was first to report a pair of letters being sent from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
to TxDOT in an outright attempt to thwart passage of HB1892 and other
Texas legislation.
The threat
sent by FHWA, through TxDOT, contained far more pro private CDA rhetoric
than legal substance.
CorridorWatch was offended by the overt attempt of a federal agency to exercise
influence over a state legislative process. It appears
that it is their intent to dictate state policy by interfering with
legitimate debate.
We applaud the Senator's letter to the
FHWA but cannot share her gracious position suggesting that it was not
their intent to cloud the current legislation.
Everyone should recognize that there
is no agency more driven to carry the torch for private
monopolization of our state and federal highway infrastructure than
the FHWA.