Urgent Notice to CorridorWatch.org
Members and Others Challenging the Wisdom of the TTC:
It is
important that anyone and everyone who has a concern or issue with
toll roads, public private partnerships, and especially the Trans
Texas Corridor attend this public hearing and if possible offer
testimony to the Senate Committee.
This means you.
This hearing represents the very
first time that our state government has asked for input on the
Trans Texas Corridor with the express purpose of listening to you.
Please do not squander
this opportunity & privilege.
CorridorWatch.org calls on all
members to attend this public hearing. CorridorWatch leadership
will arrive at the auditorium by 8:00am.
While we invite you sign-up to speak,
it is not necessary that you speak. Your presence with a Corridor
Watch lapel sticker (available for you that morning) will
demonstrate our strength and mutual concern.
We need your support.
Thousands and thousands of
our members have asked the question,
"what can we do?"
Thursday, March 1st the answer to
that question is attend this public hearing.
It may be the single most
important thing that you can do this year.
We know that the hearing is on a
workday. We know that you have other personal and business
responsibilities. We know that not everyone who shares our concerns
can attend the hearing, even if they want to.
If you cannot attend the
hearing please do three things for us:
Call your Senator and ask that he or she attend this hearing.
Tell your Senator's office that you will be unable to attend the
hearing yourself and that you would like to leave your name and
share with them your concern about tolls, privatization and the TTC.
the phone number here)
Fax a personal letter from
yourself to Chairman Corona at 512.463.2840 expressing your
concerns about tolls, privatization and/or the TTC; if you do not
have access to a fax machine mail your letter as soon as possible
to: Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee, PO Box 12068,
Austin, TX 78711-2068. Include your name, address, telephone number,
e-mail address and sign your name with this statement, "I hereby
certify that the above statements by me are true and accurate and
that the testimony I give before this body will be true and
Fax or mail a copy of your letter
to Senator Corona to your own State Senator (get
contact information here).
Thank You!
We have expended years of effort
challenging the TTC and the hard work is starting to payoff. We are
getting the attention of those who can make a real change in the
direction of the TTC. Now is not the time to let up.
Linda and I look forward to seeing
and visiting with you at the Capitol on Thursday, March 1st.
David & Linda Stall