTA Regional
Protocol |
entered into between the Texas Department of
Transportation and the |
North Texas Tollway Authority and approved on August
10, 2006, by |
the authority and on August 24, 2006, by the
department, Subsection |
(b) does not apply to a comprehensive development
agreement entered |
into in connection with State Highway 121 if before
the commission |
or the department enters into a contract for the
financing, |
construction, or operation of the project with a
private |
participant, an authority under Chapter 366 was
granted the ability |
to finance, construct, or operate, as applicable, the
portion of |
the toll project located within the boundaries of the
North Texas |
Tollway Authority, and the authority was granted a
period of 60 days |
from March 26, 2007, to submit a commitment to the
metropolitan |
planning organization which is determined to be equal
to or greater |
than any other commitment submitted prior to March
26, 2007. If the |
financial value of the commitment is determined to be
equal to or |
greater value than any other commitment submitted
prior to March |
26, 2007, the commission shall allow the North Texas
Tollway |
Authority to develop the project. |
(i) Notwithstanding Subsection (c),
Subsection (b) applies |
to any toll project or managed lane facility project
located on any |
portion of U.S. Highway 281 that is located in a
county with a |
population of more than one million in which more
than 80 percent of |
the population lives in a single municipality. |
(j) For purposes of Subsection (c)(2),
"managed lane |
facility" means a facility that increases the
efficiency of a |
controlled-access highway through various operational
and design |
actions and that allows lane management operations to
be adjusted |
at any time. The term includes high-occupancy vehicle
lanes, |
single-occupant vehicle express lanes, tolled lanes,
priced lanes, |
truck lanes, bypass lanes, dual use facilities, or
any combination |
of those facilities. |
(k) The department may not enter into a
comprehensive |
development agreement in connection with a project
described by |
Subsection (c)(2) unless the commissioners court of
the county in |
which the majority of the project is located passes a
resolution in |
support of the agreement that states that the
commissioners court: |
(1) acknowledges that the comprehensive
development |
agreement may contain penalties for the construction
of future |
competing transportation projects that are acquired
or constructed |
during the term of the comprehensive development
agreement; and |
(2) knowing of those potential
penalties, agrees that |
the department should execute the comprehensive
development |
agreement. |
(k-1) If the department incurs a monetary
penalty for the |
construction of a competing transportation project
under a |
provision in a comprehensive development agreement
approved by a |
county under Subsection (k), payment of the penalty
may be made only |
with money that would otherwise be allocated for
projects in the |
department district in which the county is located. |
(l) On or after the effective date of this
section, a toll |
project entity may not sell or enter into a contract
to sell a toll |
project of the entity to a private entity. |
(m) A
legislative study committee is created. The
committee |
is composed of nine members, appointed as follows: |
(1) three members appointed by the
lieutenant |
governor; |
(2) three members appointed by the
speaker of the |
house of representatives; and |
(3) three members appointed by the
governor. |
(n) The
legislative study committee shall
select a |
presiding officer from among its members and conduct
public |
hearings and study the public policy implications of
including in a |
comprehensive development agreement entered into by a
toll project |
entity with a private participant in connection with
a toll project |
a provision that permits the private participant to
operate and |
collect revenue from the toll project. In addition,
the committee |
shall examine the public policy implications of
selling an existing |
and operating toll project to a private entity. |
(o) Not later than December 1, 2008, the
legislative study |
committee shall: |
(1) prepare a written report
summarizing: |
(A) any hearings conducted by the
committee; |
(B) any legislation proposed by
the committee; |
(C) the committee's
recommendations for |
safeguards and protections of the public's interest
when a contract |
for the sale of a toll project to a private entity is
entered into; |
and |
(D) any other findings or
recommendations of the |
committee; and |
(2) deliver a copy of the report to the
governor, the |
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives. |
(p) On December 31, 2008, the legislative
study committee |
created under this section is abolished. |
(q) This section expires September 1, 2009. |
(r) Subsection (b) does not apply to a
project that is |
located in a county with a population of 300,000 or
more and |
adjacent to an international border, except that
Subsection (b) |
does not apply to a project that is located in a
county that has a |
population of 600,000 or more and is adjacent to an
international |
border only if before May 1, 2007, the project has
been adopted by |
the metropolitan planning organization for the county
in the |
transportation improvement plan or metropolitan
transportation |
plan. |
SECTION 4.01. Section 223.201, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (f) and adding
Subsections (h) and |
(i) to read as follows: |
(f) Except as provided by Subsections (h) and
(i), the [The] |
authority to enter into comprehensive development
agreements |
provided by this section expires on August 31, 2009
[2011]. |
(h) Subsection (f) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement that does not grant a private
entity a right |
to finance a toll project or to a comprehensive
development |
agreement in connection with a project: |
(1) that includes one or more managed
lane facilities |
to be added to an existing controlled-access highway; |
(2) the major portion of which is
located in a |
nonattainment or near-nonattainment air quality area
as designated |
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency;
and |
(3) for which the department has issued
a request for |
qualifications before May 1, 2007. |
(i) The authority to enter into a
comprehensive development |
agreement for a project exempted from Subsection (f)
or Section |
223.210(b) expires August 31, 2011. |
SECTION 4.02. Section 370.305, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (d) and adding
Subsections (e) and |
(f) to read as follows: |
(d) Except as provided by Subsections (e) and
(f), the |
authority to enter into comprehensive development
agreements under |
this [This] section expires on August 31,
2009 [2011]. |
(e) Subsection (d) does not apply to a
comprehensive |
development agreement that does not grant a private
entity a right |
to finance a toll project or a comprehensive
development agreement |
in connection with a project: |
(1) that includes one or more managed
lane facilities |
to be added to an existing controlled-access highway; |
(2) the major portion of which is
located in a |
nonattainment or near-nonattainment air quality area
as designated |
by the United States Environmental Protection Agency;
and |
(3) for which the department has issued
a request for |
qualifications before the effective date of this
subsection. |
(f) The authority to enter into a
comprehensive development |
agreement for a project exempted from Subsection (d)
or Section |
223.210(b) expires August 31, 2011. |
SECTION 5.01. Subchapter A, Chapter 227,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 227.005 and 227.006
to read as |
follows: |
(a) The |
department shall: |
(1) seek to achieve transparency in the
department's |
functions related to the Trans-Texas Corridor by
providing, to the |
greatest extent possible under the public information
law (Chapter |
552, Government Code) and other statutes governing
the access to |
records, public access to information collected,
assembled, or |
maintained by the department relating to the
Trans-Texas Corridor; |
(2) make public in a timely manner all
documents, |
plans, and contracts related to the Trans-Texas
Corridor; and |
(3) make public in a timely manner all
updates to the |
master development plan for the Trans-Texas Corridor,
including |
financial plans. |
(b) The department shall send electronic
versions of all |
updates to the master development plan for the
Trans-Texas Corridor |
to the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning, the
Senate Finance |
Committee, the House Appropriations Committee, the
Legislative |
Budget Board, the state auditor's office, and the
comptroller in a |
timely manner. |
shall post |
on the department's Internet website, in a timely
manner, the costs |
incurred by the department in connection with the
financing, |
design, construction, maintenance, or operation of
the Trans-Texas |
Corridor. |
(b) Not later than the 10th day after the
date the |
department enters into a contract relating to the
Trans-Texas |
Corridor, the department shall post a copy of the
contract on the |
department's Internet website. |
SECTION 6.01. Section 228.0055, Transportation
Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Payments, project savings, refinancing
dividends, and any |
other revenue received by the commission or
the department under a |
comprehensive development agreement shall [may]
be used by the |
commission or the department to finance the
construction, |
maintenance, or operation of [a] transportation
projects [project] |
or air quality projects [project] in the
region. |
(b) The department shall allocate the
distribution of funds |
to department districts in the region that are
located in the |
boundaries of the metropolitan planning organization
in which the |
project that is the subject of the comprehensive
development |
agreement is located based on the percentage of toll
revenue from |
users from each department district of the project.
To assist the |
department in determining the allocation, each entity
responsible |
for collecting tolls for a project shall calculate on
an annual |
basis the percentage of toll revenue from users of
the project from |
each department district based on the number of
recorded electronic |
toll collections. |
(c) The commission or the department may not: |
(1) revise the formula as provided in
the department's |
unified transportation program, or its successor
document, in a |
manner that results in a decrease of a department
district's |
allocation because of a payment under Subsection (a);
or |
(2) take any other action that would
reduce funding |
allocated to a department district because of
payments received |
under a comprehensive development agreement. |
(d) A metropolitan planning organization may
not take any |
action that would reduce distribution of funds or
other resources |
to a department district because of the use of a
payment or other |
revenue under Subsection (a). |
SECTION 7.01. Subchapter A, Chapter 228,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 228.011, 228.0111,
and 228.012 |
to read as follows: |
COUNTIES. (a) This |
section applies only to a county acting under Chapter
284 and the |
development, construction, and operation of all or a
portion of any |
of the following toll projects, a component of that
project, or the |
functional equivalent of that project: |
(1) Beltway 8 Tollway East, between US
59 North and US |
90 East; |
(2) Hardy Downtown Connector,
consisting of the |
proposed direct connection from the Hardy Toll Road
southern |
terminus at Loop 610 to downtown Houston; |
(3) State Highway 288, between US 59
and Grand Parkway |
South (State Highway 99); |
(4) US 290 Toll Lanes, between IH 610
West and the |
Grand Parkway Northwest (State Highway 99); |
(5) Fairmont Parkway East, between
Beltway 8 East and |
Grand Parkway East (State Highway 99); |
(6) South Post Oak Road Extension,
between IH 610 |
South and near the intersection of Beltway 8 and
Hillcroft in the |
vicinity of the Fort Bend Parkway Tollway; |
(7) Westpark Toll Road Phase II,
between Grand Parkway |
(State Highway 99) and FM 1463; |
(8) Fort Bend Parkway, between State
Highway 6 and the |
Brazos River; and |
(9) Montgomery County Parkway, between
State Highway |
242 and the Grand Parkway (State Highway 99), and if
the Grand |
Parkway project has not begun construction, a
nontolled extension |
of the Montgomery County Parkway to allow a
connection to |
Interstate Highway 45. |
(b) The county is the entity with the primary
responsibility |
for the financing, construction, and operation of a
toll project |
located in the county. A county may develop,
construct, and operate |
a project described in Subsection (a) at any time,
regardless of |
whether it receives a first option notice from the
commission or the |
department under Subsection (e). |
(b-1) Consistent with federal law, the
department shall |
assist the county in the financing, construction, and
operation of |
a toll project in the county by allowing the county
to use state |
highway right-of-way owned by the department and to
access the |
state highway system. The commission or the
department may not |
require the county to pay for the use of the
right-of-way or access, |
except to reimburse the department as provided by
this subsection. |
The county shall pay an amount to reimburse the
department for the |
department's actual costs to acquire the
right-of-way. If the |
department cannot determine that amount, the amount
shall be |
determined based on the average historical
right-of-way |
acquisition values for right-of-way located in
proximity to the |
project on the date of original acquisition of the
right-of-way. |
Money received by the department under this
subsection shall be |
deposited in the state highway fund and used in the
department |
district in which the project is located. |
(c) The department and the county must enter
into an |
agreement that includes reasonable terms to
accommodate the use of |
the right-of-way by the county and to protect the
interests of the |
commission and the department in the use of the
right-of-way for |
operations of the department, including public safety
and |
congestion mitigation on the right-of-way. |
(d) Subsection (b) does not limit the
authority of the |
commission or the department to participate in the
cost of |
acquiring, constructing, maintaining, or operating a
project of the |
county under Chapter 284. |
(e) Before the department may enter into a
contract for the |
financing, construction, or operation of a proposed
or existing |
toll project any part of which is located in the
county, the |
commission or department shall provide the county the
first option |
to finance, construct, or operate, as applicable, the
portion of |
the toll project located in the county: |
(1) on terms agreeable to the county;
and |
(2) in a manner determined by the
county to be |
consistent with the practices and procedures by which
the county |
finances, constructs, or operates a project. |
(f) A county's right to exercise the first
option under |
Subsection (e) is effective for six months after the
date of the |
receipt by the county of written notice from the
commission or the |
department meeting the requirements of Subsection (e)
and |
describing in reasonable detail the location of the
toll project, a |
projected cost estimate, sources and uses of funds,
and a |
construction schedule. If a county exercises the
first option with |
respect to a toll project, the county must enter into
one or more |
contracts for the financing, construction, or
operation of the toll |
project within two years after the date on which all
environmental |
requirements necessary for the development of the
project are |
secured and all legal challenges to development are
concluded. A |
contract may include agreements for design of the
project, |
acquisition of right-of-way, and utility relocation.
If the county |
does not enter into a contract during the two-year
period, the |
commission or the department may enter into a
contract for the |
financing, construction, or operation of the toll
project with a |
different entity. |
(g) An agreement entered into by the county
and the |
department in connection with a project under Chapter
284 that is |
financed, constructed, or operated by the county and
that is on or |
directly connected to a highway in the state highway
system does not |
create a joint enterprise for liability purposes. |
(h) If the county approves, the commission
may remove any |
right-of-way to be used by a county under this
section from the |
state highway system. If the right-of-way used by a
county under |
this section remains part of the state highway
system, the county |
must comply with department design and construction
standards. |
(i) Notwithstanding an action of a county
taken under this |
section, the commission or department may take any
action that is |
necessary in its reasonable judgment to comply with
any federal |
requirement to enable this state to receive
federal-aid highway |
funds. |
(j) Notwithstanding any other law, the
commission and the |
department are not liable for any damages that result
from a |
county's use of state highway right-of-way or access
to the state |
highway system under this section, regardless of the
legal theory, |
statute, or cause of action under which liability is
asserted. |
ENTITIES. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Local toll project entity" means: |
(A) a regional tollway authority
under Chapter |
366; |
(B) a regional mobility authority
under Chapter |
370; or |
(C) a county acting under Chapter
284. |
(2) "Market valuation" means the
valuation of a toll |
project that: |
(A) is based on the terms and
conditions |
established mutually by a local toll project entity
and the |
department for the development, construction, and
operation of a |
toll project, including the initial toll rate and the
toll rate |
escalation methodology; and |
(B) takes into account a traffic
and revenue |
study of the toll project using agreed-upon
assumptions, an agreed |
project scope, market research, the estimated cost to
finance, |
construct, maintain, and operate the project, and
other information |
determined appropriate by the local toll project
entity and the |
department. |
(3) "Region" has the meaning assigned
by Section |
228.001, except that the region of a county acting
under Chapter 284 |
is composed of that county and the counties that are
contiguous to |
that county. |
(4) "Toll project subaccount" means a
subaccount |
created under Section 228.012. |
(b) This section does not apply to a toll
project described |
in Section 228.011(a). |
(c) A local toll project entity is the entity
with primary |
responsibility for the financing, construction, and
operation of a |
toll project located within its boundaries. |
(d) Subsection (c) does not limit the
authority of the |
commission or the department to participate in the
cost of |
acquiring, constructing, maintaining, or operating a
toll project |
of a local toll project entity. |
(e) Except as provided in this subsection, if
a local toll |
project entity or the department determines that a
toll project |
located within the boundaries of the local toll
project entity |
should be developed, constructed, and operated as a
toll project, |
the local toll project entity and the department
mutually shall |
agree on the terms and conditions for the
development, |
construction, and operation of the toll project,
including the |
initial toll rate and the toll rate escalation
methodology. The |
terms and conditions for the procurement and
operation of the State |
Highway 99 project shall be approved by the
metropolitan planning |
organization in which the project is located. |
(e-1) If the local toll project entity and
the department |
are unable to mutually agree on the terms and
conditions for the |
development, construction, and operation of the toll
project as |
required by Subsection (e), neither the local toll
project entity |
nor the department may develop the project as a toll
project. |
(f) After agreeing on the terms and
conditions for a toll |
project under Subsection (e), or after metropolitan
planning |
organization approval of the terms and conditions for
the State |
Highway 99 project, the local toll project entity and
the |
department mutually shall determine which entity,
including a third |
party under contract with the local toll project
entity or the |
department, will develop a market valuation of the
toll project |
that is based on the terms and conditions established
under |
Subsection (e). The department and the local toll
project entity |
have 90 days after the date of the receipt of a final
draft version |
of the market valuation designated as "complete;
subject to |
approval by the Texas Department of Transportation
and (name of |
local toll project entity)" to mutually approve the
market |
valuation included in the draft version or, in the
alternative, |
negotiate and agree on a different market valuation.
If the |
department and the local toll project entity are
unable to agree on |
a market valuation within the 90-day period, the
market valuation |
in the draft version is considered to be final for
purposes of this |
section and mutually approved on the last day of that
period. |
(f-1) The department and a local toll project
entity may |
agree to waive the requirement to develop a market
valuation under |
this section. |
(f-2) If the department and the local toll
project entity |
are unable to mutually determine which entity will
develop the |
market valuation of the toll project under Subsection
(f), neither |
the department nor the local toll project entity may
develop, |
construct, or operate the project as a toll project. |
(f-3) A third party that develops a market
valuation under |
Subsection (f) may not: |
(1) invest money in a private entity
that participates |
in the financing, development, construction, or
operation of that |
toll project, either directly or indirectly through
investment in |
the entity's equities or obligations, provided that
fees for |
services are not considered direct or indirect
investment; or |
(2) directly or indirectly through one
or more |
intermediaries, control, be controlled by, or be
under common |
control with a private entity that participates in
the financing, |
development, construction, or operation of that toll
project, as |
the term "control" is described by Section 21.605,
Business |
Organizations Code. |
(g) A local toll project entity has the first
option to |
develop, finance, construct, and operate a toll
project under the |
terms and conditions established under Subsection
(e). A local |
toll project entity, other than a regional mobility
authority under |
Chapter 370, has six months after the date that the
market valuation |
is mutually approved under Subsection (f) to decide
whether to |
exercise the option. For a project proposed to be
located within |
the boundaries of a regional mobility authority under
Chapter 370, |
after the market valuation is final under Subsection
(f), the |
metropolitan planning organization for the region in
which the |
project is located shall determine whether the toll
project should |
be developed using the business terms incorporated in
the market |
valuation. If the metropolitan planning organization
determines |
that the toll project should be developed using the
business terms |
in the market valuation, the regional mobility
authority has six |
months after the date the metropolitan planning
organization |
decides whether to exercise the option to develop the
project. If a |
local toll project entity exercises the option with
respect to a |
toll project under this subsection, the local toll
project entity, |
after exercising the option and within two years
after the date on |
which all environmental requirements necessary for
the development |
of the toll project are secured and all legal
challenges to |
development are concluded, must: |
(1) enter into a contract for the
construction of the |
toll project; and |
(2) either: |
(A) commit to make a payment into
a toll project |
subaccount in an amount equal to the value of the
toll project as |
determined by the market valuation, to be used by the
department to |
finance the construction of additional transportation
projects in |
the region in which the toll project is located; |
(B) commit to construct, within
the period agreed |
to by the local toll project entity and the
department, additional |
transportation projects in the region in which the
toll project is |
located with estimated construction costs equal to
the market |
valuation of the toll project; or |
(C) for a regional mobility
authority under |
Chapter 370, commit to using, for a period to be
agreed upon by the |
department and the authority, all surplus revenue
from the toll |
project for the purposes authorized by Section
370.174(b) in an |
amount equal to the valuation of the project. |
(h) If a local toll project entity exercises
the option with |
respect to a toll project under Subsection (g) and
has not begun the |
environmental review of the project, the local toll
project entity |
shall begin the environmental review within six
months of |
exercising the option. |
(i) If a local toll project entity does not
exercise the |
option to develop, finance, construct, and operate a
toll project |
under Subsection (g), or does not enter into a
contract for the |
construction of the project and make a commitment
described in |
Subsection (g)(2) within the two-year period
prescribed in |
Subsection (g), the department has the option to
develop, finance, |
construct, and operate the toll project under the
terms and |
conditions agreed to under Subsection (e). The
department has two |
months after the date the local toll project entity
fails to |
exercise its option or enter into a construction
contract and make a |
commitment described in Subsection (g)(2) to decide
whether to |
exercise its option. If the department exercises its
option with |
respect to a toll project under this subsection, the
department, |
after exercising the option and within two years
after the date on |
which all environmental requirements necessary for
the development |
of the project are secured and all legal challenges
to such |
development are concluded, must: |
(1) enter into a contract for the
construction of the |
toll project; and |
(2) either: |
(A) commit to make a payment into
the toll |
project subaccount in an amount equal to the value of
the toll |
project as determined by the market valuation, to be
used by the |
department to finance the construction of additional
transportation projects in the region in which the
toll project is |
located; or |
(B) commit to construct, within
the period agreed |
to by the local toll project entity and the
department, additional |
transportation projects in the region in which the
toll project is |
located with estimated construction costs equal to
the market |
valuation of the toll project. |
(j) If the department does not exercise the
option to |
develop, finance, construct, and operate a toll
project under |
Subsection (i), or does not enter into a contract for
the |
construction of the project and make a commitment
described in |
Subsection (i)(2) within the two-year period
prescribed in |
Subsection (i), the local toll project entity and the
department |
may meet again for the purpose of agreeing on revised
terms and |
conditions for the development, construction, and
operation of the |
toll project, and the local toll project entity and
the department |
shall follow the process prescribed in Subsections
(f)-(i). |
(k) Consistent with federal law, the
commission and the |
department shall assist a local toll project entity
in the |
development, financing, construction, and operation
of a toll |
project for which the local toll project entity has
exercised its |
option to develop, finance, construct, and operate
the project |
under Subsection (g) by allowing the local toll
project entity to |
use state highway right-of-way and to access the
state highway |
system as necessary to construct and operate the toll
project. |
Notwithstanding any other law, the toll project
entity and the |
commission may agree to remove the project from the
state highway |
system and transfer ownership to the local toll
project entity. The |
commission or the department may not require a local
toll project |
entity to pay for the use of the right-of-way or
access, except to |
reimburse the department for actual costs incurred or
to be |
incurred by the department that are owed to a third
party, including |
the federal government, as a result of that use by
the local toll |
project entity. If a local toll project entity
exercises its option |
to develop, construct, and operate a toll project
under this |
section, the following shall be deducted from the
amount of the toll |
project entity commitment under Subsection (g)(2): |
(1) an amount equal to the amount
reimbursed under |
this subsection, if any; and |
(2) with respect to a county operating
under Chapter |
284, an amount equal to the costs of any road,
street, or highway |
project undertaken by the county under Section
284.0031 before the |
acceptance of the market valuation, if the county
requests a |
deduction and specifies in reasonable detail a
description and cost |
of the project and the department agrees that any
such road, street, |
or highway project constitutes an additional
transportation |
project under Subsection (g)(2)(B). |
(l) A local toll project entity shall enter
into an |
agreement with the department for any project for
which the entity |
has exercised its option to develop, finance,
construct, and |
operate the project under Subsection (g) and for
which the entity |
intends to use state highway right-of-way. An
agreement entered |
into under this subsection must contain provisions
necessary to |
ensure that the local toll project entity's
construction, |
maintenance, and operation of the project complies
with the |
requirements of applicable federal and state law. |
(m) Notwithstanding any other law, the
commission and the |
department are not liable for any damages that result
from a local |
toll project entity's use of state highway
right-of-way or access |
to the state highway system under this section,
regardless of the |
legal theory, statute, or cause of action under which
liability is |
asserted. |
(n) An agreement entered into by a local toll
project entity |
and the department in connection with a toll project
that is |
financed, constructed, or operated by the local toll
project entity |
and that is on or directly connected to a highway in
the state |
highway system does not create a joint enterprise for
liability |
purposes. |
(o) Notwithstanding an action of a local toll
project entity |
taken under this section, the commission or
department may take any |
action that in its reasonable judgment is necessary
to comply with |
any federal requirement to enable this state to
receive federal-aid |
highway funds. |
(p) A local toll project entity and the
department may issue |
bonds, including revenue bonds and refunding bonds,
or other |
obligations, and enter into credit agreements, to pay
any costs |
associated with a project under this section,
including the |
payments deposited to the applicable toll project
subaccount, and |
the costs to construct, maintain, and operate
additional |
transportation projects that the local toll project
entity or the |
department commits to undertake in accordance with
this section, as |
follows: |
(1) the bonds or other obligations and
the proceedings |
authorizing the bonds or other obligations must be
submitted to the |
attorney general for review and approval as required
by Chapter |
1202, Government Code; |
(2) the bonds or other obligations may
be payable from |
and secured by revenue of one or more projects of the
local toll |
project entity or the department, including toll road
system |
revenues, or such other legally available revenue or
funding |
sources as the local toll project entity or
department shall |
determine; |
(3) the bonds or other obligations may
mature serially |
or otherwise not more than 30 years from their date
of issuance; |
(4) the bonds or other obligations are
not a debt of |
and do not create a claim for payment against the
revenue or |
property of the local toll project entity or the
department, other |
than the revenue sources pledged for which the bonds
or other |
obligations are issued; and |
(5) the local toll project entity and
the department |
may issue obligations and enter into credit
agreements under |
Chapter 1371, Government Code, and for purposes of
that chapter, a |
local toll project entity and the department shall be
considered a |
public utility and any cost authorized to be financed
in accordance |
with this subsection is an eligible project. |
(q) The provisions of this section requiring
metropolitan |
planning organization approval of the terms and
conditions for the |
State Highway 99 project expire August 31, 2009. |
(r) This section expires August 31, 2011. |
(s) This section does not apply to: |
(1) any project for which the
department has issued a |
request for qualifications or request for competing
proposals and |
qualifications before May 1, 2007, except for the
State Highway 161 |
project in Dallas County; |
(2) the eastern extension of the
President George Bush |
Turnpike from State Highway 78 to IH 30 in Dallas
County; |
(3) the Phase 3 and 4 extensions of the
Dallas North |
Tollway in Collin and Denton Counties from State
Highway 121 to the |
Grayson County line, and the planned future extension
into Grayson |
County, regardless of which local toll project entity
develops the |
extension into Grayson County; |
(4) the Lewisville Lake Bridge (and
portions of FM 720 |
widening projects) in Denton County; or |
(5) the Southwest Parkway (State
Highway 121) in |
Tarrant County from Dirks Road/Altamesa Boulevard to
IH 30. |
Sec. 228.012. PROJECT SUBACCOUNTS. (a) The
department |
shall create a separate account in the state highway
fund to hold |
payments received by the department under a
comprehensive |
development agreement, the surplus revenue of a toll
project or |
system, and payments received under Sections
228.0111(g)(2) and |
(i)(2). The department shall create subaccounts in
the account for |
each project, system, or region. Interest earned on
money in a |
subaccount shall be deposited to the credit of that
subaccount. |
(b) The department shall hold money in a
subaccount in trust |
for the benefit of the region in which a project or
system is |
located and may assign the responsibility for
allocating money in a |
subaccount to a metropolitan planning organization in
which the |
region is located. Except as provided by Subsection
(c), money |
shall be allocated to projects authorized by Section
228.0055 or |
Section 228.006, as applicable. |
(c) Money in a subaccount received from a
county or the |
department under Section 228.0111 in connection with
a project for |
which a county acting under Chapter 284 has the first
option shall |
be allocated to transportation projects located in
the county and |
the counties contiguous to that county. |
(d) Not later than January 1 of each
odd-numbered year, the |
department shall submit to the Legislative Budget
Board, in the |
format prescribed by the Legislative Budget Board, a
report on cash |
balances in the subaccounts created under this
section and |
expenditures made with money in those subaccounts. |
(e) The commission or the department may not: |
(1) revise the formula as provided in
the department's |
unified transportation program or a successor
document in a manner |
that results in a decrease of a department district's
allocation |
because of the deposit of a payment into a project
subaccount or a |
commitment to undertake an additional transportation
project under |
Section 228.0111; or |
(2) take any other action that would
reduce funding |
allocated to a department district because of the
deposit of a |
payment received from the department or local toll
project entity |
into a project subaccount or a commitment to
undertake an |
additional transportation project under Section
228.0111. |
SECTION 7.02. Section 228.0111, Transportation
Code, as |
added by this article, applies to a project associated
with State |
Highway 161 in Dallas County. |
SECTION 8.01. Subdivision (3), Section 284.001,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Project" means: |
(A) a causeway, bridge,
tunnel, turnpike, |
highway, ferry, or any combination of those facilities,
including: |
(i) [(A)] a
necessary overpass, underpass, |
interchange, entrance plaza, toll house, service
station, |
approach, fixture, and accessory and necessary equipment
that has |
been designated as part of the project by order of a
county; |
(ii) [(B)] necessary
administration, |
storage, and other buildings that have been designated
as part of |
the project by order of a county; and |
(iii) [(C)] all
property rights, |
easements, and related interests acquired; or |
(B) a turnpike project or system,
as those terms |
are defined by Section 370.003. |
SECTION 8.02. Section 284.003, Transportation
Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
AND COST. (a) A county, acting through the
commissioners court of |
the county, or a local government corporation, without
state |
approval, supervision, or regulation, may: |
(1) construct, acquire, improve, operate,
maintain, |
or pool a project located: |
(A) exclusively in the county; |
(B) in the county and outside the
county; or |
(C) in one or more counties adjacent
to the |
county; |
(2) issue tax bonds, revenue bonds, or
combination tax |
and revenue bonds to pay the cost of the construction,
acquisition, |
or improvement of a project; |
(3) impose tolls or charges as otherwise
authorized by |
this chapter; |
(4) construct a bridge over a deepwater
[deep water] |
navigation channel, if the bridge does not hinder
maritime |
transportation; [or] |
(5) construct, acquire, or operate a ferry
across a |
deepwater navigation channel; |
(6) in connection with a project, on
adoption of an |
order exercise the powers of a regional mobility
authority |
operating under Chapter 370; or |
(7) enter into a comprehensive
development agreement |
with a private entity to design, develop, finance,
construct, |
maintain, repair, operate, extend, or expand a
proposed or existing |
project in the county to the extent and in the manner
applicable to |
the department under Chapter 223 or to a regional
tollway authority |
under Chapter 366. |
(b) The county or a local government
corporation may |
exercise a power provided by Subsection (a)(6) only
in a manner |
consistent with the other powers provided by this
chapter. To the |
extent of a conflict between this chapter and Chapter
370, this |
chapter prevails. |
(c) A project or any portion of a project
that is owned by |
the county and licensed or leased to a private entity
or operated by |
a private entity under this chapter to provide
transportation |
services to the general public is public property
used for a public |
purpose and exempt from taxation by this state or a
political |
subdivision of this state. |
(d) If the county constructs, acquires,
improves, operates, |
maintains, or pools a project under this chapter,
before December |
31 of each even-numbered year the county shall submit
to the |
department a plan for the project that includes the
time schedule |
for the project and describes the use of project
funds. The plan |
may provide for and permit the use of project funds
and other money, |
including state or federal funds, available to the
county for |
roads, streets, highways, and other related
facilities in the |
county that are not part of a project under this
chapter. A plan is |
not subject to approval, supervision, or regulation
by the |
commission or the department, except that: |
(1) any use of state or federal highway
funds must be |
approved by the commission; |
(2) any work on a highway in the state
highway system |
must be approved by the department; and |
(3) the department shall supervise and
regulate work |
on a highway in the state highway system. |
(e) Except as provided by federal law, an
action of a county |
taken under this chapter is not subject to approval,
supervision, |
or regulation by a metropolitan planning
organization. |
(f) The county may enter into a protocol or
other agreement |
with the commission or the department to implement
this section |
through the cooperation of the parties to the
agreement. |
(g) An action of a county taken under this
chapter must |
comply with the requirements of applicable federal
law. The |
foregoing compliance requirement shall apply to the
role of |
metropolitan planning organizations under federal
law, including |
the approval of projects for conformity to the state
implementation |
plan relating to air quality, the use of toll
revenue, and the use |
of the right-of-way of and access to federal-aid
highways. |
Notwithstanding an action of a county taken under
this chapter, the |
commission or department may take any action that is
necessary in |
its reasonable judgment to comply with any federal
requirement to |
enable the state to receive federal-aid highway
funds. |
SECTION 8.03. Subchapter A, Chapter 284,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 284.0031 and
284.0032 and |
amending Section 284.004 to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners court of a county or a local
government |
corporation, without state approval, supervision, or
regulation |
may: |
(1) authorize the use or pledge of
surplus revenue to |
pay or finance the costs of a project for the study,
design, |
construction, maintenance, repair, or operation of
roads, streets, |
highways, or other related facilities that are not
part of a project |
under this chapter; and |
(2) prescribe terms for the use of the
surplus |
revenue, including the manner in which revenue from a
project |
becomes surplus revenue and the manner in which the
roads, streets, |
highways, or other related facilities are to be
studied, designed, |
constructed, maintained, repaired, or operated. |
(b) To implement this section, a county may
enter into an |
agreement with the commission, the department, a
local governmental |
entity, or another political subdivision of this
state. |
(c) A county may not take an action under
this section that |
violates or impairs a bond resolution, trust
agreement, or |
indenture that governs the use of the revenue of a
project. |
(d) Except as provided by this section, a
county has the |
same powers, including the powers to finance and to
encumber |
surplus revenue, and may use the same procedures with
respect to the |
study, financing, design, construction, maintenance,
repair, or |
operation of a road, street, highway, or other
related facility |
under this section as are available to the county
with respect to a |
project under this chapter. |
(e) Notwithstanding other provisions of this
section: |
(1) any work on the state highway
system must be |
approved by the department; and |
(2) the department shall supervise and
regulate any |
work on a highway in the state highway system. |
If a county |
is requested by the commission to participate in the
development of |
a project under this chapter that has been designated
as part of the |
Trans-Texas Corridor, the county has, in addition to
all powers |
granted by this chapter, all powers of the department
related to the |
development of a project that has been designated as
part of the |
Trans-Texas Corridor. |
Sec. 284.004. USE OF COUNTY PROPERTY. (a) Notwithstanding
any other law, a county may use any county property for
a project |
under this chapter, regardless of when or how the
property is |
acquired. |
(b) In addition to authority granted by other
law, a county |
may use state highway right-of-way and may access
state highway |
right-of-way in accordance with Sections 228.011 and
228.0111. |
SECTION 8.04. Subsections (c) and (d), Section
284.008, |
Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(c) Except as provided by Subsection (d), a
project becomes |
a part of the state highway system and the commission
shall maintain |
the project without tolls when: |
(1) all of the bonds and interest on the
bonds that are |
payable from or secured by revenues of the project have
been paid by |
the issuer of the bonds or another person with the
consent or |
approval of the issuer; or |
(2) a sufficient amount for the payment of
all bonds |
and the interest on the bonds to maturity has been set
aside by the |
issuer of the bonds or another person with the
consent or approval |
of the issuer in a trust fund held for the
benefit of the |
bondholders. |
(d) A [Before construction on a
project under this chapter |
begins, a] county may request that the commission
adopt an order |
stating that a [the] project will not
become part of the state |
highway system under Subsection (c). If the commission
adopts the |
order: |
(1) Section 362.051 does not apply to the
project; |
(2) the project must be maintained by the
county; and |
(3) the project will not become part of
the state |
highway system unless the county transfers the project
under |
Section 284.011. |
SECTION 8.05. Subsections (b) and (c), Section
284.065, |
Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) An existing project may be pooled in whole
or in part |
with a new project or another existing project. |
(c) A project may [not] be pooled more
than once. |
SECTION 9.01. Section 366.003, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivision (9-a) to read as follows: |
(9-a) "Surplus revenue" means the
revenue of a |
turnpike project or system remaining at the end of
any fiscal year |
after all required payments and deposits have been
made in |
accordance with all bond resolutions, trust
agreements, |
indentures, credit agreements, or other instruments
and |
contractual obligations of the authority payable from
the revenue |
of the turnpike project or system. |
SECTION 9.02. Section 366.301, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
(e) An action of an authority taken under
this chapter must |
comply with the requirements of applicable federal
law, including |
provisions relating to the role of metropolitan
planning |
organizations under federal law and the approval of
projects for |
conformity with the state implementation plan
relating to air |
quality, the use of toll revenue, and the use of the
right-of-way of |
and access to federal-aid highways. Notwithstanding
an action of |
an authority taken under this chapter, the commission
or the |
department may take any action that in its reasonable
judgment is |
necessary to comply with any federal requirement to
enable this |
state to receive federal-aid highway funds. |
SECTION 9.03. Chapter 366, Transportation Code,
is amended |
by adding Subchapter H to read as follows: |
(a) An authority may use a comprehensive development
agreement |
with a private entity to design, develop, finance,
construct, |
maintain, repair, operate, extend, or expand a
turnpike project. |
(b) A comprehensive development agreement is
an agreement |
with a private entity that, at a minimum, provides
for the design, |
construction, rehabilitation, expansion, or
improvement of a |
turnpike project and may also provide for the
financing, |
acquisition, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike
project. |
(c) An authority may negotiate provisions
relating to |
professional and consulting services provided in
connection with a |
comprehensive development agreement. |
(d) An authority may authorize the investment
of public and |
private money, including debt and equity
participation, to finance |
a function described by this section. |
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS. (a) If an authority enters
into a |
comprehensive development agreement, the authority
shall use a |
competitive procurement process that provides the
best value for |
the authority. An authority may accept unsolicited
proposals for a |
proposed turnpike project or solicit proposals in
accordance with |
this section. |
(b) An authority shall establish rules and
procedures for |
accepting unsolicited proposals that require the
private entity to |
include in the proposal: |
(1) information regarding the proposed
project |
location, scope, and limits; |
(2) information regarding the private
entity's |
qualifications, experience, technical competence, and
capability |
to develop the project; and |
(3) any other information the authority
considers |
relevant or necessary. |
(c) An authority shall publish a notice
advertising a |
request for competing proposals and qualifications in
the Texas |
Register that includes the criteria to be used to
evaluate the |
proposals, the relative weight given to the criteria,
and a |
deadline by which proposals must be received if: |
(1) the authority decides to issue a
request for |
qualifications for a proposed project; or |
(2) the authority authorizes the
further evaluation of |
an unsolicited proposal. |
(d) A proposal submitted in response to a
request published |
under Subsection (c) must contain, at a minimum, the
information |
required by Subsections (b)(2) and (3). |
(e) An authority may interview a private
entity submitting |
an unsolicited proposal or responding to a request
under Subsection |
(c). The authority shall evaluate each proposal based
on the |
criteria described in the request for competing
proposals and |
qualifications and may qualify or shortlist private
entities to |
submit detailed proposals under Subsection (f). The
authority must |
qualify or shortlist at least two private entities to
submit |
detailed proposals for a project under Subsection (f)
unless the |
authority does not receive more than one proposal or
one response to |
a request under Subsection (c). |
(f) An authority shall issue a request for
detailed |
proposals from all private entities qualified or
shortlisted under |
Subsection (e) if the authority proceeds with the
further |
evaluation of a proposed project. A request under
this subsection |
may require additional information the authority
considers |
relevant or necessary, including information relating
to: |
(1) the private entity's qualifications
and |
demonstrated technical competence; |
(2) the feasibility of developing the
project as |
proposed; |
(3) engineering or architectural
designs; |
(4) the private entity's ability to
meet schedules; or |
(5) a financial plan, including costing
methodology |
and cost proposals. |
(g) In issuing a request for proposals under
Subsection (f), |
an authority may solicit input from entities
qualified under |
Subsection (e) or any other person. An authority may
also solicit |
input regarding alternative technical concepts after
issuing a |
request under Subsection (f). |
(h) An authority shall evaluate each proposal
based on the |
criteria described in the request for detailed
proposals and select |
the private entity whose proposal offers the apparent
best value to |
the authority. |
(i) An authority may enter into negotiations
with the |
private entity whose proposal offers the apparent
best value. |
(j) If at any point in negotiations under
Subsection (i), it |
appears to the authority that the highest ranking
proposal will not |
provide the authority with the overall best value,
the authority |
may enter into negotiations with the private entity
submitting the |
next-highest-ranking proposal. |
(k) An authority may withdraw a request for
competing |
proposals and qualifications or a request for
detailed proposals at |
any time. The authority may then publish a new
request for |
competing proposals and qualifications. |
(l) An authority may require that an
unsolicited proposal be |
accompanied by a nonrefundable fee sufficient to
cover all or part |
of its cost to review the proposal. |
(m) An authority may pay an unsuccessful
private entity that |
submits a responsive proposal in response to a
request for detailed |
proposals under Subsection (f) a stipulated amount in
exchange for |
the work product contained in that proposal. A
stipulated amount |
must be stated in the request for proposals and may
not exceed the |
value of any work product contained in the proposal
that can, as |
determined by the authority, be used by the authority
in the |
performance of its functions. The use by the
authority of any |
design element contained in an unsuccessful proposal
is at the sole |
risk and discretion of the authority and does not
confer liability |
on the recipient of the stipulated amount under this
subsection. |
After payment of the stipulated amount: |
(1) the authority, with the
unsuccessful private |
entity, jointly owns the rights to, and may make use
of any work |
product contained in, the proposal, including the
technologies, |
techniques, methods, processes, ideas, and
information contained |
in the project design; and |
(2) the use by the unsuccessful private
entity of any |
portion of the work product contained in the proposal
is at the sole |
risk of the unsuccessful private entity and does not
confer |
liability on the authority. |
(n) An authority may prescribe the general
form of a |
comprehensive development agreement and may include
any matter the |
authority considers advantageous to the authority.
The authority |
and the private entity shall finalize the specific
terms of a |
comprehensive development agreement. |
(o) Section 366.185 and Subchapter A, Chapter
223, of this |
code and Chapter 2254, Government Code, do not apply
to a |
comprehensive development agreement entered into
under this |
subchapter. |
(a) To |
encourage private entities to submit proposals under
this |
subchapter, the following information is
confidential, is not |
subject to disclosure, inspection, or copying under
Chapter 552, |
Government Code, and is not subject to disclosure,
discovery, |
subpoena, or other means of legal compulsion for its
release until a |
final contract for a proposed project is entered
into: |
(1) all or part of a proposal that is
submitted by a |
private entity for a comprehensive development
agreement, except |
information provided under Sections 366.402(b)(1) and
(2), unless |
the private entity consents to the disclosure of the
information; |
(2) supplemental information or
material submitted by |
a private entity in connection with a proposal for a
comprehensive |
development agreement unless the private entity
consents to the |
disclosure of the information or material; and |
(3) information created or collected by
an authority |
or its agent during consideration of a proposal for a
comprehensive |
development agreement or during the authority's
preparation of a |
proposal to the department relating to a
comprehensive development |
agreement. |
(b) After an authority completes its final
ranking of |
proposals under Section 366.402(h), the final
rankings of each |
proposal under each of the published criteria are not
confidential. |
(a) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subchapter
B, Chapter |
2253, Government Code, an authority shall require a
private entity |
entering into a comprehensive development agreement
under this |
subchapter to provide a performance and payment bond
or an |
alternative form of security in an amount sufficient
to: |
(1) ensure the proper performance of
the agreement; |
and |
(2) protect: |
(A) the authority; and |
(B) payment bond beneficiaries
who have a direct |
contractual relationship with the private entity or a
subcontractor |
of the private entity to supply labor or material. |
(b) A performance and payment bond or
alternative form of |
security shall be in an amount equal to the cost of
constructing or |
maintaining the project. |
(c) If an authority determines that it is
impracticable for |
a private entity to provide security in the amount
described by |
Subsection (b), the authority shall set the amount of
the bonds or |
the alternative forms of security. |
(d) A payment or performance bond or
alternative form of |
security is not required for the portion of an
agreement that |
includes only design or planning services, the
performance of |
preliminary studies, or the acquisition of real
property. |
(e) The amount of the payment security must
not be less than |
the amount of the performance security. |
(f) In addition to, or instead of,
performance and payment |
bonds, an authority may require the following
alternative forms of |
security: |
(1) a cashier's check drawn on a
financial entity |
specified by the authority; |
(2) a United States bond or note; |
(3) an irrevocable bank letter of
credit; or |
(4) any other form of security
determined suitable by |
the authority. |
(g) An authority by rule shall prescribe
requirements for |
alternative forms of security provided under this
section. |
(a) A |
turnpike project that is the subject of a
comprehensive development |
agreement with a private entity, including the
facilities acquired |
or constructed on the project, is public property and
is owned by |
the authority. |
(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), an
authority may enter |
into an agreement that provides for the lease of
rights-of-way, the |
granting of easements, the issuance of franchises,
licenses, or |
permits, or any lawful uses to enable a private
entity to construct, |
operate, and maintain a turnpike project, including
supplemental |
facilities. At the termination of the agreement, the
turnpike |
project, including the facilities, are to be in a
state of proper |
maintenance as determined by the authority and shall
be returned to |
the authority in satisfactory condition at no further
cost. |
authority may not incur a financial obligation for a
private entity |
that designs, develops, finances, constructs,
operates, or |
maintains a turnpike project. The authority or a
political |
subdivision of the state is not liable for any
financial or other |
obligation of a turnpike project solely because a
private entity |
constructs, finances, or operates any part of the
project. |
(a) An |
authority shall negotiate the terms of private
participation in a |
turnpike project under this subchapter, including: |
(1) methods to determine the applicable
cost, profit, |
and project distribution among the private
participants and the |
authority; |
(2) reasonable methods to determine and
classify toll |
rates and the responsibility for setting toll rates; |
(3) acceptable safety and policing
standards; and |
(4) other applicable professional,
consulting, |
construction, operation, and maintenance standards,
expenses, and |
costs. |
(b) A comprehensive development agreement
entered into |
under this subchapter may include any provision the
authority |
considers appropriate, including a provision: |
(1) providing for the purchase by the
authority, under |
terms and conditions agreed to by the parties, of the
interest of a |
private participant in the comprehensive development
agreement and |
related property, including any interest in a
turnpike project |
designed, developed, financed, constructed, operated,
or |
maintained under the comprehensive development
agreement; |
(2) establishing the purchase price, as
determined in |
accordance with the methodology established by the
parties in the |
comprehensive development agreement, for the interest
of a private |
participant in the comprehensive development
agreement and related |
property; |
(3) providing for the payment of an
obligation |
incurred under the comprehensive development
agreement, including |
an obligation to pay the purchase price for the
interest of a |
private participant in the comprehensive development
agreement, |
from any available source, including securing the
obligation by a |
pledge of revenues of the authority derived from the
applicable |
project, which pledge shall have priority as
established by the |
authority; |
(4) permitting the private participant
to pledge its |
rights under the comprehensive development agreement; |
(5) concerning the private
participant's right to |
operate and collect revenue from the turnpike
project; and |
(6) restricting the right of the
authority to |
terminate the private participant's right to operate
and collect |
revenue from the turnpike project unless and until
any applicable |
termination payments have been made. |
(c) An authority may enter into a
comprehensive development |
agreement under this subchapter with a private
participant only if |
the project is identified in the department's unified
transportation program or is located on a
transportation corridor |
identified in the statewide transportation plan. |
(d) Section 366.406 does not apply to an
obligation of an |
authority under a comprehensive development
agreement, nor is an |
authority otherwise constrained from issuing bonds or
other |
financial obligations for a turnpike project payable
solely from |
revenues of that turnpike project or from amounts
received under a |
comprehensive development agreement. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, and
subject to |
compliance with the dispute resolution procedures set
out in the |
comprehensive development agreement, an obligation of
an authority |
under a comprehensive development agreement entered
into under this |
subchapter to make or secure payments to a person
because of the |
termination of the agreement, including the purchase
of the |
interest of a private participant or other investor
in a project, |
may be enforced by mandamus against the authority in
a district |
court of any county of the authority, and the
sovereign immunity of |
the authority is waived for that purpose. The
district courts of |
any county of the authority shall have exclusive
jurisdiction and |
venue over and to determine and adjudicate all issues
necessary to |
adjudicate any action brought under this subsection.
The remedy |
provided by this subsection is in addition to any
legal and |
equitable remedies that may be available to a party
to a |
comprehensive development agreement. |
(f) If an authority enters into a
comprehensive development |
agreement with a private participant that includes
the collection |
by the private participant of tolls for the use of a
toll project, |
the private participant shall submit to the authority
for approval: |
(1) the methodology for: |
(A) the setting of tolls; and |
(B) increasing the amount of the
tolls; |
(2) a plan outlining methods the
private participant |
will use to collect the tolls, including: |
(A) any charge to be imposed as a
penalty for late |
payment of a toll; and |
(B) any charge to be imposed to
recover the cost |
of collecting a delinquent toll; and |
(3) any proposed change in an approved
methodology for |
the setting of a toll or a plan for collecting the
toll. |
(g) Except as provided by this subsection, a
comprehensive |
development agreement with a private participant that
includes the |
collection by the private participant of tolls for
the use of a toll |
project may be for a term not longer than 50 years
from the later of |
the date of final acceptance of the project or the
start of revenue |
operations by the private participant, not to exceed
a total term of |
52 years. The contract must contain an explicit
mechanism for |
setting the price for the purchase by the department
of the interest |
of the private participant in the contract and
related property, |
including any interest in a highway or other facility
designed, |
developed, financed, constructed, operated, or
maintained under |
the contract. |
fairness, |
obtain private participants in turnpike projects, and
promote |
confidence among those participants, an authority
shall adopt |
rules, procedures, and other guidelines governing
selection of |
private participants for comprehensive development
agreements and |
negotiations of comprehensive development agreements.
The rules |
must contain criteria relating to the qualifications
of the |
participants and the award of the contracts. |
(b) An authority shall have up-to-date
procedures for |
participation in negotiations under this subchapter. |
(c) An authority has exclusive judgment to
determine the |
terms of an agreement. |
(a) Payments |
received by an authority under a comprehensive
development |
agreement shall be used by the authority to finance
the |
construction, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike
project or a |
highway. |
(b) The authority shall allocate the
distribution of funds |
received under Subsection (a) to the counties of the
authority |
based on the percentage of toll revenue from users,
from each |
county, of the project that is the subject of the
comprehensive |
development agreement. To assist the authority in
determining the |
allocation, each entity responsible for collecting
tolls for a |
project shall calculate on an annual basis the
percentage of toll |
revenue from users of the project from each county
within the |
authority based on the number of recorded electronic
toll |
collections. |
SECTION 9.04. Subsection (f), Section 366.033,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(f) An authority may rent, lease, franchise,
license, or |
otherwise make portions of any property of the
authority, including |
tangible or intangible property, [its
properties] available for use |
by others in furtherance of its powers under this
chapter by |
increasing: |
(1) the feasibility or efficient
operation [the |
revenue] of a turnpike project or system; or |
(2) the revenue of the authority. |
SECTION 9.05. Subchapter B, Chapter 366,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 366.037 and 366.038
to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 366.037. OTHER HIGHWAY PROJECTS. (a) In
addition to |
the powers granted under this chapter and without
supervision or |
regulation by any state agency or local governmental
entity, but |
subject to an agreement entered into under Subsection
(c), the |
board of an authority may by resolution, and on
making the findings |
set forth in this subsection, authorize the use of
surplus revenue |
of a turnpike project or system for the study,
design, |
construction, maintenance, repair, and operation of a
highway or |
similar facility that is not a turnpike project if
the highway or |
similar facility is: |
(1) situated in a county in which the
authority is |
authorized to design, construct, and operate a
turnpike project; |
(2) anticipated to either: |
(A) enhance the operation or
revenue of an |
existing, or the feasibility of a proposed, turnpike
project by |
bringing traffic to that turnpike project or
enhancing the flow of |
traffic either on that turnpike project or to or from
that turnpike |
project to another facility; or |
(B) ameliorate the impact of an
existing or |
proposed turnpike project by enhancing the capability
of another |
facility to handle traffic traveling, or anticipated
to travel, to |
or from that turnpike project; and |
(3) not anticipated to result in an
overall reduction |
of revenue of any turnpike project or system. |
(b) The board in the resolution may prescribe
terms for the |
use of the surplus revenue, including the manner in
which the |
highway or related facility shall be studied,
designed, |
constructed, maintained, repaired, or operated. |
(c) An authority shall enter into an
agreement to implement |
this section with the department, the commission, a
local |
governmental entity, or another political subdivision
that owns a |
street, road, alley, or highway that is directly
affected by the |
authority's turnpike project or related facility. |
(d) An authority may not: |
(1) take an action under this section
that violates, |
impairs, or is inconsistent with a bond resolution,
trust |
agreement, or indenture governing the use of the
revenue of a |
turnpike project or system; or |
(2) commit in any fiscal year
expenditures under this |
section exceeding 10 percent of its surplus revenue
from the |
preceding fiscal year. |
(e) In authorizing expenditures under this
section, the |
board shall consider: |
(1) balancing throughout the counties
of the authority |
the application of funds generated by its turnpike
projects and |
systems, taking into account where those amounts are
already |
committed or programmed as a result of this section
or otherwise; |
and |
(2) connectivity to an existing or
proposed turnpike |
project or system. |
(f) Except as provided by this section, an
authority has the |
same powers and may use the same procedures with
respect to the |
study, financing, design, construction, maintenance,
repair, and |
operation of a highway or similar facility under this
section as are |
available to the authority with respect to a turnpike
project or |
system. |
(g) Notwithstanding other provisions of this
section: |
(1) any work on a highway in the state
highway system |
must be approved by the department; and |
(2) the department shall supervise and
regulate any |
work on a highway in the state highway system. |
Sec. 366.038. TOLL COLLECTION. An authority
shall provide, |
for reasonable compensation, customer service and
other toll |
collection and enforcement services for a toll
project in the |
boundaries of the authority, regardless of whether
the toll project |
is developed, financed, constructed, and operated
under an |
agreement, including a comprehensive development
agreement, with |
the authority or another entity. |
SECTION 9.06. The heading to Section 366.185,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 9.07. (a) Section 366.185,
Transportation Code, |
is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding
Subsections (c) |
through (f) to read as follows: |
(a) A contract made by an authority that
requires the |
expenditures of public funds for the construction or
maintenance of |
a turnpike project may [must] be let by a
competitive bidding |
procedure in which the contract is awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder that complies with the authority's
criteria. |
(c) An authority may procure a combination of
engineering, |
design, and construction services in a single
procurement for a |
turnpike project, provided that any contract awarded
results in the |
best value to the authority. |
(d) The authority shall adopt rules governing
the award of |
contracts for engineering, design, construction, and
maintenance |
services in a single procurement. |
(d-1) The rules adopted under Subsection (d)
may not |
materially conflict with the design-build procedures
provided by |
Subchapter J, Chapter 271, Local Government Code, and
shall provide |
materially similar injunctive and declaratory action
enforcement |
rights regarding the improper disclosure or use of
unique or |
nonordinary information as provided in that
subchapter. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law requiring a
competitive |
bidding procedure, an authority may let a contract
for the |
construction of a turnpike project by a construction
manager-at-risk procedure under which the
construction |
manager-at-risk provides consultation to the
authority during the |
design of the turnpike project and is responsible for
the |
construction of the turnpike project in accordance
with the |
authority's specifications. A construction
manager-at-risk shall |
be selected on the basis of criteria established by
the authority, |
which may include the construction manager-at-risk's
experience, |
past performance, safety record, proposed personnel
and |
methodology, proposed fees, and other appropriate
factors that |
demonstrate the construction manager-at-risk's
ability to provide |
the best value to the authority and to deliver the
required services |
in accordance with the authority's specifications. |
(f) The authority shall adopt rules governing
the award of |
contracts using construction manager-at-risk
procedures under this |
section. |
(b) Subsection (d-1), Section 366.185,
Transportation Code, |
as added by this section, takes effect only if H.B. No.
1886, Acts |
of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is
enacted and |
becomes law. |
SECTION 9.08. Subchapter F, Chapter 366,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 366.2521 and
366.2522 to read as |
follows: |
OFFENSE. (a) In |
this section, "benefit" means anything reasonably
regarded as |
pecuniary gain or pecuniary advantage, including
benefit to any |
other person in whose welfare the beneficiary has a
direct and |
substantial interest. |
(b) A director commits an offense if the
person solicits, |
accepts, or agrees to accept any benefit from: |
(1) a person the director knows to be
subject to |
regulation, inspection, or investigation by the
authority; or |
(2) a person the director knows is
interested in or |
likely to become interested in any contract,
purchase, payment, |
claim, transaction, or matter involving the exercise
of the |
director's discretion. |
(c) A director who receives an unsolicited
benefit that the |
director is prohibited from accepting under this
section may donate |
the benefit to a governmental entity that has the
authority to |
accept the gift or may donate the benefit to a
recognized tax-exempt |
charitable organization formed for educational,
religious, or |
scientific purposes. |
(d) This section does not apply to: |
(1) a fee prescribed by law to be
received by a |
director; |
(2) a benefit to which the director is
lawfully |
entitled; or |
(3) a benefit for which the director
gives legitimate |
consideration in a capacity other than as a director. |
(e) An offense under this section is a Class
A misdemeanor. |
(f) If conduct that constitutes an offense
under this |
section also constitutes an offense under Section
36.08, Penal |
Code, the actor may be prosecuted under this section
or Section |
36.08. |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person
offers, confers, or |
agrees to confer any benefit on a director that the
person knows the |
director is prohibited from accepting under Section
366.2521. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class
A misdemeanor. |
(c) If conduct that constitutes an offense
under this |
section also constitutes an offense under Section
36.09, Penal |
Code, the actor may be prosecuted under this section
or Section |
36.09. |
SECTION 9.09. Subchapter F, Chapter 366,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Section 366.2575 to read as
follows: |
On request of |
the commissioners court of a county of an authority,
the board shall |
vote on whether to build a project that the county
requests. |
SECTION 9.10. Subchapter G, Chapter 366,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Section 366.305 to read as
follows: |
If an |
authority is requested by the commission to
participate in the |
development of a turnpike project that has been
designated as part |
of the Trans-Texas Corridor, the authority shall
have, in addition |
to all powers granted in this chapter, all powers of
the department |
related to the development of Trans-Texas Corridor
projects. |
SECTION 9.11. The TxDOT/NTTA Regional Protocol
entered into |
between the Texas Department of Transportation and the
North Texas |
Tollway Authority and approved on August 10, 2006, by
the tollway |
authority and on August 24, 2006, by the department is
invalidated. |
SECTION 10.01. Section 370.251, Transportation
Code, is |
amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection
(a-1) to |
read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (a-1),
the [The] |
governing body of an authority is a board of directors
consisting of |
representatives of each county in which a transportation
project of |
the authority is located or is proposed to be located.
The |
commissioners court of each county that initially forms
the |
authority shall appoint at least two directors to the
board. |
Additional directors may be appointed to the board at
the time of |
initial formation by agreement of the counties creating
the |
authority to ensure fair representation of political
subdivisions |
in the counties of the authority that will be affected
by a |
transportation project of the authority, provided that
the number |
of directors must be an odd number. The commissioners
court of a |
county that is subsequently added to the authority shall
appoint |
one director to the board. The governor shall appoint
one director |
to the board who shall serve as the presiding officer of
the board |
and shall appoint an additional director to the board if
an |
appointment is necessary to maintain an odd number of
directors on |
the board. |
(a-1) To be eligible to serve as director of
an authority |
created by a municipality an individual: |
(1) may be a representative of an
entity that also has |
representation on a metropolitan planning
organization in the |
region where the municipality is located; and |
(2) is required to be a resident of
Texas regardless of |
whether the metropolitan planning organization's
geographic area |
includes territory in another state. |
SECTION 10.02. Subsection (d), Section 370.301,
Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The commission or department may use federal
money for |
any purpose described by this chapter. An action of
an authority |
taken under this chapter must comply with the
requirements of |
applicable federal law, including provisions relating
to the role |
of metropolitan planning organizations under federal
law and the |
approval of projects for conformity with the state
implementation |
plan relating to air quality, the use of toll
revenue, and the use |
of the right-of-way of and access to federal-aid
highways. |
Notwithstanding an action of an authority taken under
this chapter, |
the commission or the department may take any action
that in its |
reasonable judgment is necessary to comply with any
federal |
requirement to enable this state to receive
federal-aid highway |
funds. |
SECTION 10.03. (a) Section 370.314,
Transportation Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
OF |
(a) An |
authority may procure a combination of engineering,
design, and |
construction services in a single procurement for a
transportation |
project provided that any contract awarded must be the
one that |
results in the best value to the authority. |
(b) Procedures adopted under Subsection (a)
may not |
materially conflict with the design-build procedures
provided by |
Subchapter J, Chapter 271, Local Government Code. |
(b) Subsection (a) of this section takes effect
only if H.B. |
No. 1886, Acts of the 80th Legislature, Regular Session,
2007, is |
enacted and becomes law. |
SECTION 11.01. Subtitle G, Title 6,
Transportation Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 371 to read as follows: |
Sec. 371.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Toll project" means a toll project
described by |
Section 201.001(b), regardless of whether the toll
project is: |
(A) a part of the state highway
system; or |
(B) subject to the jurisdiction
of the |
department. |
(2) "Toll project entity" means an
entity authorized |
by law to acquire, design, construct, operate, and
maintain a toll |
project, including: |
(A) the department, including
under Chapter 227; |
(B) a regional tollway authority
under Chapter |
366; |
(C) a regional mobility authority
under Chapter |
370; or |
(D) a county under Chapter 284. |
Sec. 371.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter
does not apply |
to a project for which the commission selected an
apparent best |
value proposer before May 1, 2007. |
[Sections 371.003-371.050 reserved for expansion] |
project |
entity may not enter into a comprehensive development
agreement |
unless the attorney general reviews the proposed
agreement and |
determines that it is legally sufficient. |
STATE AUDITOR. (a) Not later than the 10th day after
the date of |
qualifying or shortlisting private entities to submit
detailed |
proposals for a toll project, a toll project entity
shall provide |
the Legislative Budget Board with the names of
qualifying or |
shortlisted proposers and their team members. |
(b) At least 30 days before entering into a
comprehensive |
development agreement, a toll project entity shall
provide the |
Legislative Budget Board with: |
(1) a copy of the version of the
proposed |
comprehensive development agreement to be executed; |
(2) a copy of the proposal submitted by
the apparent |
best value proposer; and |
(3) a financial forecast prepared by
the toll project |
entity that includes: |
(A) toll revenue the entity
projects will be |
derived from the project during the planned term of
the agreement; |
(B) estimated construction costs
and operating |
expenses; and |
(C) the amount of income the
entity projects the |
private participant in the agreement will realize
during the |
planned term of the agreement. |
(c) Before entering into a comprehensive
development |
agreement, a toll project entity shall provide the
state auditor |
with the traffic and revenue report prepared by the
toll project |
entity or its consultant for the project. The entity
may not enter |
into the comprehensive development agreement before
the 30th day |
after the date that the state auditor receives the
report so that |
the state auditor may review and comment on the
report and the |
methodology used to develop the report. |
(d) Before the comprehensive development
agreement is |
entered into, financial forecasts and traffic and
revenue reports |
prepared by or for a toll project entity for the
project are |
confidential and are not subject to disclosure,
inspection, or |
copying under Chapter 552, Government Code. On or
after the date |
the comprehensive development agreement is entered
into, the |
financial forecasts and traffic revenue reports are
public |
information under Chapter 552, Government Code. |
[Sections 371.053-371.100 reserved for expansion] |
(a) A toll |
project entity having rulemaking authority by rule
and a toll |
project entity without rulemaking authority by
official action |
shall develop a formula for making termination
payments to |
terminate a comprehensive development agreement under
which a |
private participant receives the right to operate and
collect |
revenue from a toll project. A formula must calculate
an estimated |
amount of loss to the private participant as a result
of the |
termination for convenience. |
(b) The formula shall be based on
investments, |
expenditures, and the internal rate of return on
equity under the |
agreed base case financial model as projected over
the original |
term of the agreement, plus an agreed percentage
markup on that |
amount. |
(c) A formula under Subsection (b) may not
include any |
estimate of future revenue from the project, if not
included in an |
agreed base case financial model under Subsection
(b). |
Compensation to the private participant upon
termination for |
convenience may not exceed the amount determined
using the formula |
under Subsection (b). |
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS. If a toll project entity
elects to |
terminate a comprehensive development agreement under
which a |
private participant receives the right to operate and
collect |
revenue from a project, the entity may: |
(1) if authorized to issue bonds for
that purpose, |
issue bonds to: |
(A) make any applicable
termination payments to |
the private participant; or |
(B) purchase the interest of the
private |
participant in the comprehensive development
agreement or related |
property; or |
(2) provide for the payment of
obligations of the |
private participant incurred pursuant to the
comprehensive |
development agreement. |
comprehensive |
development agreement may not contain a provision
that limits or |
prohibits the construction, reconstruction,
expansion, |
rehabilitation, operation, or maintenance of a
highway or other |
transportation project, as that term is defined by
Section 370.003, |
by the toll project entity or other governmental
entity, or by a |
private entity under a contract with the toll project
entity or |
other governmental entity. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), a
comprehensive |
development agreement may contain a provision
authorizing the toll |
project entity to compensate the private participant
in the |
agreement for the loss of toll revenues attributable
to the |
construction by the entity of a limited access
highway project |
located within an area that extends up to four miles
from either |
side of the centerline of the project developed under
the |
agreement, less the private participant's decreased
operating and |
maintenance costs attributable to the highway
project, if any. |
(c) A comprehensive development agreement may
not require |
the toll project entity to provide compensation for
the |
construction of: |
(1) a highway project contained in the
state |
transportation plan or a transportation plan of a
metropolitan |
planning organization in effect on the effective date
of the |
agreement; |
(2) work on or improvements to a
highway project |
necessary for improved safety, or for maintenance or
operational |
purposes; |
(3) a high occupancy vehicle exclusive
lane addition |
or other work on any highway project that is required
by an |
environmental regulatory agency; or |
(4) a transportation project that
provides a mode of |
transportation that is not included in the project
that is the |
subject of the comprehensive development agreement. |
(d) The private participant has the burden of
proving any |
loss of toll revenue resulting from the construction
of a highway |
project described by Subsection (b). |
(e) A comprehensive development agreement
that contains a |
provision described by Subsection (b) must require
the private |
participant to provide compensation to the toll
project entity in |
the amount of any increase in toll revenues received
by the private |
participant that is attributable to the construction
of a highway |
project described by Subsection (b), less the private
participant's |
increased operation and maintenance costs
attributable to the |
highway project, if any. |
[Sections 371.104-371.150 reserved for expansion] |
(a) Before a toll project entity enters into a
contract for the |
construction of a toll project, the entity shall
publish in the |
manner provided by Section 371.152 information
regarding: |
(1) project financing, including: |
(A) the total amount of debt that
has been and |
will be assumed to acquire, design, construct,
operate, and |
maintain the toll project; |
(B) a description of how the debt
will be repaid, |
including a projected timeline for repaying the debt;
and |
(C) the projected amount of
interest that will be |
paid on the debt; |
(2) whether the toll project will
continue to be |
tolled after the debt has been repaid; |
(3) a description of the method that
will be used to |
set toll rates; |
(4) a description of any terms in the
contract |
relating to competing facilities, including any
penalties |
associated with the construction of a competing
facility; |
(5) a description of any terms in the
contract |
relating to a termination for convenience provision,
including any |
information regarding how the value of the project
will be |
calculated for the purposes of making termination
payments; |
(6) the initial toll rates, the
methodology for |
increasing toll rates, and the projected toll rates
at the end of |
the term of the contract; and |
(7) the projected total amount of
concession payments. |
(b) A toll project entity may not enter into
a contract for |
the construction of a toll project before the 30th
day after the |
date the information is first published under Section
371.152. |
(a) Information |
under Section 371.151 must be published in a
newspaper published in |
the county in which the toll project is to be
constructed once a |
week for at least two weeks before the time set for
entering into |
the contract and in two other newspapers that the
toll project |
entity may designate. |
(b) Instead of the notice required by
Subsection (a), if the |
toll project entity estimates that the contract
involves an amount |
less than $300,000, the information may be published
in two |
successive issues of a newspaper published in the
county in which |
the project is to be constructed. |
(c) If a newspaper is not published in the
county in which |
the toll project is to be constructed, notice shall
be published in |
a newspaper published in the county: |
(1) nearest the county seat of the
county in which the |
improvement is to be made; and |
(2) in which a newspaper is published. |
Sec. 371.153. HEARING. (a) A toll project
entity shall |
hold a public hearing on the information published
under Section |
371.152 not later than the 10th day after the date
the information |
is first published and not less than 10 days before
the entity |
enters into the contract. |
(b) A hearing under this section must be held
in the county |
seat of the county in which the toll project is
located. |
(c) A hearing under this section must include
a formal |
presentation and a mechanism for responding to
comments and |
questions. |
SECTION 12.01. Subchapter D, Chapter 472,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Section 472.034 to read as
follows: |
Sec. 472.034. ETHICS POLICY. Each policy
board shall adopt |
bylaws establishing an ethics policy to prevent a
policy board |
member from having a conflict of interest in business
before the |
metropolitan planning organization. |
SECTION 13.01. Subchapter B, Chapter 228,
Transportation |
Code, is amended by adding Section 228.059 to read as
follows: |
ENTITY; OFFENSE. An entity operating a toll lane
pursuant to |
Section 228.007(b) has, with regard to toll
collection and |
enforcement for that toll lane, the same powers and
duties as the |
department under this chapter. A person who fails to
pay a toll or |
administrative fee imposed by the entity commits an
offense. Each |
failure to pay a toll or administrative fee imposed
by the entity is |
a separate offense. An offense under this section is
a misdemeanor |
punishable by a fine not to exceed $250, and the
provisions of |
Section 228.056 apply to the prosecution of the
offense under this |
section. The entity may use revenues for
improvement, extension, |
expansion, or maintenance of the toll lane. |
SECTION 14.01. Subsections (b) and (d), Section
222.003, |
Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The aggregate principal amount of the bonds
and other |
public securities that are issued may not exceed $6 [$3]
billion. |
The commission may only issue bonds or other public
securities in an |
aggregate principal amount of not more than $1.5 [$1]
billion each |
year. |
(d) Of the aggregate principal amount of bonds
and other |
public securities that may be issued under this section,
the |
commission shall issue bonds or other public securities
in an |
aggregate principal amount of $1.2 billion [$600
million] to fund |
projects that reduce accidents or correct or improve
hazardous |
locations on the state highway system. The commission by
rule shall |
prescribe criteria for selecting projects eligible for
funding |
under this section. In establishing criteria for the
projects, the |
commission shall consider accident data, traffic volume,
pavement |
geometry, and other conditions that can create or
exacerbate |
hazardous roadway conditions. |
SECTION 15.01. This Act takes effect immediately
if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected
to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas
Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for
immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2007. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 792 passed the
Senate on |
May 14, 2007, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0;
May 18, 2007, Senate refused to concur in House
amendments and |
requested appointment of Conference Committee;
May 22, 2007, House |
granted request of the Senate; May 25, 2007, Senate
adopted |
Conference Committee Report by the following
vote: Yeas 29, |
Nays 1. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
I hereby certify that S.B. No. 792 passed the
House, with |
amendments, on May 17, 2007, by the following
vote: Yeas 143, |
Nays 2, one present not voting; May 22, 2007, House
granted request |
of the Senate for appointment of Conference Committee;
May 26, 2007, House adopted Conference Committee Report
by the |
following vote: Yeas 127, Nays 19, two present not
voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
Approved: |
______________________________ |
Date |
______________________________ |
Governor |